第 28 节
作者:不言败      更新:2021-02-19 17:13      字数:9322
  smoothly; and seemed able to make a long race against time
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  TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road
  The   travelers   ate   lunch   that   day   at   Pendleton;   a   town   some   distance
  from  Shopton。  They   had   covered   a   substantial   part   of   their   trip。 After   a
  brief rest they started on again。 Tom had planned to spend two days and
  one night on the road; hoping to be able to reach the shore cottage on the
  evening of the second day。 There;  after recharging the battery; he   would
  spend a night; or two; and proceed to the track; ready for the race。
  They found   the   roads   fairly  good; with bad   stretches here   and   there;
  which made it necessary for them to slow down。 This delayed them; and
  they found the shadows lengthening; and darkness approaching; when they
  were still several miles from Burgfield; where they intended to sleep。
  〃Will    it  be  all  right  to  travel  at  night?〃    asked   Mr。   Damon;      a  bit
  〃Why; are you thinking of hold…up men?〃 inquired Mr。 Sharp。
  〃No; but I was wondering about the condition of the roads;〃 replied the
  eccentric     man。    〃We    don't   want    to  run   into  a   rock;   or  collide   with
  〃I guess this will light up the road far enough in advance; so that we
  can   see   where   we    are   going;〃   suggested   Tom;      as   he   switched   on  the
  powerful      electric   search…light。     Though     it  was    not   dark    enough     to
  illuminate the highway to   the   best advantage; the powerful gleam  shone
  dazzlingly in front of the swiftly moving auto。
  〃I guess that will show up every pebble in the road;〃 commented the
  balloonist。 It's very powerful。〃
  Tom turned off the light; as; until it was darker; he could see to better
  advantage unaided by  it。 He slowed   down the speed   somewhat; but   was
  still going at a good rate。
  〃There's a bridge somewhere about here;〃 remarked the lad; when they
  had gone on a mile further。 I remember seeing it on my road map。 It's not
  very strong; and we'll have to run slow over it。〃
  〃Bless my gizzard; I hope we don't go through it!〃 cried Mr。 Damon。
  〃Is your car very heavy; Tom?〃
  〃Not heavy enough to break the bridge。 Ah; there it is。 Guess I'll turn
  on the light so we can see what we're doing。〃
  Just ahead of them loomed up the super…structure of a bridge; and Tom
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  TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road
  turned the searchlight switch。 At the instant he did so; whether he did not
  keep a steady hand on the steering wheel; or whether the auto went into a
  rut from which it could not be turned; did not immediately develop; but
  the   car   suddenly   shot   from   the   straight   road;   and   swerved   to   one   side。
  There was a lurch; and the front wheels sank down。
  〃Look out! We're going into the river!〃 yelled Mr。 Damon。
  Tom jammed on the brakes and shut off the current。 The auto came to
  a   sudden   stop。   The   young   inventor   turned   the   searchlight   downward;   to
  illuminate the ground directly in front of the car。
  〃Are we in the river?〃 asked Mr。 Sharp。
  〃No;〃 replied Tom in great chagrin。 〃We're in a muddy ditch。 One at
  the side of the road。 Wheels in over the hubs! There should have been a
  guard rail here。 We're stuck for fair!〃
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  TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road
  〃Bless my overshoes!〃 cried Mr。 Damon。 〃Stuck in the mud; eh?〃
  〃Hard and fast;〃 added Tom; in disgust。
  〃What's to be done?〃 inquired Mr。 Sharp。
  〃I should say we'll have to stay here until daylight; and wait for some
  other auto to come along and pull us out;〃 was Mr。 Damon's opinion。 〃It's
  might unpleasant; too; for there doesn't seem to be any place around here
  where   we   can   spend   the   night   in   any   kind   of   comfort。   If   we   had   the
  submarine or the airship; now; it wouldn't so much matter。〃
  〃No; and this won't matter a great deal;〃 remarked the young inventor
  quickly。 〃We'll soon be out of this; but it will be hard work。〃
