第 60 节
作者:孤悟      更新:2021-02-19 21:16      字数:9322
  〃Yes。  By a fortnight of weariness; of exhaustion and of starvation;
  you are nearer to it by the weakness of the man whom in his full
  strength you could never hope to conquer。〃
  〃But if the cursed Englishman won't speak; and in the meanwhile
  dies on my hands〃
  〃He won't do that if you will accede to his wish。  Give him some
  good food now; and let him sleep till dawn。〃
  〃And at dawn he'll defy me again。  I believe now that he has some
  scheme in his mind; and means to play us a trick。〃
  〃That; I imagine; is more than likely;〃 retorted Chauvelin dryly;
  〃though;〃 he added with a contemptuous nod of the head directed at
  the huddled…up figure of his once brilliant enemy; 〃neither mind
  nor body seem to me to be in a sufficiently active state just now
  for hatching plot or intrigue; but even ifvaguely floating
  through his clouded mindthere has sprung some little scheme for
  evasion; I give you my word; citizen Heron; that you can thwart
  him completely; and gain all that you desire; if you will only
  follow my advice。〃
  There had always been a great amount of persuasive power in
  citizen Chauvelin; ex…envoy of the revolutionary Government of
  France at the Court of St。 James; and that same persuasive
  eloquence did not fail now in its effect on the chief agent of the
  Committee of General Security。 The latter was made of coarser
  stuff than his more brilliant colleague。  Chauvelin was like a
  wily and sleek panther that is furtive in its movements; that will
  lure its prey; watch it; follow it with stealthy footsteps; and
  only pounce on it when it is least wary; whilst Heron was more
  like a raging bull that tosses its head in a blind; irresponsible
  fashion; rushes at an obstacle without gauging its resisting
  powers; and allows its victim to slip from beneath its weight
  through the very clumsiness and brutality of its assault。
  Still Chauvelin had two heavy black marks against himthose of
  his failures at Calais and Boulogne。  Heron; rendered cautious
  both by the deadly danger in which he stood and the sense of his
  own incompetence to deal with the present situation; tried to
  resist the other's authority as well as his persuasion。
  〃Your advice was not of great use to citizen Collot last autumn at
  Boulogne;〃 he said; and spat on the ground by way of expressing
  both his independence and his contempt。
  〃Still; citizen Heron;〃 retorted Chauvelin with unruffled patience;
  〃it is the best advice that you are likely to get in the present
  emergency。  You have eyes to see; have you not? Look on your
  prisoner at this moment。  Unless something is done; and at once;
  too; he will be past negotiating with in the next twenty…four hours;
  then what will follow?〃
  He put his thin hand once more on his colleague's grubby
  coat…sleeve; he drew him closer to himself away from the vicinity
  of that huddled figure; that captive lion; wrapped in a torpid
  somnolence that looked already so like the last long sleep。
  〃What will follow; citizen Heron?〃 he reiterated; sinking his
  voice to a whisper; 〃sooner or later some meddlesome busybody who
  sits in the Assembly of the Convention will get wind that little
  Capet is no longer in the Temple prison; that a pauper child was
  substituted for him; and that you; citizen Heron; together with
  the commissaries in charge; have thus been fooling the nation and
  its representatives for over a fortnight。  What will follow then;
  think you?〃
  And he made an expressive gesture with his outstretched fingers
  across his throat。
  Heron found no other answer but blasphemy。
  〃I'll make that cursed Englishman speak yet;〃 he said with a
  fierce oath。
  〃You cannot;〃 retorted Chauvelin decisively。  〃In his present
  state he is incapable of it; even if he would; which also is
  〃Ah! then you do think that he still means to cheat us?〃
  〃Yes; I do。  But I also know that he is no longer in a physical
  state to do it。  No doubt he thinks that he is。  A man of that
  type is sure to overvalue his own strength; but look at him;
  citizen Heron。  Surely you must see that we have nothing to fear
  from him now。〃
  Heron now was like a voracious creature that has two victims lying
  ready for his gluttonous jaws。  He was loath to let either of them
  go。  He hated the very thought of seeing the Englishman being led
  out of this narrow cell; where he had kept a watchful eye over him
  night and day for a fortnight; satisfied that with every day;
  every hour; the chances of escape became more improbable and more
  rare; at the same time there was the possibility of the recapture
