第 141 节
作者:恐龙王      更新:2021-02-21 15:33      字数:9321
  unexpectedly arrived。  I believe he soon perceived that something
  extraordinary had been going on in the family。  He was for some
  time closeted with the governor; with whom; I believe; he had a
  dispute; for my fellow…servant; the lady's maid; informed me that
  she heard high words。
  'Rather late at night the young gentleman sent for me into his
  room; and asked me various questions with respect to what had been
  going on; and my behaviour in the church; of which he had heard
  something。  I told him all I knew with respect to the intrigues of
  the two priests in the family; and gave him a circumstantial
  account of all that had occurred in the church; adding that; under
  similar circumstances; I was ready to play the same part over
  again。  Instead of blaming me; he commended my behaviour; told me I
  was a fine fellow; and said he hoped that; if he wanted my
  assistance; I would stand by him:  this I promised to do。  Before I
  left him; he entreated me to inform him the very next time I saw
  the priests entering the house。
  'The next morning; as I was in the courtyard; where I had placed
  myself to watch; I saw the two enter and make their way up a
  private stair to the young ladies' apartment; they were attended by
  a man dressed something like a priest; who bore a large box; I
  instantly ran to relate what I had seen to my young master。  I
  found him shaving。  〃I will just finish what I am about;〃 said he;
  〃and then wait upon these gentlemen。〃  He finished what he was
  about with great deliberation; then taking a horsewhip; and bidding
  me follow him; he proceeded at once to the door of his sisters'
  apartment:  finding it fastened; he burst it open at once with his
  foot and entered; followed by myself。  There we beheld the two
  unfortunate young ladies down on their knees before a large female
  doll; dressed up; as usual; in rags and tinsel; the two priests
  were standing near; one on either side; with their hands uplifted;
  whilst the fellow who brought the trumpery stood a little way down
  the private stair; the door of which stood open; without a moment's
  hesitation; my young master rushed forward; gave the image a cut or
  two with his horsewhip … then flying at the priests; he gave them a
  sound flogging; kicked them down the private stair; and spurned the
  man; box and image after them … then locking the door; he gave his
  sisters a fine sermon; in which he represented to them their folly
  in worshipping a silly wooden graven image; which; though it had
  eyes; could see not; though it had ears; could hear not; though it
  had hands; could not help itself; and though it had feet; could not
  move about unless it were carried。  Oh; it was a fine sermon that
  my young master preached; and sorry I am that the Father of the
  Fetish; old Mumbo; did not hear it。  The elder sister looked
  ashamed; but the youngest; who was very weak; did nothing but wring
  her hands; weep and bewail the injury which had been done to the
  dear image。  The young man; however; without paying much regard to
  either of them; went to his father; with whom he had a long
  conversation; which terminated in the old governor giving orders
  for preparations to be made for the family's leaving Rome and
  returning to England。  I believe that the old governor was glad of
  his son's arrival; and rejoiced at the idea of getting away from
  Italy; where he had been so plundered and imposed upon。  The
  priests; however; made another attempt upon the poor young ladies。
  By the connivance of the female servant who was in their interest
  they found their way once more into their apartment; bringing with
  them the fetish image; whose body they partly stripped; exhibiting
  upon it certain sanguine marks which they had daubed upon it with
  red paint; but which they said were the result of the lashes which
  it had received from the horsewhip。  The youngest girl believed all
  they said; and kissed and embraced the dear image; but the eldest;
  whose eyes had been opened by her brother; to whom she was much
  attached; behaved with proper dignity; for; going to the door; she
  called the female servant who had a respect for me; and in her
  presence reproached the two deceivers for their various impudent
  cheats; and especially for this their last attempt at imposition;
  adding that if they did not forthwith withdraw and rid her sister
  and herself of their presence; she would send word by her maid to
  her brother; who would presently take effectual means to expel
  them。  They took the hint and departed; and we saw no more of them。
  'At the end of three days we departed from Rome; but the maid whom
  the priests had cajoled remained behind; and it is probable that
  the youngest of our ladies would have done the same thing if she
  could have had her own will; for she was continually raving about
  her image; and saying she should wish to live with it in a convent;
  but we watched the poor thing; and got her on board ship。  Oh; glad
  was I to leave that fetish country and old Mumbo behind me!
  Nothing but gloom … Sporting character … Gouty Tory … Servants'
  Club … Politics … Reformado footman … Peroration … Good…night。
  'WE arrived in England; and went to our country seat; but the peace
  and tranquillity of the family had been marred; and I no longer
  found my place the pleasant one which it had formerly been; there
  was nothing but gloom in the house; for the youngest daughter
  exhibited signs of lunacy; and was obliged to be kept under
  confinement。  The next season I attended my master; his son; and
  eldest daughter to London; as I had previously done。  There I left
  them; for hearing that a young baronet; an acquaintance of the
  family; wanted a servant; I applied for the place; with the consent
  of my masters; both of whom gave me a strong recommendation; and;
  being approved of; I went to live with him。
  'My new master was what is called a sporting character; very fond
  of the turf; upon which he was not very fortunate。  He was
  frequently very much in want of money; and my wages were anything
  but regularly paid; nevertheless; I liked him very much; for he
  treated me more like a friend than a domestic; continually
  consulting me as to his affairs。  At length he was brought nearly
  to his last shifts; by backing the favourite at the Derby; which
  favourite turned out a regular brute; being found nowhere at the
  rush。  Whereupon; he and I had a solemn consultation over fourteen
  glasses of brandy and water; and as many cigars … I mean; between
  us … as to what was to be done。  He wished to start a coach; in
  which event he was to be driver; and I guard。  He was quite
  competent to drive a coach; being a first…rate whip; and I daresay
  I should have made a first…rate guard; but; to start a coach
  requires money; and we neither of us believed that anybody would
  trust us with vehicles and horses; so that idea was laid aside。  We
  then debated as to whether or not he should go into the Church; but
  to go into the Church … at any rate to become a dean or bishop;
  which would have been our aim … it is necessary for a man to
  possess some education; and my master; although he had been at the
  best school in England; that is; the most expensive; and also at
  College; was almost totally illiterate; so we let the Church scheme
  follow that of the coach。  At last; bethinking me that he was
  tolerably glib at the tongue; as most people are who are addicted
  to the turf; also a great master of slang; remembering also that he
  had a crabbed old uncle; who had some borough interest; I proposed
  that he should get into the House; promising in one fortnight to
  qualify him to make a figure in it; by certain lessons which I
  would give him。  He consented; and during the next fortnight I did
  little else than give him lessons in elocution; following to a
  tittle the method of the great professor; which I had picked up;
  listening behind the door。  At the end of that period we paid a
  visit to his relation; an old gouty Tory; who at first received us
  very coolly。  My master; however; by flattering a predilection of
  his for Billy Pitt; soon won his affections so much that he
  promised to bring him into Parliament; and in less than a month was
  as good as his word。  My master; partly by his own qualifications;
  and partly by the assistance which he had derived; and still
  occasionally derived; from me; cut a wonderful figure in the House;
  and was speedily considered one of the most promising speakers; he
  was always a good hand at promising … he is at present; I believe;
  a Cabinet minister。
  'But as he got up in the world he began to look down on me。  I
  believe he was ashamed of the obligation under which he lay to me;
  and at last; requiring no further hints as to oratory from a poor
  servant like me; he took an opportunity of quarrelling with