第 5 节
作者:淘气      更新:2021-02-20 04:22      字数:9289
  what   she   meant?       Then;   Lady   Mary   replied;   〃Why;   all   night   long;   the
  carriages      were    driving    round     and    round    the   terrace;    underneath      my
  window!〃        Then; the owner of the house turned pale; and so did his Lady;
  and   Charles   Macdoodle   of   Macdoodle   signed   to   Lady   Mary   to   say   no
  more; and every one was silent。             After breakfast; Charles Macdoodle told
  Lady     Mary     that   it  was   a  tradition    in  the   family    that  those    rumbling
  carriages   on   the   terrace   betokened   death。         And   so   it   proved;   for;   two
  months afterwards; the Lady of the mansion died。                     And Lady Mary; who
  was   a   Maid   of   Honour   at   Court;   often   told   this   story   to   the   old   Queen
  Charlotte;   by   this   token   that   the   old   King   always   said;   〃Eh;   eh?   What;
  what?      Ghosts; ghosts?         No such thing; no such thing!〃             And never left
  off saying so; until he went to bed。
  Or;   a   friend   of   somebody's   whom   most   of   us   know;   when   he   was   a
  young   man   at   college;   had   a   particular   friend;   with   whom   he   made   the
  compact that; if it were possible for the Spirit to return to this earth after
  its   separation     from    the  body;    he   of  the   twain    who    first  died;   should
  reappear to the other。          In course of time; this compact was forgotten by
  our    friend;    the  two    young     men    having     progressed     in   life;  and   taken
  diverging      paths    that  were    wide    asunder。     But;    one   night;   many   years
  afterwards; our friend being in the North of England; and staying for the
  night in an inn; on the Yorkshire Moors; happened to look out of bed; and
  there; in the moonlight; leaning on a bureau near the window; steadfastly
  regarding      him;    saw    his   old    college    friend!     The     appearance       being
  solemnly addressed; replied; in a kind of whisper; but very audibly; 〃Do
  not   come   near   me。      I   am   dead。    I   am   here   to   redeem   my   promise。      I
  come from  another world;  but   may not disclose its secrets!〃                     Then; the
  whole   form   becoming   paler;   melted;   as   it   were;   into   the   moonlight;   and
  faded away。
  Or;   there   was   the   daughter   of   the   first   occupier   of   the   picturesque
  Elizabethan   house;   so   famous   in   our   neighbourhood。              You   have   heard
  about her?       No!      Why; SHE went out one summer evening at twilight;
  when   she   was      a   beautiful   girl;   just   seventeen    years   of   age;   to  gather
  flowers in the garden; and presently came running; terrified; into the hall
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  Some Short Christmas Stories
  to her father; saying; 〃Oh; dear father; I have met myself!〃                    He took her
  in his arms; and told her it was fancy; but she said; 〃Oh no!                  I met myself
  in the broad walk; and I was pale and gathering withered flowers; and I
  turned   my   head;   and   held   them   up!〃      And;   that   night;   she   died;   and   a
  picture of her story was begun; though never finished; and they say it is
  somewhere in the house to this day; with its face to the wall。
  Or; the uncle of my brother's wife was riding home on horseback; one
  mellow evening at sunset; when; in a green lane close to his own house; he
  saw   a   man   standing   before   him;   in   the   very   centre   of   a   narrow   way。
  〃Why   does   that   man   in   the   cloak   stand   there!〃   he   thought。      〃Does   he
  want   me   to   ride   over   him?〃     But   the   figure   never   moved。       He   felt   a
  strange   sensation   at   seeing   it   so   still;   but   slackened   his   trot   and   rode
  forward。      When he was so close to it; as almost to touch it with his stirrup;
  his horse shied; and the figure glided up the bank; in a curious; unearthly
  mannerbackward;   and   without   seeming   to   use   its   feetand   was   gone。
  The   uncle   of    my   brother's   wife;     exclaiming;   〃Good   Heaven!          It's  my
  cousin Harry; from Bombay!〃 put spurs to his horse; which was suddenly