  of little Capet; a possibility which made Heron's brain reel with
  the delightful vista of it; and which might never come about if
  the prisoner remained silent to the end。
  〃I wish I were quite sure;〃 he said sullenly; 〃that you were body
  and soul in accord with me。〃
  〃I am in accord with you; citizen Heron;〃 rejoined the other
  earnestly〃body and soul in accord with you。  Do you not believe
  that I hate this manaye! hate him with a hatred ten thousand
  times more strong than yours?  I want his deathHeaven or hell
  alone know how I long for thatbut what I long for most is his
  lasting disgrace。  For that I have worked; citizen Heronfor that
  I advised and helped you。  When first you captured this man you
  wanted summarily to try him; to send him to the guillotine amidst
  the joy of the populace of Paris; and crowned with a splendid halo
  of martyrdom。  That man; citizen Heron; would have baffled you;
  mocked you; and fooled you even on the steps of the scaffold。  In
  the zenith of his strength and of insurmountable good luck you and
  all your myrmidons and all the assembled guard of Paris would have
  had no power over him。  The day that you led him out of this cell
  in order to take him to trial or to the guillotine would have been
  that of your hopeless discomfiture。  Having once walked out of
  this cell hale; hearty and alert; be the escort round him ever so
  strong; he never would have re…entered it again。  Of that I am as
  convinced as that I am alive。  I know the man; you don't。  Mine
  are not the only fingers through which he has slipped。  Ask
  citizen Collot d'Herbois; ask Sergeant Bibot at the barrier of
  Menilmontant; ask General Santerre and his guards。  They all have
  a tale to tell。  Did I believe in God or the devil; I should also
  believe that this man has supernatural powers and a host of demons
  at his beck and call。〃
  〃Yet you talk now of letting him walk out of this cell to…morrow?〃
  〃He is a different man now; citizen Heron。  On my advice you
  placed him on a regime that has counteracted the supernatural
  power by simple physical exhaustion; and driven to the four winds
  the host of demons who no doubt fled in the face of starvation。〃
  〃If only I thought that the recapture of Capet was as vital to you
  as it is to me;〃 said Heron; still unconvinced。
  〃The capture of Capet is just as vital to me as it is to you;〃
  rejoined Chauvelin earnestly; 〃if it is brought about through the
  instrumentality of the Englishman。〃
  He paused; looking intently on his colleague; whose shifty eyes
  encountered his own。 Thus eye to eye the two men at last
  understood one another。
  〃Ah!〃 said Heron with a snort; 〃I think I understand。〃
  〃I am sure that you do;〃 responded Chauvelin dryly。 〃The disgrace
  of this cursed Scarlet Pimpernel and his League is as vital to me;
  and more; as the capture of Capet is to you。  That is why I showed
  you the way how to bring that meddlesome adventurer to his knees;
  that is why I will help you now both to find Capet and with his
  aid and to wreak what reprisals you like on him in the end。〃
  Heron before he spoke again cast one more look on the prisoner。
  The latter had not stirred; his face was hidden; but the hands;
  emaciated; nerveless and waxen; like those of the dead; told a
  more eloquent tale; mayhap; then than the eyes could do。  The
  chief agent of the Committee of General Security walked
  deliberately round the table until he stood once more close beside
  the man from whom he longed with passionate ardour to wrest an
  all…important secret。  With brutal; grimy hand he raised the head
  that lay; sunken and inert; against the table; with callous eyes
  he gazed attentively on the face that was then revealed to him; he
  looked on the waxen flesh; the hollow eyes; the bloodless lips;
  then he shrugged his wide shoulders; and with a laugh that surely
  must have caused joy in hell; he allowed the wearied head to fall
  back against the outstretched arms; and turned once again to his
  〃I think you are right; citizen Chauvelin;〃 he said; 〃there is not
  much supernatural power here。  Let me hear your advice。〃
  Citizen Chauvelin had drawn his colleague with him to the end of
  the cell that was farthest away from the recess; and the table at
  which the prisoner was sitting。
  Here the noise and hubbub that went on constantly in the guard
  room would effectually drown a whispered conversation。 Chauvelin
  called to the sergeant to hand him a couple of chairs over the
  barrier。 These he placed against the wall opposite the opening;
  and beckoning Heron to sit down; he did likewise; placing himself
  close to his c