第 12 节
作者:孤独半圆      更新:2021-02-24 22:24      字数:9322
  condition;   for   I   despised   the   man   himself;   but   the   condition   made   me
  furious and I drove him from my sight with words that turned him white
  and made him my enemy forever。                'You will not be my countess; then;' he
  said。    'Very   wellbut   I     can   promise     you   that  you    will   cease   to  be   a
  suffragist。' I can still see the evil flash of his eye behind his monocle as he
  uttered these words and turned away。〃
  Lady Agatha shuddered at the recollection; and took a cup of tea。
  〃It   was   then;〃   she   resumed;  〃that   the   real   persecution   began。      I   was
  peculiarly helpless; as I have no near relations who might have come to
  my defense。        Representing himself always as the agent of his father; but
  far   exceeding   the   Earl   in   the   malevolence   of   his   inventions;   Reginald
  Maltravers sought by every  means he   could command   to drive   me   from
  public life in England。
  〃Three times he succeeded in having me flung into Holloway Jail。                          I
  need   not   tell   you   of   the   terrors   of   that   institution;   nor   of   the   degrading
  horrors      of   forcible    feeding。      They      are   known      to   a  shocked      and
  sympathetic   world。        But   Reginald   Maltravers   contrived;   in   my   case;   to
  add to the usual brutalities a peculiar and personal touch。                 By bribery; as I
  believe; he succeeded in getting himself into the prison as a turnkey。                        It
  was     his  custom;     when    I  lay   weak    and    helpless    in  the  semistupor      of
  starvation; to glide into my cell and; standing by my couch; to recite to me
  the   list   of   tempting   viands   that   might   appear   daily   upon   the   board   of   a
  Countess of Claiborne。
  〃He soon learned that his very presence itself was a persecution。
  After    my    release    from    jail  the  last  time;    he  began     to  follow    me
  everywhere。        Turn   where   I   would; there   was   Reginald   Maltravers。            At
  suffrage meetings he took his station directly  before the speaker's stand;
  stroked his long blond mustache with his long white fingers; and stared at
  me   steadfastly   through   his   monocle;   with   an   evil   smile   upon   his   face。
  Formerly       he   had;   in  several    instances;     prevented     me    from    attending
  … Page 46…
  suffrage   meetings;   once   he   had   me   spirited   away   and   imprisoned   for   a
  week when it fell to my lot to burn a railroad station for the good of the
  cause。     He strove to ruin me with my leaders in this despicable manner。
  〃But   in   the   end   he   took   to   showing   himself;   he   stood   and   stared。
  Merely   that。     He   was   subtle   enough   to   shift   the   persecution   from   the
  province   of   the   physical   to   the   realm   of   the   psychological。   It   was   like
  being haunted。        Even when I did not see him; I began to THINK that I
  saw him。       He deliberately planted that hallucination in my mind。 It is a
  wonder that I did not go mad。
  〃I finally determined to flee to America。            I made all my arrangements
  with   care   andas   I   thoughtwith   secrecy。     I   imagined   that   I   had   given
  him the slip。      But he was too clever for me。           The third day out; as one of
  the ship's officers was showing me about the vessel; I detected Reginald
  Maltravers in the hold。        It is not usual to allow women so far below decks;
  but    I  had   insisted   on   seeing    everything。      Perspiring;     begrimed;      and
  mopping the moisture from his brow with a piece of cotton waste; there he
  stood in the guise of aofa croaker; is it; Mr。 Cleggett?〃
  〃Stoker; I believe;〃 said Cleggett。
  〃Stoker。     Thank you。       He turned away in confusion when he saw that
  he was discovered。         I perceived that; designing to cross on the same ship
  with   me;   he   had   thought   himself   hidden   there。   He   was   not   wearing   his
  monocle;   but   I   would   know   that   sloping   forehead;   that   blond   mustache;
  and that long; high; bony nose anywhere。〃
