第 37 节
作者:旅游巴士      更新:2021-02-20 14:19      字数:9321
  morning I followed her to the grave; and in due course set up a
  plain upright slab to her memory as like as might be to those over
  the graves of her grandmother and grandfather。  I gave the dates and
  places of her birth and death; but added nothing except that this
  stone was set up by one who had known and loved her。  Knowing how
  fond she had been of music I had been half inclined at one time to
  inscribe a few bars of music; if I could find any which seemed
  suitable to her character; but I knew how much she would have
  disliked anything singular in connection with her tombstone and did
  not do it。
  Before; however; I had come to this conclusion; I had thought that
  Ernest might be able to help me to the right thing; and had written
  to him upon the subject。  The following is the answer I received …
  〃Dear Godpapa;I send you the best bit I can think of; it is the
  subject of the last of Handel's six grand fugues and goes thus:…
  'Music score'
  It would do better for a man; especially for an old man who was very
  sorry for things; than for a woman; but I cannot think of anything
  better; if you do not like it for Aunt Alethea I shall keep it for
  myself。Your affectionate Godson;  ERNEST PONTIFEX。〃
  Was this the little lad who could get sweeties for two…pence but not
  for two…pence…halfpenny?  Dear; dear me; I thought to myself; how
  these babes and sucklings do give us the go…by surely。  Choosing his
  own epitaph at fifteen as for a man who 〃had been very sorry for
  things;〃 and such a strain as thatwhy it might have done for
  Leonardo da Vinci himself。  Then I set the boy down as a conceited
  young jackanapes; which no doubt he was;but so are a great many
  other young people of Ernest's age。
  If Theobald and Christina had not been too well pleased when Miss
  Pontifex first took Ernest in hand; they were still less so when the
  connection between the two was interrupted so prematurely。  They
  said they had made sure from what their sister had said that she was
  going to make Ernest her heir。  I do not think she had given them so
  much as a hint to this effect。  Theobald indeed gave Ernest to
  understand that she had done so in a letter which will be given
  shortly; but if Theobald wanted to make himself disagreeable; a
  trifle light as air would forthwith assume in his imagination
  whatever form was most convenient to him。  I do not think they had
  even made up their minds what Alethea was to do with her money
  before they knew of her being at the point of death; and as I have
  said already; if they had thought it likely that Ernest would be
  made heir over their own heads without their having at any rate a
  life interest in the bequest; they would have soon thrown obstacles
  in the way of further intimacy between aunt and nephew。
  This; however; did not bar their right to feeling aggrieved now that
  neither they nor Ernest had taken anything at all; and they could
  profess disappointment on their boy's behalf which they would have
  been too proud to admit upon their own。  In fact; it was only
  amiable of them to be disappointed under these circumstances。
  Christina said that the will was simply fraudulent; and was
  convinced that it could be upset if she and Theobald went the right
  way to work。  Theobald; she said; should go before the Lord
  Chancellor; not in full court but in chambers; where he could
  explain the whole matter; or; perhaps it would be even better if she
  were to go herselfand I dare not trust myself to describe the
  reverie to which this last idea gave rise。  I believe in the end
  Theobald died; and the Lord Chancellor (who had become a widower a
  few weeks earlier) made her an offer; which; however; she firmly but
  not ungratefully declined; she should ever; she said; continue to
  think of him as a friendat this point the cook came in; saying the
  butcher had called; and what would she please to order。
  I think Theobald must have had an idea that there was something
  behind the bequest to me; but he said nothing about it to Christina。
  He was angry and felt wronged; because he could not get at Alethea
  to give her a piece of his mind any more than he had been able to
  get at his father。  〃It is so mean of people;〃 he exclaimed to
  himself; 〃to inflict an injury of this sort; and then shirk facing
  those whom they have injured; let us hope that; at any rate; they
  and I may meet in Heaven。〃  But of this he was doubtful; for when
  people had done so great a wrong as this; it was hardly to be
  supposed that they would go to Heaven at alland as for his meeting
