第 29 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-25 00:56      字数:9321
  the object of his pursuit。 It had been lately whispered in the court that the
  king had seen and fallen in love with his mistress's younger sister; Susette
  d'Entragues;       whose     home     at  Malesherbes       lay   but   three   leagues     from
  Fontainebleau;         on   the    edge    of   the   forest。    This    placed     the   king's
  imprudence   in   a   stronger   light;   for   he   had   scarcely   in   France   a   more
  dangerous enemy than her brother Auvergne; nor had the immense sums
  which   he   had   settled   on   the   elder   sister   satisfied   the   mean   avarice   or
  conciliated the brutish hostility of her father。
  Apprised       of   all  this;   I  saw    that    Father    Cotton     had    desired    to
  communicate   it   to   me。   But   his   motive   I   found   it   less   easy   to   divine。   It
  might have been a wish to balk this new passion through my interference;
  and at the same time to expose me to the risk of his Majesty's anger。 Or it
  might simply have been a desire to avert danger from the king's person。 At
  any rate; constant to my rule of ever preferring my master's interest to his
  favour; I sent for Maignan; my equerry; and bade him have an equipage
  ready at dawn。
  Accordingly   at   that   hour   next   morning;   attended   only   by   La   Trape;
  with   a   groom;   a   page;   and   four   Swiss;   I   started;   giving   out   that   I   was
  bound   for   Sully   to   inspect   that   demesne;   which   had   formerly   been   the
  property of my family; and of which the refusal had just been offered to
  me。 Under cover of this destination I was enabled to reach La Ferte Alais
  unsuspected。 There; pretending that the motion of the coach fatigued me; I
  mounted   the   led   horse;   without   which   I   never   travelled;   and   bidding   La
  Trape accompany me; gave orders to the others to follow at their leisure to
  Pethiviers; where I proposed to stay the night。
  La   Ferte   Alais;   on   the   borders   of   the   forest;   is   some   five   leagues
  westward of Fontainebleau; and as far north of Malesherbes; with which
  last it is connected by a highroad。 Having disclosed my intentions to La
  Trape;   however;   I   presently   left   this   road   and   struck   into   a   path   which
  promised   to   conduct   us   in   the   right   direction。   But   the   denseness   of   the
  undergrowth;        and   the   huge    piles   of  gray    rocks   which     lie  everywhere
  strewn about the forest; made it difficult to keep for any time in a straight
  line。 After being two hours in the saddle we concluded that we had lost our
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  way; and were confirmed in this on reaching a clearing; and seeing before
  us a small inn; which La Trape recognised as standing about a league and
  a half on the forest side of Malesherbes。
  We still had ample time to reach Fontainebleau by nightfall; but before
  proceeding   it   was   absolutely  necessary  that   our  horses   should have   rest。
  Dismounting;        therefore;    I  bade   La   Trape    see   the   sorrel  well    baited。
  Observing that the inn was a poor place; and no one coming to wait upon
  me; I entered it of my own motion; and found myself at once in a large
  room   better   furnished   with   company   than   accommodation。   Three   men;
  who     had    the  appearance      of  such    reckless    swaggering      blades    as  are
  generally  to be   found   drinking   in   the inns   on the  outskirts   of   Paris;   and
  who come not unfrequently to their ends at Montfaucon; were tippling and
  playing   cards   at   a   table   near   the   door。   They   looked   up   sullenly   at   my
  entrance; but refrained from saluting me; which; as I was plainly dressed
  and much stained by travel; was in some degree pardonable。 By the fire;
  partaking of a coarse meal; was a fourth man of so singular an appearance
  that   I  must   needs    describe    him。   He   was    of  great   height   and   extreme
  leanness。 His face matched his form; for it was long and thin; terminating
  in a small peaked beard which; like his hair and mustachios; was as white
  as snow。 With all this; his eyes glowed with much of the fire of youth; and
