第 49 节
作者:左思右想      更新:2021-02-19 19:46      字数:9322
  banquets will scarcely cheer sick epicures。  Reminiscences
  of the most becoming dresses and brilliant ball triumphs
  will go very little way to console faded beauties。  Perhaps
  statesmen; at a particular period of existence; are
  not much gratified at thinking over the most triumphant
  divisions; and the success or the pleasure of yesterday
  becomes of very small account when a certain
  (albeit uncertain) morrow is in view; about which all of
  us must some day or other be speculating。  O brother
  wearers of motley!  Are there not moments when one
  grows sick of grinning and tumbling; and the jingling of
  cap and bells?  This; dear friends and companions; is my
  amiable objectto walk with you through the Fair; to
  examine the shops and the shows there; and that we
  should all come home after the flare; and the noise; and
  the gaiety; and be perfectly miserable in private。
  〃If that poor man of mine had a head on his shoulders;〃
  Mrs。 Bute Crawley thought to herself; 〃how useful he
  might be; under present circumstances; to this unhappy
  old lady!  He might make her repent of her shocking
  free…thinking ways; he might urge her to do her duty;
  and cast off that odious reprobate who has disgraced
  himself and his family; and he might induce her to do
  justice to my dear girls and the two boys; who require
  and deserve; I am sure; every assistance which their
  relatives can give them。〃
  And; as the hatred of vice is always a progress towards
  virtue; Mrs。 Bute Crawley endeavoured to instil
  her sister…in…law a proper abhorrence for all Rawdon
  Crawley's manifold sins: of which his uncle's wife brought
  forward such a catalogue as indeed would have served
  to condemn a whole regiment of young officers。  If a man
  has committed wrong in life; I don't know any moralist
  more anxious to point his errors out to the world than
  his own relations; so Mrs。 Bute showed a perfect family
  interest and knowledge of Rawdon's history。  She had all
  the particulars of that ugly quarrel with Captain Marker;
  in which Rawdon; wrong from the beginning; ended in
  shooting the Captain。  She knew how the unhappy Lord
  Dovedale; whose mamma had taken a house at Oxford;
  so that he might be educated there; and who had never
  touched a card in his life till he came to London; was
  perverted by Rawdon at the Cocoa…Tree; made helplessly
  tipsy by this abominable seducer and perverter of youth;
  and fleeced of four thousand pounds。  She described with
  the most vivid minuteness the agonies of the country
  families whom he had ruinedthe sons whom he had
  plunged into dishonour and povertythe daughters
  whom he had inveigled into perdition。  She knew the poor
  tradesmen who were bankrupt by his extravagancethe
  mean shifts and rogueries with which he had ministered
  to itthe astounding falsehoods by which he had imposed
  upon the most generous of aunts; and the ingratitude and
  ridicule by which he had repaid her sacrifices。  She
  imparted these stories gradually to Miss Crawley; gave her
  the whole benefit of them; felt it to be her bounden duty
  as a Christian woman and mother of a family to do so;
  had not the smallest remorse or compunction for the
  victim whom her tongue was immolating; nay; very likely
  thought her act was quite meritorious; and plumed
  herself upon her resolute manner of performing it。  Yes;
  if a man's character is to be abused; say what you will;
  there's nobody like a relation to do the business。  And one
  is bound to own; regarding this unfortunate wretch of a
  Rawdon Crawley; that the mere truth was enough to
  condemn him; and that all inventions of scandal were quite
  superfluous pains on his friends' parts。
  Rebecca; too; being now a relative; came in for the
  fullest share of Mrs。 Bute's kind inquiries。  This indefatigable
  pursuer of truth (having given strict orders that the
  door was to be denied to all emissaries or letters
  from Rawdon); took Miss Crawley's carriage; and drove
  to her old friend Miss Pinkerton; at Minerva House;
  Chiswick Mall; to whom she announced the dreadful
  intelligence of Captain Rawdon's seduction by Miss Sharp;
  and from whom she got sundry strange particulars
  regarding the ex…governess's birth and early history。  The
  friend of the Lexicographer had plenty of information
  to give。  Miss Jemima was made to fetch the drawing…
  master's receipts and letters。  This one was from a
  spunging…house: that entreated an advance: another was
  full of gratitude for Rebecca's reception by the ladies of
  Chiswick: and the last document from the unlucky artist's
  pen was that in which; from his dying bed; he recommended