  them in another place; the idea never so much as entered his mind。
  One so angry and; of late; so little used to contradiction might be
  trusted; however; to avenge himself upon someone; and Theobald had
  long since developed the organ; by means of which he might vent
  spleen with least risk and greatest satisfaction to himself。  This
  organ; it may be guessed; was nothing else than Ernest; to Ernest
  therefore he proceeded to unburden himself; not personally; but by
  〃You ought to know;〃 he wrote; 〃that your Aunt Alethea had given
  your mother and me to understand that it was her wish to make you
  her heirin the event; of course; of your conducting yourself in
  such a manner as to give her confidence in you; as a matter of fact;
  however; she has left you nothing; and the whole of her property has
  gone to your godfather; Mr Overton。  Your mother and I are willing
  to hope that if she had lived longer you would yet have succeeded in
  winning her good opinion; but it is too late to think of this now。
  〃The carpentering and organ…building must at once be discontinued。
  I never believed in the project; and have seen no reason to alter my
  original opinion。  I am not sorry for your own sake; that it is to
  be at an end; nor; I am sure; will you regret it yourself in after
  〃A few words more as regards your own prospects。  You have; as I
  believe you know; a small inheritance; which is yours legally under
  your grandfather's will。  This bequest was made inadvertently; and;
  I believe; entirely through a misunderstanding on the lawyer's part。
  The bequest was probably intended not to take effect till after the
  death of your mother and myself; nevertheless; as the will is
  actually worded; it will now be at your command if you live to be
  twenty…one years old。  From this; however; large deductions must be
  made。  There will be legacy duty; and I do not know whether I am not
  entitled to deduct the expenses of your education and maintenance
  from birth to your coming of age; I shall not in all likelihood
  insist on this right to the full; if you conduct yourself properly;
  but a considerable sum should certainly be deducted; there will
  therefore remain very littlesay 1000 pounds or 2000 pounds at the
  outside; as what will be actually yoursbut the strictest account
  shall be rendered you in due time。
  〃This; let me warn you most seriously; is all that you must expect
  from me (even Ernest saw that it was not from Theobald at all) at
  any rate till after my death; which for aught any of us know may be
  yet many years distant。  It is not a large sum; but it is sufficient
  if supplemented by steadiness and earnestness of purpose。  Your
  mother and I gave you the name Ernest; hoping that it would remind
  you continually of〃 but I really cannot copy more of this
  effusion。  It was all the same old will…shaking game and came
  practically to this; that Ernest was no good; and that if he went on
  as he was going on now; he would probably have to go about the
  streets begging without any shoes or stockings soon after he had
  left school; or at any rate; college; and that he; Theobald; and
  Christina were almost too good for this world altogether。
  After he had written this Theobald felt quite good…natured; and sent
  to the Mrs Thompson of the moment even more soup and wine than her
  usual not illiberal allowance。
  Ernest was deeply; passionately upset by his father's letter; to
  think that even his dear aunt; the one person of his relations whom
  he really loved; should have turned against him and thought badly of
  him after all。  This was the unkindest cut of all。  In the hurry of
  her illness Miss Pontifex; while thinking only of his welfare; had
  omitted to make such small present mention of him as would have made
  his father's innuendoes stingless; and her illness being infectious;
  she had not seen him after its nature was known。  I myself did not
  know of Theobald's letter; nor think enough about my godson to guess
  what might easily be his state。  It was not till many years
  afterwards that I found Theobald's letter in the pocket of an old
  portfolio which Ernest had used at school; and in which other old
  letters and school documents were collected which I have used in
  this book。  He had forgotten that he had it; but told me when he saw
  it that he remembered it as the first thing that made him begin to
  rise against his father in a rebellion which he recognised as
  righteous; though he dared not openly avow it。  Not the least
  serious thing was that it would; he feared; be his duty to give up
  the legacy his grandfather had left him; for if it was his only
  through a mistake; how could