第 19 节
作者:北方网      更新:2021-02-24 22:10      字数:9319
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  at any rate; his reign for the first ten years was victorious; and might have
  been   so   to   the   end;   had   it   not   been   intersected;   and   interfered   with;   by
  King Knut in his far bigger orbit and current of affairs and interests。 Knut's
  English     affairs   and   Danish     being   all  settled   to  his   mind;   he   seems;
  especially after that year of pilgrimage to Rome; and association with the
  Pontiffs and Kaisers of the world on that occasion; to have turned his more
  particular attention upon Norway; and the claims he himself had there。 Jarl
  Hakon; too; sister's son of Knut; and always well seen by him; had long
  been busy in this direction; much forgetful of that oath to Olaf when his
  barge got canted over by the cable of two capstans; and his life was given
  him; not without conditions altogether!
  About the year 1026 there arrived two splendid persons out of England;
  bearing   King      Knut   the   Great's   letter   and  seal;  with   a  message;    likely
  enough to be far from welcome to Olaf。 For some days Olaf refused to see
  them or their letter; shrewdly guessing what the purport would be。 Which
  indeed   was   couched   in   mild   language;   but   of   sharp   meaning   enough:   a
  notice to King Olaf namely; That Norway was properly; by just heritage;
  Knut   the   Great's;   and   that   Olaf   must   become   the   great   Knut's   liegeman;
  and pay tribute to him; or worse would follow。 King Olaf listening to these
  two   splendid   persons   and   their   letter;   in   indignant   silence   till   they   quite
  ended;   made   answer:   〃I   have   heard   say;   by   old   accounts   there   are;   that
  King     Gorm   of    Denmark      'Blue…tooth's    father;  Knut's    great…grandfather'
  was considered but a small king; having Denmark only and few people to
  rule over。 But the kings who succeeded him thought that insufficient for
  them;     and   it  has  since   come    so   far  that  King    Knut    rules   over   both
  Denmark and England; and has conquered for himself a part of Scotland。
  And now he claims also my paternal bit of heritage; cannot be contented
  without that too。 Does he wish to rule over all the countries of the North?
  Can he eat up all the kale in England itself; this Knut the Great? He shall
  do that; and reduce his England to a desert; before I lay  my head in his
  hands; or show him any other kind of vassalage。 And so I bid you tell him
  these my words: I will defend Norway with battle…axe and sword as long
  as life is given me; and will pay tax to no man for my kingdom。〃 Words
  which naturally irritated Knut to a high degree。
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  Next   year   accordingly   (year   1027);   tenth   or   eleventh   year   of   Olaf's
  reign; there came bad rumors out of England: That Knut was equipping an
  immense   army;land…army;   and   such   a   fleet   as   had   never   sailed   before;
  Knut's own ship in it;a Gold Dragon with no fewer than sixty benches of
  oars。 Olaf and Onund King of Sweden; whose sister he had married; well
  guessed whither this armament was bound。 They were friends withal; they
  recognized   their   common   peril   in   this   imminence;   and   had;   in   repeated
  consultations; taken measures the best that their united skill (which I find
  was mainly Olaf's but loyally accepted by the other) could suggest。 It was
  in this year that Olaf (with his Swedish king assisting) did his grand feat
  upon   Knut   in   Lymfjord   of   Jutland;   which   was   already   spoken   of。   The
  special circumstances of which were these:
  Knut's big armament arriving on the Jutish coasts too late in the season;
  and the coast country lying all plundered into temporary wreck by the two
  Norse kings; who shrank away on sight of Knut; there was nothing could
  be done upon them by Knut this year;or; if anything; what? Knut's ships
  ran   into   Lymfjord;   the   safe…sheltered   frith;   or   intricate   long   straggle   of
  friths and straits; which almost cuts Jutland in two in that region; and lay
  safe; idly rocking on the waters there; uncertain what to do farther。 At last
