第 24 节
作者:猜火车      更新:2021-02-20 17:38      字数:9322
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  of Pointland; and lead it up to something higher。〃 〃That is no easy task;〃
  said my Master; 〃try you。〃
  Hereon;   raising   by   voice   to   the   uttermost;   I   addressed   the   Point   as
  〃Silence;   silence;   contemptible   Creature。 You   call   yourself   the All   in
  All; but you are the Nothing: your so…called Universe is a mere speck in a
  Line; and a Line is a mere shadow as compared with〃 〃Hush; hush; you
  have   said    enough;〃   interrupted   the   Sphere;   〃now   listen;   and   mark   the
  effect of your harangue on the King of Pointland。〃
  The lustre of the Monarch; who beamed more brightly than ever upon
  hearing my words; shewed clearly that he retained his complacency; and I
  had hardly ceased when he took up his strain again。 〃Ah; the joy; ah; the
  joy   of   Thought1   What   can   It   not   achieve   by   thinking!   Its   own   Thought
  coming to   Itself;   suggestive of   its   disparagement;   thereby  to   enhance   Its
  happiness! Sweet rebellion stirred up to result in triumph! Ah; the divine
  creative power of the All in One! Ah; the joy; the joy of Being!〃
  〃You see;〃 said my Teacher; 〃how little your words have done。 So far
  as the Monarch understand them at all; he accepts them as his own for he
  cannot conceive of any other except himselfand plumes himself upon the
  variety of ‘Its Thought' as an instance of creative Power。 Let us leave this
  God      of  Pointland     to   the  ignorant     fruition   of   his  omnipresence       and
  omniscience: nothing that you or I can do can rescue him from his self…
  After this; as we floated gently back to Flatland; I could hear the mild
  voice of my Companion pointing the moral of my vision; and stimulating
  me to aspire; and to teach others to aspire。 He had been angered at firsthe
  confessedby   my   ambition   to   soar   to   Dimensions   above   the   Third;   but;
  since   then;   he   had   received   fresh   insight;   and   he   was   not   too   proud   to
  acknowledge his   error to   a   Pupil。 Then   he   proceeded   to initiate   me   into
  mysteries   yet   higher   than      those   I  had   witnessed;   shewing   me   how       to
  construct Extra…Solids by the motion of Solids; and Double Extra…Solids
  by the motion of Extra…Solids; and all 〃strictly according to Analogy;〃 all
  by methods so simple; so easy; as to be patent even to the Female Sex。
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  SECTION 21                 How I tried to teach the Theory of
  Three Dimensions to my Grandson; and with what
  I awoke rejoicing; and began to reflect on the glorious career before
  me。   I   would   go   forth;   methought;   at   once;   and   evangelize   the   whole   of
  Flatland。     Even    to  Women      and   Soldiers    should    the  Gospel    of   Three
  Dimensions be proclaimed。 I would begin with my Wife。
  Just as I had decided on the plan of my operations; I heard the sound
  of many voices in the street commanding silence。 Then followed a louder
  voice。  It   was   a   herald's proclamation。   Listening   attentively;   I   recognized
  the    words    of   the   Resolution     of   the   Council;    enjoining     the  arrest;
  imprisonment; or execution of any one who should pervert the minds of
  people by delusions; and by professing to have received revelations from
  another World。
  I reflected。 This danger was not to be trifled with。 It would be better to
  avoid it by omitting all mention of my Revelation; and by proceeding on
  the   path   of  Demonstrationwhich         after  all;  seemed    so   simple   and   so
  conclusive   that   nothing   would   be   lost   by   discarding   the   former   means。
  〃Upward; not Northward〃was the clue to the whole proof。 It had seemed
  to me fairly clear before I fell asleep; and when I first awoke; fresh from
  my dream; it had appeared as patent as Arithmetic; but somehow it did not
  seem   to   me   quite   so   obvious   now。   Though   my   Wife   entered   the   room
  opportunely at just that moment; I decided; after we had exchanged a few
  words of commonplace conversation; not to begin with her。
  My     Pentagonal     Sons    were    men    of   character    and   standing;    and