  in   a   profuse   sweat;   and;   wondering   at   such   strange   behaviour;   dashed
  round   to   the   front   of   his   house。   There;   he   saw   the   same   figure;   just
  passing in at the long French window of the drawing…room; opening on the
  ground。      He threw his bridle to a servant; and hastened in after it。                   His
  sister    was    sitting   there;   alone。     〃Alice;    where's     my    cousin    Harry?〃
  〃Your   cousin   Harry;   John?〃        〃Yes。     From   Bombay。         I   met   him   in   the
  lane just now; and saw him enter here; this instant。〃                  Not a creature had
  been     seen   by   any   one;   and   in   that   hour   and   minute;   as   it  afterwards
  appeared; this cousin died in India。
  Or; it was a certain sensible old maiden lady; who died at ninety… nine;
  and retained her faculties to the last; who really did see the Orphan Boy; a
  story which has often been incorrectly told; but; of which the real truth is
  thisbecause it is; in fact; a story belonging to our familyand she was a
  connexion of our family。 When she was about forty years of age; and still
  an uncommonly fine woman (her lover died young; which was the reason
  why she never married; though she had many offers); she went to stay at a
  place in Kent; which her brother; an Indian…Merchant; had newly bought。
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  Some Short Christmas Stories
  There   was   a   story   that   this   place   had   once   been   held   in   trust   by   the
  guardian of a young boy; who was himself the next heir; and who killed
  the young boy by harsh and cruel treatment。                    She knew nothing of that。
  It   has   been   said   that   there   was   a   Cage   in   her   bedroom   in   which   the
  guardian used to put the boy。            There was no such thing。 There was only a
  closet。     She went to bed; made no alarm whatever in the night; and in the
  morning   said   composedly   to   her   maid   when   she   came   in;   〃Who   is   the
  pretty   forlorn…looking   child   who   has   been   peeping   out   of   that   closet   all
  night?〃       The     maid    replied     by   giving    a   loud    scream;     and    instantly
  decamping。         She   was   surprised;   but   she   was   a   woman   of   remarkable
  strength      of  mind;    and    she   dressed     herself    and   went    downstairs;      and
  closeted herself with her brother。             〃Now; Walter;〃 she said; 〃I have been
  disturbed      all   night    by   a  pretty;    forlorn…looking       boy;   who     has    been
  constantly   peeping   out   of   that   closet   in   my   room;   which   I   can't   open。
  This   is   some   trick。〃    〃I   am  afraid not;  Charlotte;〃   said   he;  〃for it   is the
  legend   of   the   house。   It    is   the   Orphan   Boy。     What   did   he   do?〃       〃He
  opened the door softly;〃 said she; 〃and peeped out。                    Sometimes; he came
  a step or two into the room。            Then; I called to him; to encourage him; and
  he shrunk; and shuddered; and crept in again; and shut the door。〃                          〃The
  closet has no communication; Charlotte;〃 said her brother; 〃with any other
  part of the house; and it's nailed up。〃               This was undeniably true; and it
  took   two   carpenters   a   whole   forenoon   to   get   it   open;   for   examination。
  Then; she was satisfied that she had seen the Orphan Boy。                        But; the wild
  and   terrible   part   of   the   story   is;   that   he   was   also   seen   by   three   of   her
  brother's   sons;   in   succession;   who   all   died   young。        On   the   occasion   of
  each child being taken ill; he came home in a heat; twelve hours before;
  and said; Oh; Mamma; he had been playing under a particular oak…tree; in
  a certain meadow; with a strange boya pretty; forlorn…looking boy; who
  was very timid; and made signs!               From fatal experience; the parents came
  to know  that   this   was   the  Orphan   Boy;  and   that   the  course of   that   child
  whom he chose for his little playmate was surely run。
  Legion is   the  name   of the  German   castles;  where we sit   up   alone to
  wait     for    the    Spectrewhere        we     are   shown       into   a   room;      made
  comparatively   cheerful   for   our   receptionwhere   we   glance   round   at   the