第 39 节
作者:敏儿不觉      更新:2021-02-24 22:58      字数:9322
  this in the illness of her  mother。          The explanation of everything was   in
  repeated dosing of an arsenical substance。
  The witness had also attended Mme Roussell; of the Bout…du…Monde
  hotel。    It was remarkable that the violent sickness to which this lady was
  subject   for   twenty   days   did   not   answer   to   treatment;   but   stopped   only
  when she gave up taking food prepared for her by Helene Jegado。
  He had also looked after Perrotte Mace。              Here also he had had doubts
  of   the   nature   of   the   malady;   at   one   time   he   had   suspected   pregnancy;   a
  suspicion   for   which   there   were   good   grounds。       But   the   symptoms   that
  later   developed      were    not  consistent     with   the   first  diagnosis。    When
  Perrotte died he and M。 Revault; his confrere; thought the cause of death
  would be seen as poison in an autopsy。             But the post…mortem was rejected
  by the parents。      His feeling to…day was that Mme Roussell's paralysis was
  due to arsenical dosage; and that Perrotte had died of poisoning。                  Helene;
  speaking to him of Perrotte; had said; ‘‘She's a chest subject。               She'll never
  get   better!'' And   she   had   used   the   same   phrase;   ‘‘never   get   better;''   with
  regard to little Rabot。       M。 Morio; the pharmacist of Rennes from whom
  the violet syrup was bought; said that Helene had often complained to him
  about Mme Roussell。           During the illness of the Rabot boy she had said
  that the child was worse than anyone imagined; and that he would never
  … Page 127…
  recover。     In the matter of the violet syrup he agreed it had come back to
  him looking red。        The bottle had been put to one side; but its contents had
  been thrown away; and he had therefore been unable to experiment with it。
  He   had   found   since;   however;   that   arsenic   in   powder   form   did   not   turn
  violet   syrup   red;   though   possibly   arsenic   in   solution   with   boiling   water
  might   produce   the   effect。     The   change   seen   in   the   syrup   brought   back
  from M。 Rabot's was not to be accounted for by such fermentation as the
  mere warmth of the hand could bring about。
  Several   witnesses;   interrupted   by   denials   and   explanations   from   the
  accused; testified to having heard Helene   say that neither the Rabot boy
  nor his mother would recover。
  The evidence of M。 Roussell; of the Bout…du…Monde hotel; touched on
  the   illnesses   of   his   mother   and   Perrotte。  He   knew   nothing   of   the   food
  prepared by Helene; nor had the idea of poison occurred to him until her
  arrest。    Helene's   detestable   character;   her   quarrels   with   other   servants;
  and; above all;  the thefts of wine he had   found her   out in   were the   sole
  causes of her dismissal。          He had noticed that Helene never ate with the
  other   domestics。      She   always   found   an   excuse   for   not   doing   so。    She
  said she had stomach trouble and could not hold down her food。
  The Veuve Roussell had to be helped into court by her son。                  She dealt
  with her own illness and with the death of Perrotte。                 Her illness did not
  come on until she had scolded Helene for her bad ways。
  Dr Revault; confrere of Guyot; regretted the failure to perform a post…
  mortem on the body of Perrotte。            He had said to Roussell that if Perrotte's
  illness   was   analogous   to   cholera   it   was;   nevertheless;   not   that   disease。
  He believed it was due to a poison。
  The     President:     ‘‘Chemical       analysis   has   proved     the   presence    of
  arsenic   in   the   viscera   of   Perrotte。   Who   administered   that   arsenic;   the
  existence of which was so shrewdly foreseen by the witness?                     Who gave
  her the arsenic?       'To Helene'       Do you know?         Was it not you that gave
  it her; Helene?''