  his   brown   complexion   and   sinewy   hands   seemed   still   to   indicate   robust
  health。 He was dressed in garments which had once been fashionable; but
  now bore marks of long and rough usage; and I remarked that the point of
  his sword; which; as he sat; trailed on the stones behind him; had worn its
  way   through   the   scabbard。   Notwithstanding   these   signs   of   poverty;   he
  saluted me with the ease and politeness of a gentleman; and bade me with
  much courtesy to share his table and the fire。 Accordingly I drew up; and
  called   for   a   bottle   of   the   best   wine;  being   minded   to   divert   myself   with
  I was little prepared; however; for the turn his conversation took; and
  the   furious    tirade  into   which    he  presently   broke;     the  object   of  which
  proved to be no other than myself! I do not know that I have ever cut so
  whimsical a figure as while hearing my name loaded with reproaches; but;
  being certain that he did not know me; I waited patiently; and soon learned
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  both who he was; and the grievance which he was on his way to lay before
  the king。 His name was Boisrose; and he had been the leader in that gallant
  capture   of   Fecamp;   which   took   place   while   I   was   in   Normandy   as   the
  king's representative。 His grievance was that; notwithstanding promises in
  my letters; he had been deprived of the government of the place。
  〃He   leads   the   king   by   the   ear!〃   he   declaimed   loudly;   in   an   accent
  which marked him for a Gascon。 〃That villain of a De Rosny! But I will
  show him up! I will trounce him!〃 With that he drew the hilt of his long
  rapier to the front with a gesture so truculent that the three bullies; who
  had stopped to laugh at him; resumed their game in disorder。
  Notwithstanding his hatred for me; I was pleased to meet with a man
  of so singular a temper; whom I also knew to be truly courageous; and I
  was willing to amuse myself further with him。 〃But;〃 I said; modestly; 〃I
  have had some affairs with M。 de Rosny; and I have never found him cheat
  〃Do   not   deceive   yourself!〃   he   roared;   slapping   the   table。   〃He   is   a
  〃Yet;〃 I ventured to reply; 〃I have heard that in many respects he is not
  a bad minister。〃
  〃He is a villain!〃 he repeated; so loudly as to drown what I would have
  added。 〃Do not tell me otherwise。 But rest assured! be happy; sir! I will
  make the king see him in his true colours! Rest content; sir! I will trounce
  him! He has to do with Armand de Boisrose!〃
  Seeing that he was not open to argument;for; indeed; being opposed;
  he grew exceedingly warm;I asked him by what channel he intended to
  approach the king; and learned that here he felt a difficulty; since he had
  neither a friend at court nor money to buy one。 Being assured that he was
  an honest fellow; and knowing that the narrative of our rencontre and its
  sequel   would   vastly  amuse   his   Majesty;   who   loved   a   jest   of   this   kind;   I
  advised Boisrose to go boldly to the king; which; thanking me as profusely
  as   he   had   before   reproached   me;   he   agreed   to   do。   With   that   I   rose   to
  At the last moment it occurred to me to try upon him the shibboleth
  which in Father Cotton's mouth had so mystified me。
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  〃This   fire   burns   brightly;〃   I   said;   kicking   the   logs   together   with   my
  riding…boot。 〃It must be of boxwood。〃
  〃Of what; sir?〃 quoth he; politely。
  〃Of boxwood; to be sure;〃 I replied; in a louder tone。
  〃My      certes!〃    he  exclaimed。      〃They     do   not   burn    boxwood       in  this
  country。 Those are larch trimmingsneither more nor less!〃
  While he wondered at my ignorance; I was pleased to discover his; and
  so    far  I  had   lost  my    pains。    But   it  did  not   escape    me    that  the   three
  gamesters       had    ceased     to   play    and    were     listening    intently    to   our
  conversation。   Moreover;   as   I   moved   to   the   door;   they  followed   me   with
  their eyes; and when I  turned; after riding a  hundred yards; I found  that
  they had come to the door and were still gazing after us。
  This prevented me at once remarking