第 113 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-21 15:48      字数:9322
  she only 〃meant her good;〃 and that 〃she had meant her very good;〃 and
  that 〃it was long since she had paid her Gold for the lodgings。〃
  Katerina Ivanovna at once 〃set her down;〃 saying that it was a lie
  to say she wished her good; because only yesterday when her dead
  husband was lying on the table; she had worried her about the
  lodgings。 To this Amalia Ivanovna very appropriately observed that she
  had invited those ladies; but 〃those ladies had not come; because
  those ladies are ladies and cannot come to a lady who is not a
  lady。〃 Katerina Ivanovna at once pointed out to her; that as she was a
  slut she could not judge what made one really a lady。 Amalia
  Ivanovna at once declared that her 〃Vater aus Berlin was a very;
  very important man; and both hands in pockets went; and always used to
  say: poof! poof!〃 and she leapt up from the table to represent her
  father; sticking her hands in her pockets; puffing her cheeks; and
  uttering vague sounds resembling 〃poof! poof!〃 amid loud laughter from
  all the lodgers; who purposely encouraged Amalia Ivanovna; hoping
  for a fight。
  But this was too much for Katerina Ivanovna; and she at once
  declared; so that all could hear; that Amalia Ivanovna probably
  never had a father; but was simply a drunken Petersburg Finn; and
  had certainly once been a cook and probably something worse。 Amalia
  Ivanovna turned as red as a lobster and squealed that perhaps Katerina
  Ivanovna never had a father; 〃but she had a vater aus Berlin and
  that he wore a long coat and always said poof…poof…poof!〃
  Katerina Ivanovna observed contemptuously that all knew what her
  family was and that on that very certificate of honour it was stated
  in print that her father was a colonel; while Amalia Ivanovna's
  father… if she really had one… was probably some Finnish milkman;
  but that probably she never had a father at all; since it was still
  uncertain whether her name was Amalia Ivanovna or Amalia Ludwigovna。
  At this Amalia Ivanovna; lashed to fury; struck the table with her
  fist; and shrieked that she was Amalia Ivanovna; and not Ludwigovna;
  〃that her Vater was named Johann and that he was a burgomeister; and
  that Katerina Ivanovna's Vater was quite never a burgomeister。〃
  Katerina Ivanovna rose from her chair; and with a stern and apparently
  calm voice (though she was pale and her chest was heaving) observed
  that 〃if she dared for one moment to set her contemptible wretch of
  a father on a level with her papa; she; Katerina Ivanovna; would
  tear her cap off her head and trample it under foot。〃 Amalia
  Ivanovna ran about the room; shouting at the top of her voice; that
  she was mistress of the house and that Katerina Ivanovna should
  leave the lodgings that minute; then she rushed for some reason to
  collect the silver spoons from the table。 There was a great outcry and
  uproar; the children began crying。 Sonia ran to restrain Katerina
  Ivanovna; but when Amalia Ivanovna shouted something about 〃the yellow
  ticket;〃 Katerina Ivanovna pushed Sonia away; and rushed at the
  landlady to carry out her threat。
  At that minute the door opened; and Pyotr Petrovitch Luzhin appeared
  on the threshold。 He stood scanning the party with severe and vigilant
  eyes。 Katerina Ivanovna rushed to him。
  Chapter Three
  〃PYOTR PETROVITCH;〃 she cried; 〃protect me。。。 you at least! Make
  this foolish woman understand that she can't behave like this to a
  lady in misfortune。。。 that there is a law for such things。。。。 I'll
  go to the governor…general himself。。。。 She shall answer for it。。。。
  Remembering my father's hospitality protect these orphans。〃
  〃Allow me; madam。。。。 Allow me。〃 Pyotr Petrovitch waved her off。
  〃Your papa; as you are well aware; I had not the honour of knowing〃
  (some one laughed aloud) 〃and I do not intend to take part in your
  everlasting squabbles with Amalia Ivanovna。。。。 I have come here to
  speak of my own affairs。。。 and I want to have a word with your
  stepdaughter; Sofya。。。 Ivanovna; I think it is? Allow me to pass。〃
  Pyotr Petrovitch; edging by her; went to the opposite corner where
  Sonia was。
  Katerina Ivanovna remained standing where she was; as though
  thunderstruck。 She could not understand how Pyotr Petrovitch could
  deny having enjoyed her father's hospitility。 Though she had
  invented it herself; she believed in it firmly by this time。 She was
  struck too by the businesslike; dry and even contemptuously menacing
  tone of Pyotr Petrovitch。 All the clamour gradually died away at his
  entrance。 Not only was this 〃serious business man〃 strikingly
  incongruous with the rest of the party; but it was evident; too;
  that he had come upon some matter of consequence; that some
  exceptional cause must have brought him and that therefore something
  was going to happen。 Raskolnikov; standing beside Sonia; moved aside
  to let him pass; Pyotr Petrovitch did not seem to notice him。 A minute
  later Lebeziatnikov; too; appeared in the doorway; he did not come in;
  but stood still; listening with marked interest; almost wonder; and
  seemed for a time perplexed。
  〃Excuse me for possibly interrupting you; but it's a matter of
  some importance;〃 Pyotr Petrovitch observed; addressing the company
  generally。 〃I am glad indeed to find other persons present。 Amalia
  Ivanovna; I humbly beg you as mistress of the house to pay careful
  attention to what I have to say to Sofya Ivanovna。 Sofya Ivanovna;〃 he
  went on; addressing Sonia; who was very much surprised and already
  alarmed; 〃immediately after your visit I found that a hundred…rouble
  note was missing from my table; in the room of my friend Mr。
  Lebeziatnikov。 If in any way whatever you know and will tell us
  where it is now; I assure you on my word of honour and call all
  present to witness that the matter shall end there。 In the opposite
  case I shall be compelled to have recourse to very serious measures
  and then。。。 you must blame yourself。〃
  Complete silence reigned in the room。 Even the crying children
  were still。 Sonia stood deadly pale; staring at Luzhin and unable to
  say a word。 She seemed not to understand。 Some seconds passed。
  〃Well; how is it to be then?〃 asked Luzhin; looking intently at her。
  〃I don't know。。。。 I know nothing about it;〃 Sonia articulated
  faintly at last。
  〃No; you know nothing?〃 Luzhin repeated and again he paused for some
  seconds。 〃Think a moment; mademoiselle;〃 he began severely; but still;
  as it were; admonishing her。 〃Reflect; I am prepared to give you
  time for consideration。 Kindly observe this: if I were not so entirely
  convinced I should not; you may be sure; with my experience venture to
  accuse you so directly。 Seeing that for such direct accusation
  before witnesses; if false or even mistaken; I should myself in a
  certain sense be made responsible; I am aware of that。 This morning
  I changed for my own purposes several five per cent。 securities for
  the sum of approximately three thousand roubles。 The account is
  noted down in my pocket…book。 On my return home I proceeded to count
  the money;… as Mr。 Lebeziatnikov will bear witness… and after counting
  two thousand three hundred roubles I put the rest in my pocket…book in
  my coat pocket。 About five hundred roubles remained on the table and
  among them three notes of a hundred roubles each。 At that moment you
  entered (at my invitation)… and all the time you were present you were
  exceedingly embarrassed; so that three times you jumped up in the
  middle of the conversation and tried to make off。 Mr。 Lebeziatnikov
  can bear witness to this。 You yourself; mademoiselle; probably will
  not refuse to confirm my statem