第 15 节
作者:中国长城网      更新:2021-02-24 23:05      字数:9322
  innocent。  I am the son of Hugues Destrem。〃〃Your father; sir; is
  gravely compromised by his connection with incorrigible revolutionists;
  but I will consider your application。  Monsieur Destrem is happy in
  having so devoted a son。〃  The Emperor added a few consoling words; and
  the young man retired with the certainty that his father would be
  pardoned; but unfortunately this pardon which was granted by the Emperor
  came too late; and Hugues Destrem; who had been transported to the Island
  of Oleron after the attempt of the 3d Nivose;'The affair of the
  infernal machine in the Rue Sainte Nicaise'in which he had taken no
  part; died in his exile before he had even learned that the solicitations
  of his son had met with such complete success。
  On our return from the glorious campaign of Austerlitz; the commune of
  Saint…Cloud; so favored by the sojourn of the court; had decided that it
  would distinguish itself on this occasion; and take the opportunity of
  manifesting its great affection for the Emperor。
  The mayor of Saint…Cloud was Monsieur Barre; a well informed man; with a
  very kind heart。  Napoleon esteemed him highly; and took much pleasure in
  his conversation; and he was sincerely regretted by his subordinates when
  death removed him。
  M。 Barre had erected an arch of triumph; of simple but noble design; in
  excellent taste; at the foot of the avenue leading to the palace; which
  was adorned with the following inscription:
  The evening on which the Emperor was expected; the mayor and his
  associates; armed with the necessary harangue; passed a part of the night
  at the foot of the monument。  M。 Barre; who was old and feeble; then
  retired; after having placed as sentinel one of his associates; whose
  duty it was to inform him of the arrival of the first courier; and a
  ladder was placed across the entrance of the arch of triumph; so that no
  one might pass under it before his Majesty。  Unfortunately; the municipal
  argus went to sleep; and the Emperor arrived in the early morning; and
  passed by the side of the arch of triumph; much amused at the obstacle
  which prevented his enjoying the distinguished honor which the good
  inhabitants of Saint…Cloud had prepared for him。
  On the day succeeding this event; a little drawing was circulated in the
  palace representing the authorities asleep near the monument; a prominent
  place being accorded the ladder; which barred the passage; and underneath
  was written the arch barre; alluding to the name of the mayor。  As for
  the inscription; they had travestied it in this manner:
  Their Majesties were much amused by this episode。
  While the court was at Saint…Cloud; the Emperor; who had worked very late
  one evening with Monsieur de Talleyrand; invited the latter to sleep at
  the chateau; but the prince; who preferred returning to Paris; refused;
  giving as an excuse that the beds had a very disagreeable odor。  There
  was no truth whatever in this statement; for there was; as may be
  believed; the greatest care taken of the furniture; even in the store…
  rooms of the different imperial palaces; and the reason assigned by M。 de
  Talleyrand being given at random; he could just as well have given any
  other; but; nevertheless; the remark struck the Emperor's attention; and
  that evening on entering his bedroom he complained that his bed had an
  unpleasant odor。  I assured him to the contrary; and told his Majesty
  that he would next day be convinced of his error; but; far from being
  persuaded; the Emperor; when he rose next morning; repeated the assertion
  that his bed had a very disagreeable odor; and that it was absolutely
  necessary to change it。  M。 Charvet; concierge of the palace; was at once
  summoned; his Majesty complained of his bed; and ordered another to be
  M。 Desmasis; keeper of the furniture…room; was also called; who examined
  mattress; feather…beds; and covering; turned and returned them in every
  direction; other persons did the same; and each was convinced that there
  was no odor about his Majesty's bed。  In spite of so many witnesses to
  the contrary; the Emperor; not because he made it a point of honor not to
  have what he had asserted proved false; but merely from a caprice to
  which he was very subject; persisted in his first idea; and required his
  bed to be changed。  Seeing that it was necessary to obey; I sent this bed
  to the Tuileries; and had the one which was there brought to the chateau
  of Saint…Cloud。  The Emperor was now satisfied; and; on his return to the