  〃What do you mean?〃 asked Mr。 Sharp。
  〃I   mean    that  we've    got  to  pull   ourselves    out  of   this  mud    hole;〃
  explained the lad; as he prepared to descend。 〃I was afraid something like
  this would   happen; so   I   came prepared   for it。  I've got ropes   and pulleys
  with me; in the car。 We'll fasten the rope to the machine; attach one pulley
  to the bridge; another to the car; and I guess we can get out of the mud。
  We'll try; anyhow。〃
  〃Well;   I   must   say   you   looked   pretty   far   ahead;〃   complimented   Mr。
  From a box under the tonneau Tom took out a thin but strong rope and
  two    compound       pulleys;   which    would    enable   considerable     force   to  be
  applied。 Mr。 Sharp detached one of the powerful oil lamps; and the three
  travelers   took   a   look   at   the   auto。   It   was   indeed   deep   in   the   mud   and   it
  seemed like a hopeless task to try to get it out unaided。 But Tom insisted
  that   they   could   do   it;   and   the   rope   was   soon   attached;   the   hook   of   one
  pulley being slipped around one of the braces of the bridge。
  〃Now;   all   together!〃   cried   the   lad;   as   he   and   his   friends   grasped   the
  long   rope。 They  gave  a   great heave。 At   first   it   seemed   like   pulling   on   a
  stone wall。 The rope strained and the pulleys creaked。
  〃Iguesswewillpullthebridgeover!〃 gasped Mr。 Sharp。
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  TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road
  〃Something's   got   to   give   way!〃   puffed   Tom。   〃Now;   once   more!   All
  Suddenly they felt the rope moving。 The pulleys creaked still more and;
  by  the   light   of   the   lamp;   they   could   see   that   the   auto   was   slowly   being
  pulled backward; out of the mud; and onto the hard road。 In a few minutes
  it was ready to proceed again。
  The   rope   and   pulleys   were   put   away;   and;   after   Tom   had   made   an
  examination of the car to see that it had sustained no damage; they were
  off again; making good time to the hotel in Burgfield; where they spent the
  night。 They  had an   early breakfast;  and; as Tom went   out to the barn to
  look at his car; he saw it surrounded by a curious throng of men and boys。
  One of the boys was turning some of the handles and levers。
  〃Here! Quit that!〃 yelled Tom; and the meddlesome lad leaped down
  in fright。 〃Do you want to start the car and have it smash into something?〃
  demanded the young inventor。
  〃Aw; nothin' happened;〃 retorted the lad。 〃I pulled every handle on it;
  an' it didn't move。'~
  〃Good   reason;〃   murmured   Tom;   for   he   had   taken   the   precaution   to
  remove      a  connecting     plug;   without    which     the  machine     could    not  be
  The three were soon under way again; and covered many miles over
  the fine country roads; the weather conditions being delightful。 On inquiry
  they found that by taking an infrequently used highway; they could save
  several miles。 It was over an unoccupied part of country; rather wild and
  desolate; but they did not mind that。
  They were whizzing along; talking of Tom's chances for winning the
  race when; after climbing a slight grade; the auto came to a sudden stop on
  the summit。
  〃What's   the   matter?〃   asked   Mr。   Sharp。   〃Why   are   you   stopping   here;
  〃I   didn't   stop;〃   was   the   surprising  answer;   and   the   lad   shoved    the
  starting lever back and forth。
  But   there   was   no   response。   There   was   no   hum   from   the   motor。   The
  machine was 〃dead。〃
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  TOM SWIFT AND HIS ELECTRIC RUNABOUT or The Speediest Car on the Road
  〃That's queer;〃 murmured the young inventor
  〃Maybe a fuse blew out;〃 suggested Mr。 Damon; that seeming to be his
  favorite form of trouble。
  〃If it had you'd have known it;〃 remarked Mr。 Sharp。
  〃There's   plenty  of   current in   the   battery;  according   to   the   registering
  gauge; murmured the lad。 〃I can't understand it。〃              He reversed the current;
  thinking   the   wires   might   have   become   crossed;   but   the   machi