  his orphan child to Miss Pinkerton's protection。  There
  were juvenile letters and petitions from Rebecca; too; in
  the collection; imploring aid for her father or declaring
  her own gratitude。  Perhaps in Vanity Fair there are no
  better satires than letters。  Take a bundle of your dear
  friend's of ten years backyour dear friend whom you
  hate now。  Look at a file of your sister's! how you clung
  to each other till you quarrelled about the twenty…pound
  legacy!  Get down the round…hand scrawls of your son
  who has half broken your heart with selfish undutifulness
  since; or a parcel of your own; breathing endless
  ardour and love eternal; which were sent back by your
  mistress when she married the Nabobyour mistress for
  whom you now care no more than for Queen Elizabeth。
  Vows; love; promises; confidences; gratitude; how queerly
  they read after a while!  There ought to be a law in
  Vanity Fair ordering the destruction of every written
  document (except receipted tradesmen's bills) after a
  certain brief and proper interval。  Those quacks and
  misanthropes who advertise indelible Japan ink should be
  made to perish along with their wicked discoveries。  The
  best ink for Vanity Fair use would be one that faded
  utterly in a couple of days; and left the paper clean and
  blank; so that you might write on it to somebody else。
  From Miss Pinkerton's the indefatigable Mrs。 Bute
  followed the track of Sharp and his daughter back to the
  lodgings in Greek Street; which the defunct painter had
  occupied; and where portraits of the landlady in white
  satin; and of the husband in brass buttons; done by Sharp
  in lieu of a quarter's rent; still decorated the parlour
  walls。  Mrs。 Stokes was a communicative person; and
  quickly told all she knew about Mr。 Sharp; how dissolute
  and poor he was; how good…natured and amusing; how he
  was always hunted by bailiffs and duns; how; to the
  landlady's horror; though she never could abide the woman;
  he did not marry his wife till a short time before her
  death; and what a queer little wild vixen his daughter
  was; how she kept them all laughing with her fun and
  mimicry; how she used to fetch the gin from the public…house;
  and was known in all the studios in the quarterin brief;
  Mrs。 Bute got such a full account of her new niece's
  parentage; education; and behaviour as would
  scarcely have pleased Rebecca; had the latter known that
  such inquiries were being made concerning her。
  Of all these industrious researches Miss Crawley had
  the full benefit。  Mrs。 Rawdon Crawley was the daughter
  of an opera…girl。  She had danced herself。  She had been a
  model to the painters。  She was brought up as became
  her mother's daughter。  She drank gin with her father;
  &c。 &c。 It was a lost woman who was married to a lost
  man; and the moral to be inferred from Mrs。 Bute's
  tale was; that the knavery of the pair was irremediable;
  and that no properly conducted person should ever notice
  them again。
  These were the materials which prudent Mrs。 Bute
  gathered together in Park Lane; the provisions and
  ammunition as it were with which she fortified the house
  against the siege which she knew that Rawdon and his
  wife would lay to Miss Crawley。
  But if a fault may be found with her arrangements; it
  is this; that she was too eager: she managed rather too
  well; undoubtedly she made Miss Crawley more ill than
  was necessary; and though the old invalid succumbed
  to her authority; it was so harassing and severe; that the
  victim would be inclined to escape at the very first chance
  which fell in her way。  Managing women; the ornaments
  of their sexwomen who order everything for everybody;
  and know so much better than any person concerned
  what is good for their neighbours; don't sometimes
  speculate upon the possibility of a domestic revolt; or
  upon other extreme consequences resulting from their
  overstrained authority。
  Thus; for instance; Mrs。 Bute; with the best intentions
  no doubt in the world; and wearing herself to death as
  she did by foregoing sleep; dinner; fresh air; for the sake
  of her invalid sister…in…law; carried her conviction of the
  old lady's illness so far that she almost managed her
  into her coffin。  She pointed out her sacrifices and their
  results one day to the constant apothecary; Mr。 Clump。
  〃I am sure; my dear Mr。 Clump;〃 she said; 〃no efforts
  of mine have been wanting to restore our dear invalid;
  whom the ingratitude of her nephew has laid on the bed
  of sickness。  I never shrink from personal discomfort: I
  never refuse to sacrifice myself。〃
  〃Your devotion; it must be confessed; is admirable;〃
  Mr。 Clump says; with a low bow; 〃but〃
  〃I have scarcely