  Tuileries; did not notice the exchange; and thought his bed in that
  chateau very good; and the most amusing part of all was that the ladies
  of the palace; having learned that the Emperor had complained of his bed;
  all found an unbearable odor in theirs; and insisted that everything must
  be overhauled; which created a small revolution。  The caprices of
  sovereigns are sometimes epidemic。
  His Majesty was accustomed to say that one could always tell an honorable
  man by his conduct to his wife; his children; and his servants; and I
  hope it will appear from these memoirs that the Emperor conducted himself
  as an honorable man; according to his own definition。  He said; moreover;
  that immorality was the most dangerous vice of a sovereign; because of
  the evil example it set to his subjects。  What he meant by immorality was
  doubtless a scandalous publicity given to liaisons which might otherwise
  have remained secret; for; as regards these liaisons themselves; he
  withstood women no more than any other man when they threw themselves at
  his head。  Perhaps another man; surrounded by seductions; attacks; and
  advances of all kinds; would have resisted these temptations still less。
  Nevertheless; please God; I do not propose to defend his Majesty in this
  respect。  I will even admit; if you wish; that his conduct did not offer
  an example in the most perfect accord with the morality of his
  discourses; but it must be admitted also that it was somewhat to the
  credit of a sovereign that he concealed; with the most scrupulous care;
  his frailties from the public; lest they should be a subject of scandal;
  or; what is worse; of imitation; and from his wife; to whom it would have
  been a source of the deepest grief。
  On this delicate subject I recall two or three occurrences which took
  place; I think; about the period which my narrative has now reached。
  The Empress Josephine was jealous; and; notwithstanding the prudence
  which the Emperor exercised in his secret liaisons; could not remain in
  entire ignorance of what was passing。
  The Emperor had known at Genoa Madame Gazani; the daughter of an Italian
  dancer; whom he continued to receive at Paris; and one day; having an
  appointment with her in his private apartments; ordered me to remain in
  his room; and to reply to whoever asked for him; even if it was her
  Majesty the Empress herself; that he was engaged in his cabinet with a
  The place of the interview was the apartment formerly occupied by
  Bourrienne; communicating by a staircase which opened on his Majesty's
  bedroom。  This room had been arranged and decorated very plainly; and had
  a second exit on the staircase called the black staircase; because it was
  dark and badly lighted; and it was through this that Madame Gazani
  entered; while the Emperor came in by the other door。  They had been
  together only a few moments when the Empress entered the Emperor's room;
  and asked me what her husband was doing。  〃Madame; the Emperor is very
  busy just now; he is working in his cabinet with a minister。〃〃Constant;
  I wish to enter。〃〃That is impossible; Madame。  I have received a formal
  order not to disturb his Majesty; not even for her Majesty the Empress;〃
  whereupon she went away dissatisfied and somewhat irritated; and at the
  end of half an hour returned; and; renewing her demand; I was obliged to
  repeat my reply; and; though much distressed in witnessing the chagrin of
  her Majesty the Empress; I could not disobey my orders。  That evening on
  retiring the Emperor said to me; in a very severe tone; that the Empress
  had informed him she had learned from me; that; at the time she came to
  question me in regard to him; he was closeted with a lady。  Not at all
  disturbed; I replied to the Emperor; that of course he could not believe
  that。  〃No;〃 replied the Emperor; returning to the friendly tone with
  which he habitually honored me; 〃I know you well enough to be assured of
  your discretion; but woe to the idiots who are gossiping; if I can get
  hold of them。〃  The next night the Empress entered; as the Emperor was
  retiring; and his Majesty said to her in my presence; 〃It is very bad to
  impute falsehood to poor Monsieur Constant; he is not the man to make up
  such a tale as that you told me。〃  The Empress; seated on the edge of the
  bed; began to laugh; and put her pretty little hand over her husband's
  mouth; and; as it was a matter concerning myself; I withdrew。  For a few
  days the Empress was cool and distant to me; bu