第 136 节
作者:恐龙王      更新:2021-02-21 15:33      字数:9322
  thing it was that free…born Englishmen could not have a hand in the
  traffic; seeing that it was forbidden by the laws of their country;
  talking fondly of the good old times when their forefathers used to
  carry slaves to Jamaica and Barbadoes; realising immense profit;
  besides the pleasure of hearing their shrieks on the voyage; and
  then the superstitions of the blacks; which my brother used to talk
  of; their sharks' teeth; their wisps of fowls' feathers; their
  half…baked pots full of burnt bones; of which they used to make
  what they called fetish; and bow down to; and ask favours of; and
  then; perhaps; abuse and strike; provided the senseless rubbish did
  not give them what they asked for; and then; above all; Mumbo
  Jumbo; the grand fetish master; who lived somewhere in the woods;
  and who used to come out every now and then with his fetish
  companions; a monstrous figure; all wound round with leaves and
  branches; so as to be quite indistinguishable; and; seating himself
  on the high seat in the villages; receive homage from the people;
  and also gifts and offerings; the most valuable of which were
  pretty damsels; and then betake himself back again; with his
  followers; into the woods。  Oh the tales that my brother used to
  tell us of the high Barbary shore!  Poor fellow! what became of him
  I can't say; the last time he came back from a voyage; he told us
  that his captain; as soon as he had brought his vessel to port and
  settled with his owner; drowned himself off the quay; in a fit of
  the horrors; which it seems high Barbary captains; after a certain
  number of years; are much subject to。  After staying about a month
  with us; he went to sea again; with another captain; and; bad as
  the old one had been; it appears the new one was worse; for; unable
  to bear his treatment; my brother left his ship off the high
  Barbary shore; and ran away up the country。  Some of his comrades;
  whom we afterwards saw; said that there were various reports about
  him on the shore; one that he had taken on with Mumbo Jumbo; and
  was serving him in his house in the woods; in the capacity of
  swashbuckler; or life…guardsman; another; that he was gone in quest
  of a mighty city in the heart of the negro country; another; that
  in swimming a stream he had been devoured by an alligator。  Now;
  these two last reports were bad enough; the idea of their flesh and
  blood being bit asunder by a ravenous fish was sad enough to my
  poor parents; and not very comfortable was the thought of his
  sweltering over the hot sands in quest of the negro city; but the
  idea of their son; their eldest child; serving Mumbo Jumbo as
  swashbuckler was worst of all; and caused my poor parents to shed
  many a scalding tear。
  'I stayed at home with my parents until I was about eighteen;
  assisting my father in various ways。  I then went to live at the
  Squire's; partly as groom; partly as footman。  After living in the
  country some time; I attended the family in a trip of six weeks
  which they made to London。  Whilst there; happening to have some
  words with an old ill…tempered coachman; who had been for a great
  many years in the family; my master advised me to leave; offering
  to recommend me to a family of his acquaintance who were in need of
  a footman。  I was glad to accept his offer; and in a few days went
  to my new place。  My new master was one of the great gentry; a
  baronet in Parliament; and possessed of an estate of about twenty
  thousand a year; his family consisted of his lady; a son; a fine
  young man just coming of age; and two very sweet amiable daughters。
  I liked this place much better than my first; there was so much
  more pleasant noise and bustle … so much more grand company; and so
  many more opportunities of improving myself。  Oh; how I liked to
  see the grand coaches drive up to the door; with the grand company;
  and though; amidst that company; there were some who did not look
  very grand; there were others; and not a few; who did。  Some of the
  ladies quite captivated me; there was the Marchioness of … in
  particular。  This young lady puts me much in mind of her; it is
  true; the Marchioness; as I saw her then; was about fifteen years
  older than this young gentlewoman is now; and not so tall by some
  inches; but she had the very same hair; and much the same neck and
  shoulders … no offence; I hope?  And then some of the young
