第 4 节
作者:卡车      更新:2021-02-21 10:46      字数:9321
  fallen in; and was blocked up。〃
  〃Well?〃 said Mrs。 Mulrady; contemptuously。
  〃Well;〃 returned her husband; somewhat disconnectedly; 〃it kinder
  looked as if some feller might have discovered it before。〃
  〃And went away; and left it for others!  That's likelyain't it?〃
  interrupted his wife; with ill…disguised intolerance。  〃Everybody
  knows the hill wasn't worth that for prospectin'; and it was
  abandoned when we came here。  It's your property and you've paid
  for it。  Are you goin' to wait to advertise for the owner; Alvin
  Mulrady; or are you going to Sacramento at four o'clock to…day?〃
  Mulrady started。  He had never seriously believed in the
  possibility of a previous discovery; but his conscientious nature
  had prompted him to give it a fair consideration。  She was probably
  right。  What he might have thought had she treated it with equal
  conscientiousness he did not consider。  〃All right;〃 he said
  simply。  〃I reckon we'll go at once。〃
  〃And when you talk to Lawyer Cole and Jim; keep that silly stuff
  about the pick to yourself。  There's no use of putting queer ideas
  into other people's heads because you happen to have 'em yourself。〃
  When the hurried arrangements were at last completed; and Mr。
  Mulrady and Mamie; accompanied by a taciturn and discreet Chinaman;
  carrying their scant luggage; were on their way to the high road to
  meet the up stage; the father gazed somewhat anxiously and
  wistfully into his daughter's face。  He had looked forward to those
  few moments to enjoy the freshness and naivete of Mamie's youthful
  delight and enthusiasm as a relief to his wife's practical; far…
  sighted realism。  There was a pretty pink suffusion in her delicate
  cheek; the breathless happiness of a child in her half…opened
  little mouth; and a beautiful absorption in her large gray eyes
  that augured well for him。
  〃Well; Mamie; how do we like bein' an heiress?  How do we like
  layin' over all the gals between this and 'Frisco?〃
  She had not heard him。  The tender beautiful eyes were engaged in
  an anticipatory examination of the remembered shelves in the 〃Fancy
  Emporium〃 at Sacramento; in reading the admiration of the clerks;
  in glancing down a little criticisingly at the broad cowhide
  brogues that strode at her side; in looking up the road for the
  stage…coach; in regarding the fit of her new gloveseverywhere but
  in the loving eyes of the man beside her。
  He; however; repeated the question; touched with her charming
  preoccupation; and passing his arm around her little waist。
  〃I like it well enough; pa; you know!〃 she said; slightly
  disengaging his arm; but adding a perfunctory little squeeze to his
  elbow to soften the separation。  〃I always had an idea SOMETHING
  would happen。  I suppose I'm looking like a fright;〃 she added;
  〃but ma made me hurry to get away before Don Caesar came。〃
  〃And you didn't want to go without seeing him?〃 he added; archly。
  〃I didn't want him to see me in this frock;〃 said Mamie; simply。
  〃I reckon that's why ma made me change;〃 she added; with a slight
  〃Well I reckon you're allus good enough for him in any dress;〃 said
  Mulrady; watching her attentively; 〃and more than a match for him
  NOW;〃 he added; triumphantly。
  〃I don't know about that;〃 said Mamie。  〃He's been rich all the
  time; and his father and grandfather before him; while we've been
  poor and his tenants。〃
  His face changed; the look of bewilderment; with which he had
  followed her words; gave way to one of pain; and then of anger。
  〃Did he get off such stuff as that?〃 he asked; quickly。
  〃No。  I'd like to catch him at it;〃 responded Mamie; promptly。
  〃There's better nor him to be had for the asking now。〃
  They had walked on a few moments in aggrieved silence; and the
  Chinaman might have imagined some misfortune had just befallen
  them。  But Mamie's teeth shone again between her parted lips。  〃La;
  pa! it ain't that!  He cares everything for me; and I do for him;
  and if ma hadn't got new ideas〃  She stopped suddenly。
  〃What new ideas?〃 queried her father; anxiously。
  〃Oh; nothing!  I wish; pa; you'd put on your other boots!
