第 7 节
作者:九米      更新:2021-02-21 15:33      字数:9316
  You dear old woman; I would fain kiss you。
  I will set you crying without onions。
  And give you a sound kicking。
  WOMAN  (pointing)
  Ah; ha! what a dense forest you have there!
  So was Myronides one of the bushiest of men of this side; his
  backside was all black; and he terrified his enemies as much as
  CHORUS OF WOMEN  (singing)
  I want to tell you a fable too; to match yours about Melanion。
  Once there was a certain man called Timon; a tough customer; and a
  whimsical; a true son of the Furies; with a face that seemed to
  glare out of a thorn…bush。 He withdrew from the world because he
  couldn't abide bad men; after vomiting a thousand curses at them。 He
  had a holy horror of ill…conditioned fellows; but he was mighty tender
  towards women。
  WOMAN  (beginning another duet)
  Suppose I up and broke your jaw for you!
  I am not a bit afraid of you。
  Suppose I let fly a good kick at you?
  I should see your thing then。
  You would see that; for all my age; it is very well plucked。
  LYSISTRATA  (rushing out of the Acropolis)
  Ho there! come quick; come quick!
  What is it? Why these cries?
  A man! a man! I see him approaching all afire with the flames of
  love。 Oh! divine Queen of Cyprus; Paphos and Cythera; I pray you still
  be propitious to our enterprise。
  Where is he; this unknown foe?
  Over there…beside the Temple of Demeter。
  Yes; indeed; I see him; but who is he?
  Look; look! do any of you recognize him?
  MYRRHINE  (joyfully)
  I do; I do! it's my husband Cinesias。
  To work then! Be it your task to inflame and torture and torment
  him。 Seductions; caresses; provocations; refusals; try every means!
  Grant every favour;…always excepting what is forbidden by our oath
  on the wine…bowl。
  Have no fear; I'll do it。
  Well; I shall stay here to help you cajole the man and set his
  passions aflame。 The rest of you withdraw。
  (CINESIAS enters; in obvious and extreme sexual excitement。 A
  slave follows him carrying an infant。)
  Alas! alas! how I am tortured by spasm and rigid convulsion! Oh! I
  am racked on the wheel!
  Who is this that dares to pass our lines?
  It is I。
  What; a man?
  Very much so!
  Get out。
  But who are you that thus repulses me?
  The sentinel of the day。
  For the gods' sake; call Myrrhine。
  Call Myrrhine; you say? And who are you?
  I am her husband; Cinesias; son of Paeon。
  Ah! good day; my dear friend。 Your name is not unknown amongst us。
  Your wife has it forever on her lips; and she never touches an egg
  or an apple without saying: 〃This is for Cinesias。〃
  Really and truly?
  Yes; indeed; by Aphrodite! And if we fall to talking of men; quick
  your wife declares: 〃Oh! all the rest; they're good for nothing
  compared with Cinesias。〃
  Oh! please; please go and call her to me!
  And what will you give me for my trouble?
  Anything I've got; if you like。  (Pointing to the evidence of
  his condition)  I will give you what I have here!
  Well; well; I will tell her to come。
  (She enters the Acropolis。)
  Quick; oh! be quick! Life has no more charms for me since she left
  my house。 I am sad; sad; when I go indoors; it all seems so empty;
  my victuals have lost their savour。 And all because of this erection
  that I can't get rid of!
  MYRRHINE  (to LYSISTRATA; over her shoulder)
  I love him; oh! I love him; but he won't let himself be loved。 No!
  I shall not come。
  Myrrhine; my little darling Myrrhine; what are you saying? Come
  down to me quick。
  No indeed; not I。
  I call you; Myrrhine; Myrrhine; won't you please come?
  Why should you call me? You do not want me。
  Not want you! Why; here I stand; stiff with desire!
  (She turns; as if to go。)
  Oh! Myrrhine; Myrrhine; in our child's name; hear me; at any
  rate hear the child! Little lad; call your mother。
  Mamma; mamma; mamma!
  There; listen! Don't you pity the poor child? It's six days now
  you've never washed and never fed the child。
  Poor darling; your father takes mighty little care of you!
  Come down; dearest; come down for the child's sake。
  Ah! what a thing it is to be a mother! Well; well; we must come
  down; I suppose。
  CINESIAS  (as MYRRHINE approaches)
  Why; how much younger and prettier she looks! And how she looks at
  me so lovingly! Her cruelty and scorn only redouble my passion。
  MYRRHINE  (ignoring him; to the child)
  You are as sweet as your father is provoking! Let me kiss you;
  my treasure; mother's darling!
  Ah! what a bad thing it is to let yourself be led away by other
  women! Why give me such pain and suffering; and yourself into the
  MYRRHINE  (as he is about to embrace her)
  Hands off; sir!
  Everything is going to rack and ruin in the house。
  I don't care。
  But your web that's all being pecked to pieces by the cocks and
  hens; don't you care for that?
  Precious little。
  And Aphrodite; whose mysteries you have not celebrated for so
  long? Oh! won't you please come back home?
  No; least; not till a sound treaty puts an end to the war。
  Well; if you wish it so much; why; we'll make it; your treaty。
  Well and good! When that's done; I will come home。 Till then; I am
  bound by an oath。
  At any rate; lie with me for a little while。
  No; no; no!  (she hesitates)  but just the same I can't say I
  don't love you。
  You love me? Then why refuse to lie with me; my little girl; my
  sweet Myrrhine?
  MYRRHINE  (pretending to be shocked)
  You must be joking! What; before the child!
  CINESIAS  (to the slave)
  Manes; carry the lad home。 There; you see; the child is gone;
  there's nothing to hinder us; won't you lie down now?
  But; miserable man; where; where?
  In the cave of Pan; nothing could be better。
  But how shall I purify myself before going back into the citadel?
  Nothing easier! you can wash at the Clepsydra。
  But my oath? Do you want me to perjure myself?
  I'll take all responsibility; don't worry。
  Well; I'll be off; then; and find a bed for us。
  There's no point in that; surely we can lie on the ground。
  No; no! even though you are bad; I don't like your lying on the
  bare earth。
  (She goes back into the Acropolis。)
  CINESIAS  (enraptured)
  Ah! how the dear girl loves me!
  MYRRHINE  (coming back with a cot)
  Come; get to bed quick; I am going to undress。 But; oh dear; we
  must get a mattress。
  A mattress? Oh! no; never mind about that!
  No; by Artemis! lie on the bare sacking? never! That would be
  Kiss me!
  Wait a minute!
  (She leaves him again。)
  Good god; hurry up
  MYRRHINE  (coming back with a mattress)
  Here is a mattress。 Lie down; I am just going to undress。 But
  you've got no pillow。
  I don't want one either!
  But I do。
  (She leaves him again。)
  Oh god; oh god; she treats my tool just like Heracles!
  MYRRHINE  (coming back with a pillow)
  There; lift your head; dear!  (Wondering what else to tantalize
  him with; to herself)  Is that all; I wonder?
  CINESIAS  (misunderstanding)