  At this Helene murmured something unintelligible; but; gathering her
  voice; she protested; ‘‘I have never had arsenic in my hands; Monsieur le
  … Page 128…
  Something   of   light   relief   was   provided   by   Jean   Andre;   the   cabinet…
  making ostler   of Saint…Gilles;  he   for whose   attention   Helene had   been   a
  rival with Perrotte Mace。
  ‘‘The service Helene gave was excellent。            So was mine。        She nursed
  Perrotte    perfectly;   but  said   it  was   in  vain;  because    the   doctors   were
  mishandling   the   disease。      She   told   me   one   day   that   she   was   tired   of
  service; and that her one wish was to retire。''
  ‘‘Did you attach a certain idea to the confidence about retiring?''
  ‘‘No!'' Andre replied energetically。
  ‘‘You were in hospital。        When you came back; did Helene take good
  care of you?''
  ‘‘She gave me bouillon every morning to build me up。''
  ‘‘The bouillon she gave you did you no harm?''
  ‘‘On the contrary; it did me a lot of good。''
  ‘‘Wasn't   the   accused   jealous   of   Perrottethat   good…looking   girl   who
  gave you so much of her favour?''
  ‘‘In her life Perrotte was a good girl。        She never was out of sorts for a
  momentnever rubbed one the wrong way。''
  ‘‘Didn't Helene say to you that Perrotte would never recover?''
  ‘‘Yes; she said that。      ‘She's a lost woman;' she said; ‘the doctors are
  going the wrong way with the disease。'
  ‘‘All   the   same;''   Andre   went   on;   ‘‘Helene   never   ate   with   us。 She
  worked night and day; but ate in secret; I believe。              Anyhow; a friend of
  mine told me he'd once seen her eating a crust of bread; and chewing some
  other sort of food at the same time。          As for meI don't know; but I don't
  think you can live without eating。''
  ‘‘I couldn't keep down what I ate;'' Helene interposed。              ‘‘I took some
  bouillon here and there; sometimes a mouthful of breadnothing in secret。
  I never thought of Andre in marriagenot him more than another。                    That
  was all a joke。''
  A number of witnesses; friends of Perrotte; who had seen her during
  her illness; spoke of the extreme dislike the girl had shown for Helene and
  for the liquids the latter prepared for her。         Perrotte would say to Helene;
  ‘‘But you're dirty; you ugly Bretonne!''          Perrotte had a horror of bouillon:
  … Page 129…
  ‘‘Ahthese   vegetable   soups!        I've   had   enough   of   them!    It   was   what
  Helene   gave   me   that   night   that   made   me   ill!''  The   witnesses   did   not
  understand   all   this;   because   the   accused   seemed   to   be   very   good   to   her
  fellow…servant。       At the bedside Helene cried; ‘‘Ah!            What can I do that
  will save you; my poor Perrotte?''           When Perrotte was dying she wanted
  to   ask   Helene's   pardon。    Embracing   the   dying   girl;   the   accused   replied;
  ‘‘Ah! There's no need for that; my poor Perrotte。              I know you didn't mean
  A witness telling of soup Helene had made for Perrotte; which the girl
  declared     to  have    been   poisoned;     it  was  asked    what    happened     to  the
  remainder of it。       The President passed the question to Helene; who said
  she had thrown it into the hearth。
  % IV
  The most complete and important testimony in the trial was given by
  M。 Theophile Bidard; professor to the law faculty of Rennes。
  The facts he had to bring forward; he said; had taken no significance in
  his mind until the last of them transpired。           He would have to go back into
  the past to trace them in their proper order。
  He recalled the admission of Helene to his domestic staff and the good
  recommendations on   which he   had   engaged her。              From  the   first   Helene
  proved herself to have plenty of intelligence; and he had believed that her
  intelligence was combined with goodness of heart。                 This was because he
  had heard that by her work she was supporting two small children; as well
  as her poor old mother; who had no other means of sustenance。
  (The   reader   will   recollect   that   Helene   was   orphaned   at   the   age   of
  Nevertheless; said   M。  Bidard;   Helene   was   not   long   in   his   household
  before her companion; Rose Tessier; began to suffer in plenty from the real
  character of He