  Everybody can see these are made for the farrows。  And you ain't a
  market gardener any more。〃
  〃What am I; then?〃 asked Mulrady; with a half…pleased; half…uneasy
  〃You're a capitalist; I say; but ma says a landed proprietor。〃
  Nevertheless; the landed proprietor; when he reached the boulder on
  the Red Dog highway; sat down in somewhat moody contemplation; with
  his head bowed over the broad cowhide brogues; that seemed to have
  already gathered enough of the soil to indicate his right to that
  title。  Mamie; who had recovered her spirits; but had not lost her
  preoccupation; wandered off by herself in the meadow; or ascended
  the hillside; as her occasional impatience at the delay of the
  coach; or the following of some ambitious fancy; alternately
  prompted her。  She was so far away at one time that the stage…
  coach; which finally drew up before Mulrady; was obliged to wait
  for her。
  When she was deposited safely inside; and Mulrady had climbed to
  the box beside the driver; the latter remarked; curtly;
  〃Ye gave me a right smart skeer; a minit ago; stranger。〃
  〃Ez how?〃
  〃Well; about three years ago; I was comin' down this yer grade; at
  just this time; and sittin' right on that stone; in just your
  attitude; was a man about your build and years。  I pulled up to let
  him in; when; darn my skin! if he ever moved; but sorter looked at
  me without speakin'。  I called to him; and he never answered; 'cept
  with that idiotic stare。  I then let him have my opinion of him; in
  mighty strong English; and drove off; leavin' him there。  The next
  morning; when I came by on the up…trip; darn my skin! if he wasn't
  thar; but lyin' all of a heap on the boulder。  Jim drops down and
  picks him up。  Doctor Duchesne; ez was along; allowst it was a
  played…out prospector; with a big case of paralysis; and we
  expressed him through to the County Hospital; like so much dead
  freight。  I've allus been kinder superstitious about passin' that
  rock; and when I saw you jist now; sittin' thar; dazed like; with
  your head down like the other chap; it rather threw me off my
  In the inexplicable and half…superstitious uneasiness that this
  coincidence awakened in Mulrady's unimaginative mind; he was almost
  on the point of disclosing his good fortune to the driver; in order
  to prove how preposterous was the parallel; but checked himself in
  〃Did you find out who he was?〃 broke in a rash passenger。  〃Did you
  ever get over it?〃 added another unfortunate。
  With a pause of insulting scorn at the interruption; the driver
  resumed; pointedly; to Mulrady: 〃The pint of the whole thing was my
  cussin' a helpless man; ez could neither cuss back nor shoot; and
  then afterwards takin' you for his ghost layin' for me to get
  even。〃  He paused again; and then added; carelessly; 〃They say he
  never kem to enuff to let on who he was or whar he kem from; and he
  was eventooally taken to a 'Sylum for Doddering Idjits and Gin'ral
  and Permiskus Imbeciles at Sacramento。  I've heerd it's considered
  a first…class institooshun; not only for them ez is paralyzed and
  can't talk; as for them ez is the reverse and is too chipper。
  Now;〃 he added; languidly turning for the first time to his
  miserable questioners; 〃how did YOU find it?〃
  When the news of the discovery of gold in Mulrady shaft was finally
  made public; it created an excitement hitherto unknown in the
  history of the country。  Half of Red Dog and all Rough…and…Ready
  were emptied upon the yellow hills surrounding Mulrady's; until
  their circling camp fires looked like a besieging army that had
  invested his peaceful pastoral home; preparatory to carrying it by
  assault。  Unfortunately for them; they found the various points of
  vantage already garrisoned with notices of 〃preemption〃 for mining
  purposes in the name of the various members of the Alvarado family。
  This stroke of business was due to Mrs。 Mulrady; as a means of
  mollifying the conscientious scruples of her husband and of
  placating the Alvarados; in view of some remote contingency。  It is
  but fair to say that this degradation of his father's Castilian
  principles was opposed by Don Caesar。  〃You needn't work them
  yourself; but sell out to them that will; it's the only way to keep
  the prospectors from taking it without paying for it at all;〃
  argued Mrs。 Mulrady。  Don Caesar finally assented; perhaps less to
  the business arguments of Mulrady's wife than to the simple
  suggestion of Mamie's mother。  Enough that he realized a sum in
  money for a few acres that exceeded the last ten years' income of
  Don Ramon's seven leagues。
  Equally unprecedented and extravagant was the realization of the
  discovery in Mulrady's shaft。  It was alleged that a company;
  hastily formed in Sacramento; paid him a million of dollars down;
  leaving him still a controlling two…thirds interest in the mine。
  With an obstinacy; however; that amounted almost to a moral
  conviction; he refused to include the house and potato…patch in the
  property。  When the company had yielded the point; he declined;
  with equal tenacity; to part with it