  gentlemen; with their cool; haughty; care…for…nothing looks; struck
  me as being very fine fellows。  There was one in particular; whom I
  frequently used to stare at; not altogether unlike some one I have
  seen hereabouts … he had a slight cast in his eye; and 。 。 。 but I
  won't enter into every particular。  And then the footmen!  Oh; how
  those footmen helped to improve me with their conversation。  Many
  of them could converse much more glibly than their masters; and
  appeared to have much better taste。  At any rate; they seldom
  approved of what their masters did。  I remember being once with one
  in the gallery of the play…house; when something of Shakspeare's
  was being performed:  some one in the first tier of boxes was
  applauding very loudly。  〃That's my fool of a governor;〃 said he;
  〃he is weak enough to like Shakspeare … I don't; … he's so
  confoundedly low; but he won't last long … going down。  Shakspeare
  culminated〃 … I think that was the word … 〃culminated some time
  'And then the professor of elocution; of whom my governors used to
  take lessons; and of which lessons I had my share; by listening
  behind the door; but for that professor of elocution I should not
  be able to round my periods … an expression of his … in the manner
  I do。
  'After I had been three years at this place my mistress died。  Her
  death; however; made no great alteration in my way of living; the
  family spending their winters in London; and their summers at their
  old seat in S… as before。  At last; the young ladies; who had not
  yet got husbands; which was strange enough; seeing; as I told you
  before; they were very amiable; proposed to our governor a
  travelling expedition abroad。  The old baronet consented; though
  young master was much against it; saying they would all be much
  better at home。  As the girls persisted; however; he at last
  withdrew his opposition; and even promised to follow them as soon
  as his parliamentary duties would permit; for he was just got into
  Parliament; and; like most other young members; thought that
  nothing could be done in the House without him。  So the old
  gentleman and the two young ladies set off; taking me with them;
  and a couple of ladies' maids to wait upon them。  First of all; we
  went to Paris; where we continued three months; the old baronet and
  the ladies going to see the various sights of the city and the
  neighbourhood; and I attending them。  They soon got tired of sight…
  seeing; and of Paris too; and so did I。  However; they still
  continued there; in order; I believe; that the young ladies might
  lay in a store of French finery。  I should have passed my idle time
  at Paris; of which I had plenty after the sight…seeing was over;
  very unpleasantly; but for Black Jack。  Eh! did you never hear of
  Black Jack?  Ah! if you had ever been an English servant in Paris;
  you would have known Black Jack; not an English gentleman's servant
  who has been at Paris for this last ten years but knows Black Jack
  and his ordinary。  A strange fellow he was … of what country no one
  could exactly say … for as for judging from speech; that was
  impossible; Jack speaking all languages equally ill。  Some said he
  came direct from Satan's kitchen; and that when he gives up keeping
  ordinary; he will return there again; though the generally…received
  opinion at Paris was; that he was at one time butler to King
  Pharaoh; and that; after lying asleep for four thousand years in a
  place called the Kattycombs; he was awaked by the sound of Nelson's
  cannon at the battle of the Nile; and going to the shore; took on
  with the admiral; and became; in course of time; ship steward; and
  that after Nelson's death he was captured by the French; on board
  one of whose vessels he served in a somewhat similar capacity till
  the peace; when he came to Paris; and set up an ordinary for
  servants; sticking the name of Katcomb over the door; in allusion
  to the place where he had his long sleep。  But; whatever his origin
  was; Jack kept his own counsel; and appeared to care nothing for
  what people said about him; or called him。  Yes; I forgot; there
  was one name he would not be called; and that was 〃Portuguese。〃  I
  once saw Black Jack knock down a coachman; six foot high; who
  called him black…faced Portuguese。  〃Any name but dat; you shab;〃
  said Black Jack; who was a little round fellow; of about five feet
  two; 〃I would not stand to be called Portuguese by Nelson himself。〃
  Jack was rather fond o