  physicians   of   no   mean   reputation;   but   not   great   in   mathematics;   and;   in
  that respect; unfit for my purpose。 But it occurred to me that a young and
  docile Hexagon; with a mathematical turn; would be a most suitable pupil。
  Why   therefore   not   make   my   first   experiment   with   my   little   precocious
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  Grandson; whose casual remarks on the meaning of three…to…the…third had
  met   with the  approval of   the  Sphere?   Discussing   the  matter  with   him;  a
  mere boy; I should be in perfect safety; for he would know nothing of the
  Proclamation of the Council; whereas I could not feel sure that my Sons
  so greatly did their patriotism and reverence for the Circles predominate
  over mere blind affection might not feel compelled to hand me over to
  the Prefect; if they found me seriously maintaining the seditious heresy of
  the Third Dimension。
  But the first thing to be done was to satisfy in some way the curiosity
  of my Wife; who naturally wished to know something of the reasons for
  which the Circle had desired that mysterious interview; and of the means
  by which he had entered the house。 Without entering into the details of the
  elaborate   account   I   gave   her;an   account;   I   fear;   not   quite   so   consistent
  with   truth   as   my   Readers   in   Spaceland   might   desire;I   must   be   content
  with saying that I succeeded at last in persuading her to return quietly to
  her household duties without eliciting from me any reference to the World
  of Three Dimensions。 This done; I immediately sent for my Grandson; for;
  to confess the truth; I felt that all that I had seen and heard was in some
  strange   way   slipping   away   from   me;   like   the   image   of   a   half…grasped;
  tantalizing dream; and I longed to essay my skill in making a first disciple。
  When   my   Grandson   entered   the   room   I   carefully   secured   the   door。
  Then; sitting down by his side and taking our mathematical tablets; or; as
  you   would   call   them;   LinesI   told   him   we   would   resume   the   lesson   of
  yesterday。      I  taught    him   once    more     how    a  Point    by   motion     in   One
  Dimension produces a Line; and how a straight Line in Two Dimensions
  produces   a   Square。   After   this;   forcing   a   laugh;   I   said;   〃And   now;   you
  scamp; you wanted to make believe that a Square may in the same way by
  motion   ‘Upward;   not   Northward'   produce   another   figure;   a   sort   of   extra
  square in Three Dimensions。 Say that again; you young rascal。〃
  At   this   moment   we   heard   once   more   the   herald's   〃O   yes!   O   yes!〃
  outside   in   the   street   proclaiming   the   REsolution   of   the   Council。   Young
  though he was; my Grandsonwho was unusually intelligent for his age;
  and bred up in perfect reverence for the authority of the Circlestook in
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  the   situation   with   an   acuteness   for   which   I   was   quite   unprepared。   He
  remained silent till the last words of the Proclamation had died away; and
  then; bursting into tears; 〃Dear Grandpapa;〃 he said; 〃that was only my fun;
  and of course I meant nothing at all by it; and we did not know anything
  then about the new Law; and I don't think I said anything about the Third
  Dimension;   and   I   am   sure   I   did   not   say   one   word   about   ‘Upward;   not
  Northward;'   for   that   would   be   such   nonsense;   you   know。   How   could   a
  thing   move   Upward;   and   not   Northward?   Upward   and   not   Northward!
  Even if I were a baby; I could not be so absurd as that。 How silly it is! Ha!
  ha! ha!〃 〃Not at all silly;〃 said I; losing my temper; 〃here for example; I
  take this Square;〃 and; at the word; I grasped a moveable Square; which
  was   lying   at   hand〃and   I   move   it;   you   see;   not   Northward   but   yes;   I
  move it Upwardthat is to say; Northward but I move it somewherenot
  exactly like this; but somehow 〃 Here I brought my sentence to an inane
  conclusion; shaking the Square about in a purposeless manner; much to the
  amusement of my Grandson; who burst out laughing loude