第 5 节
作者:悟来悟去      更新:2021-02-25 00:56      字数:9321
  a rogue as there is between here and Jerusalem。 He turned up his toes like
  a lamb。 But it was a nasty thing to look at。 I dare say you've seen   dead
  men in your time; my lord?〃 he added; glancing at the armour。
  〃Many;〃 said the old man。 〃I have followed the wars; as you imagine。〃
  Villon laid down his knife and fork; which he had just taken up again。
  〃Were any of them bald?〃 he asked。
  〃Oh yes; and with hair as white as mine。〃
  〃I don't think I should mind the white so much;〃 said Villon。 〃His was
  red。〃   And   he   had   a   return   of   his   shuddering   and   tendency   to   laughter;
  which he drowned with a great draught of wine。 〃I'm a little put out when I
  think of it;〃 he went on。 〃I knew himdamn him! And then the cold gives
  a man fanciesor the fancies give a man cold; I don't know which。〃
  〃Have you any money?〃 asked the old man。
  〃I have one white;〃 returned the poet; laughing。 〃I got it out of a dead
  jade's stocking in a porch。 She was as dead as Caesar; poor wench; and as
  cold   as   a   church;  with   bits   of   ribbon   sticking   in   her   hair。 This   is   a   hard
  winter for wolves and wenches and poor rogues like me。〃
  〃I;〃   said   the   old   man;   〃am   Enguerrand   de   la   Feuillee;   seigneur   de
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  Brisetout; bailie du Patatrac。 Who and what may you be?〃
  Villon     rose   and   made     a  suitable    reverence。     〃I  am    called   Francis
  Villon;〃 he   said;  〃a   poor   Master   of Arts   of this   university。  I   know   some
  Latin; and a deal of vice。 I can make Chansons; ballades; lais; virelais; and
  roundels; and I am very fond of wine。 I was born in a garret; and I shall
  not improbably die upon the gallows。 I may add; my lord; that from this
  night forward I am your lordship's very obsequious servant to command。〃
  〃No servant of mine;〃 said the knight。 〃My guest for this evening; and
  no more。〃
  〃A  very   grateful   guest;〃   said   Villon;   politely;   and   he   drank   in   dumb
  show to his entertainer。
  〃You   are   shrewd;〃   began   the   old   man;   tapping   his   forehead;   〃very
  shrewd; you have learning; you are a clerk; and yet you take a small piece
  of money off a dead woman in the street。 Is it not a kind of theft?〃
  〃It is a kind of theft much practised in the wars; my lord。〃
  〃The   wars   are   the   field   of   honour;〃   returned   the   old   man;   proudly。
  〃There a man plays his life upon the cast; he fights in the name of his lord
  the king; his Lord God; and all their lordships the holy saints and angels。〃
  〃Put it;〃 said Villon; 〃that I were really a thief; should I not play my
  life also; and against heavier odds?〃
  〃For gain; but not for honour。〃
  〃Gain?〃 repeated Villon; with a shrug。 〃Gain! The poor fellow wants
  supper; and takes it。 So does the soldier in a campaign。 Why; what are all
  these   requisitions   we   hear   so   much   about?   If   they   are   not   gain   to   those
  who take them; they are loss enough to the others。 The men…at… arms drink
  by   a   good   fire;   while   the   burgher   bites   his   nails   to   buy   them   wine   and
  wood。 I have seen a good many ploughmen swinging on trees about the
  country;   ay;   I   have   seen   thirty   on   one   elm;   and   a   very   poor   figure   they
  made; and when I asked some one how all these came to be hanged; I was
  told   it   was   because   they   could   not   scrape   together   enough        crowns   to
  satisfy the men…at…arms。〃
  〃These things are a necessity of war; which the low…born must endure
  with   constancy。   It   is   true   that   some   captains   drive   overhard;   there   are
  spirits   in   every  rank   not   easily   moved   by  pity;   and   indeed   many   follow
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  arms who are no better than brigands。〃
  〃You   see;〃   said   the   poet;   〃you   cannot   separate   the   soldier   from   the
  brigand;   and   what   is   a   thief   but   an   isolated   brigand   with   circumspect
  manners? I steal a couple of mutton…chops; without so much as disturbing
  people's     sleep;    the   farmer     grumbles      a  bit;   but   sups    none    the   less