  he   steered   in   his   big   ship   and   some   others;   deeper   into   the   interior   of
  Lymfjord; deeper and deeper onwards to the mouth of a big river called
  the Helge (_Helge…aa_; the Holy River; not discoverable in my poor maps;
  but   certainly   enough   still   existing   and   still   flowing   somewhere   among
  those intricate straits and friths); towards the bottom of which Helge river
  lay;   in   some   safe   nook;   the   small   combined   Swedish   and   Norse   fleet;
  under the charge of Onund; the Swedish king; while at the top or source;
  which is a biggish mountain lake; King Olaf had been doing considerable
  engineering works; well suited to such an occasion; and was now ready at
  a moment's notice。 Knut's fleet having idly taken station here; notice from
  the    Swedish     king   was    instantly   sent;   instantly   Olaf's   well…engineered
  flood…gates   were   thrown   open;   from   the   swollen   lake   a   huge   deluge   of
  water  was   let loose;   Olaf himself   with   all his  people  hastening   down   to
  join his Swedish friend; and get on board in time; Helge river all the while
  alongside of him; with ever…increasing roar; and wider…spreading deluge;
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  hastening down the steeps in the night…watches。 So that; along with Olaf or
  some way ahead of him; came immeasurable roaring waste of waters upon
  Knut's   negligent   fleet;   shattered;   broke;   and   stranded   many  of   his   ships;
  and was within a trifle of destroying the Golden Dragon herself; with Knut
  on board。 Olaf and Onund; we need not say; were promptly there in person;
  doing their very  best; the   railings of   the   Golden   Dragon; however;  were
  too high for their little ships; and Jarl Ulf; husband of Knut's sister; at the
  top   of   his   speed;   courageously   intervening;   spoiled   their   stratagem;   and
  saved Knut from this very dangerous pass。
  Knut did nothing more this winter。 The two Norse kings; quite unequal
  to   attack   such   an   armament;   except   by   ambush   and   engineering;   sailed
  away;   again   plundering   at   discretion   on   the   Danish   coast;   carrying   into
  Sweden   great   booties   and   many   prisoners;   but   obliged   to   lie   fixed   all
  winter; and indeed to leave their fleets there for a series of winters;Knut's
  fleet; posted at Elsinore on both sides of the Sound; rendering all egress
  from     the   Baltic    impossible;      except    at  his   pleasure。     Ulf's   opportune
  deliverance   of   his   royal   brother…in…law   did   not   much   bestead   poor   Ulf
  himself。   He   had   been   in     disfavor   before;   pardoned   with   difficulty;       by
  Queen Emma's intercession; an ambitious; officious; pushing; stirring; and;
  both     in   England      and    Denmark;       almost     dangerous       man;     and    this
  conspicuous   accidental   merit   only   awoke   new   jealousy   in   Knut。   Knut;
  finding nothing pass the Sound worth much blockading; went ashore; 〃and
  the   day   before   Michaelmas;〃   says   Snorro;   〃rode   with   a   great   retinue   to
  Roeskilde。〃 Snorro continues his tragic narrative of what befell there:
  〃There Knut's brother…in…law;  Jarl Ulf;  had   prepared a   great   feast   for
  him。 The Jarl was the most agreeable of hosts; but the King was silent and
  sullen。   The   Jarl   talked   to   him   in   every   way   to   make   him   cheerful;   and
  brought forward everything he could think of to amuse him; but the King
  remained   stern;   and   speaking   little。 At   last   the   Jarl   proposed   a   game   of
  chess; which he agreed to。 A chess…board was produced; and they played
  together。 Jarl Ulf was hasty in temper; stiff; and in nothing yielding; but
  everything   he   managed   went   on   well   in   his   hands:   and   he   was   a   great
  warrior;   about   whom  there   are   many   stories。   He   was   the   most   powerful
  man in Denmark next to the King。 Jarl Ulf's sister; Gyda; was married to
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  Jarl   Gudin   (Godwin)   Ulfnadson;   and   their   sons   were;   Harald   King   of
  England; and Jarl Tosti; Jarl Walthiof; Jarl Mauro…Kaare; and Jarl Svein。
  Gyda   was   the   name   of   their   daughter;   who   was   married   to