  Lady Agatha   broke   off   for   a   moment。       She   was   extremely   agitated。
  But presently  she  continued:   〃I   endeavored   to   evade him。            The  attempt
  was   useless。     He   found   me   out   at once。     The   persecution   went   on。     It
  was more terrible here than it had been in England。                 There I had friends。
  I had hours; sometimes even whole days; to myself。
  〃But   this   was   not   the   worst。   A   new   phase   developed。        From   his
  appearance it suddenly  became apparent to   me that   Reginald   Maltravers
  could not stop haunting me if he wished!〃
  〃COULD not stop?〃 cried Cleggett。
  … Page 47…
  〃COULD         not;〃   said   Lady    Agatha。      〃The     hunt    had   become      a
  monomania   with him。         It   had   become   an   obsession。    He   had given   his
  whole mentality to it and it had absorbed all his faculties。               He was now
  the victim of it。     He had grown powerless in the grip of the idea; he had
  lost volition in the matter。
  〃You can imagine my consternation when I realized this。                  I began to
  fear the day when his insanity would take some violent form and he would
  endeavor to do me a personal injury。            I determined to have a bodyguard。
  I   wanted   a   man   inured  to   danger; one   capable   of   meeting violence   with
  violence; if the need arose。        It struck me that if I could get into touch with
  one of those chivalrous Western outlaws; of whom we read in American
  works of fiction; he would be just the sort of man I needed to protect me
  from Reginald Maltravers。
  〃I   did   not   consider    appealing    to   the  authorities;    for  I  have    no
  confidence   in   your   American   laws;   Mr。   Cleggett。       But   I   did   not   know
  how to go about finding a chivalrous Western outlaw。                So finally I put an
  advertisement in the personal column of one of your morning papers for a
  reformed convict。〃
  〃A    reformed     convict!〃   exclaimed      Cleggett。   〃May     I  ask  how    you
  worded the ad。?〃
  〃Ad。?     Oh; advertisement?        I will get it for you。〃
  She    went    into  the  stateroom     and   was   back    in  a  moment     with    a
  newspaper cutting which she handed to Cleggett。               It read:
  Convict     recently   released    from   Sing   Sing;   if          his   reform    is
  really genuine; may secure honest                   employment by writing to A。 F。;
  care Morning Dispatch。
  〃Out   of   the   answers;〃   she   resumed;   〃I   selected   four   and   had   their
  writers call for a personal interview。         But only two of them seemed to me
  to be really reformed; and of these two Elmer's reform struck me as being
  the    more    genuine。      You     may    have    noticed    that   Elmer     gives   the
  appearance of being done with worldly vanities。〃
  〃He does seem depressed;〃 said Cleggett; 〃but I had imputed it largely
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  to the nature of his present occupation。〃
  〃It is due to his attempt to lead a better lifeor at least so he tells me;〃
  said Lady Agatha。 〃Morality does not come easy to Elmer; he says; and I
  believe him。      Elmer's time is largely taken up by inward moral debate as
  to    the   right   or  wrong     of   particular    hypothetical     cases    which    his
  imagination insists on presenting to his conscience。〃
  〃I   can   certainly   imagine     no   state  of   mind    less  enjoyable;〃     said
  〃Nor I;〃 replied Lady Agatha。          〃But to resume:        The very fact that I
  had employed a guard seemed to put Reginald Maltravers beside himself。
  He followed me more closely than ever。               Regardless of appearances; he
  would suddenly plant himself in front of me in restaurants and tramcars; in
  the   streets   or  parks   when    I  went   for  an  airing;   even   in  the  lifts  and
  corridors of the apartment hotel where I stopped; and stare at me intently
  through   his   monocle;   caressing   his   mustache   the   while。     I   did   not   dare
  make a scene; the thing was causing enough remark without that; I was; in
  fact; losing my reputation。
  〃Finally; goaded beyond