  wholesomely   on   what   remains。   You   come   up   blowing   gloriously   on   a
  trumpet; take away the whole sheep; and beat the farmer pitifully into the
  bargain。 I have no trumpet; I am only Tom; Dick; or Harry; I am a rogue
  and a dog; and hanging's too good for mewith all my heart; but just ask
  the farmer which of us he prefers; just find out which of us he lies awake
  to curse on cold nights。〃
  〃Look at us two;〃 said his lordship。 〃I am old; strong; and honoured。 If
  I   were   turned   from   my   house   to…morrow;   hundreds   would   be   proud   to
  shelter me。 Poor people would go out and pass the night in the streets with
  their children; if I merely hinted that I wished to be alone。 And I find you
  up;   wandering   homeless;   and   picking   farthings   off   dead   women   by   the
  wayside!   I   fear   no   man   and   nothing;   I   have   seen   you   tremble   and   lose
  countenance   at   a   word。   I   wait   God's   summons   contentedly   in   my   own
  house; or; if it please the king to call me out again; upon the field of battle。
  You look for the gallows; a rough; swift death; without hope or honour。 Is
  there no difference between these two?〃
  〃As   far   as   to   the   moon;〃 Villon   acquiesced。   〃But   if   I   had   been   born
  lord of   Brisetout; and   you had been the   poor scholar   Francis; would the
  difference have   been   any  the less?   Should not   I have   been   warming   my
  knees   at   this   charcoal   pan;   and   would   not   you   have   been   groping   for
  farthings   in   the   snow?   Should   not   I   have   been   the   soldier;   and   you   the
  〃A thief?〃 cried the old man。 〃I a thief! If you understood your words;
  you would repent them。〃
  Villon turned out his hands with a gesture of inimitable impudence。 〃If
  your lordship had done me the honour to follow my argument!〃 he said。
  〃I do you too much honour in submitting to your presence;〃 said the
  knight。     〃Learn     to  curb    your    tongue    when     you    speak    with    old   and
  honourable men; or some one hastier than I may reprove you in a sharper
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  fashion。〃 And he rose and paced the lower end of the apartment; struggling
  with anger and antipathy。 Villon surreptitiously refilled his cup; and settled
  himself more comfortably in the chair; crossing his knees and leaning his
  head upon one hand and the elbow against the back of the chair。 He was
  now   replete   and   warm;   and   he   was   in   no   wise   frightened   for   his   host;
  having gauged him as justly as was possible between two such different
  characters。 The night was far spent; and in a very comfortable fashion after
  all; and he felt morally certain of a safe departure on the morrow。
  〃Tell me one thing;〃 said the old man; pausing in his walk。 〃Are you
  really a thief?〃
  〃I claim the sacred rights of hospitality;〃 returned the poet。 〃My lord; I
  〃You are very young;〃 the knight continued。
  〃I should never have been so old;〃 replied Villon; showing his fingers;
  〃if   I   had   not   helped   myself   with   these   ten   talents。   They   have   been   my
  nursing mothers and my nursing fathers。〃
  〃You may still repent and change。〃
  〃I   repent   daily;〃   said   the  poet。   〃There   are   few   people   more   given   to
  repentance   than   poor   Francis。   As   for   change;   let   somebody   change   my
  circumstances。 A  man   must   continue   to   eat;  if   it   were   only   that   he   may
  continue to repent。〃
  〃The change must begin in the heart;〃 returned the old man; solemnly。
  〃My dear lord;〃 answered Villon; 〃do you really fancy that I steal for
  pleasure? I hate   stealing;  like   any  other piece   of   work or of   danger。 My
  teeth chatter when I see a gallows。 But I must eat; I must drink; I must mix
  in society of some sort。 What the devil! Man is not a solitary animal/cui
  Deus   foeminam   tradit/。   Make   me   king's   pantler;   make   me   Abbot   of   St。
  Denis; make me bailie of the Patatrac; and then I shall be changed indeed。
  But   as   long   as   you   leave   me   the   poor   scholar   Francis   Villon;   without   a
  farthing; why; of course; I remain the same。〃
  〃The grace of God is all powerful。〃
  〃I should be