第 2 节
作者:人生几何      更新:2021-02-19 17:02      字数:9314
  result   of   the  sale  than   any   other   of  the   bystanders。    This   was   young
  Linwood。       True to his promise; he was there with a blank bank…check in
  his pocket; awaiting   with impatience  to enter  the list   as a  bidder for the
  beautiful slave。
  It   was   indeed   a   heart…rending   scene   to   witness   the   lamentations   of
  these slaves; all of whom had grown up together on the old homestead of
  Mr。    Graves;    and   who    had    been   treated   with   great   kindness    by   that
  gentleman; during his life。 Now they were to be separated; and form new
  relations and companions。          Such is the precarious condition of the slave。
  Even when with a good master; there is not certainty of his happiness in
  the future。
  The less valuable slaves were first placed upon the auction…block; one
  after   another;   and   sold   to   the   highest   bidder。   Husbands   and   wives   were
  separated     with   a   degree  of   indifference   that   is  unknown   in   any   other
  relation    in  life。  Brothers    and   sisters  were    torn  from    each   other;  and
  mothers saw their children for the last time on earth。
  It was late in the day; and when the greatest number of persons were
  thought to be present; when Agnes and her daughters were brought out to
  the place of sale。      The mother was first put upon the auction…block; and
  sold to a noted negro trader named Jennings。 Marion was next ordered to
  ascend the stand; which she did with   a trembling step; and was sold   for
  … Page 6…
  All eyes were now turned on Isabella; as she was led forward by the
  auctioneer。      The   appearance   of   the   handsome   quadroon   caused   a   deep
  sensation among the crowd。           There she stood; with a skin as fair as most
  white women; her features as beautifully regular as any of her sex of pure
  Anglo…Saxon blood; her long black hair done up in the neatest manner; her
  form tall and graceful; and her whole appearance indicating one superior
  to her condition。
  The   auctioneer   commenced   by   saying   that   Miss   Isabella   was   fit   to
  deck the drawing…room of the finest mansion in Virginia。
  〃How much; gentlemen; for this real Albino!fit fancy…girl for any one!
  She   enjoys   good   health;   and   has   a   sweet   temper。   How   much   do   you
  〃Five hundred dollars。〃
  〃Only five hundred for such a girl as this?           Gentlemen; she is worth a
  deal   more   than   that   sum。   You   certainly   do   not   know   the   value   of   the
  article you are bidding on。         Here; gentlemen; I hold in my hand a paper
  certifying that she has a good moral character。〃
  〃Seven hundred。〃
  〃Ah; gentlemen; that is something life。          This paper also states that she
  is very intelligent。〃
  〃Eight hundred。〃
  〃She was first sprinkled; then immersed; and is now warranted to be a
  devoted Christian; and perfectly trustworthy。〃
  〃Nine hundred dollars。〃
  〃Nine hundred and fifty。〃
  〃One thousand。〃
  〃Eleven hundred。〃
  Here    the  bidding    came    to  a  dead   stand。   The    auctioneer    stopped;
  looked   around;   and   began   in   a   rough   manner   to   relate   some   anecdote
  connected with the sale of slaves; which he said had come under his own
  At   this  juncture    the  scene    was   indeed    a  most   striking   one。   The
  laughing;     joking;   swearing;    smoking;     spitting;  and   talking;   kept   up   a
  continual hum and confusion among the crowd; while the slave…girl stood
  … Page 7…
  with tearful eyes; looking alternately at her mother and sister and toward
  the young man whom she hoped would become her purchaser。
  〃The   chastity   of   this   girl;〃   now   continued   the   auctioneer;   〃is   pure。
  She has never been from under her mother's care。 She is virtuous; and as
  gentle as a dove。〃
  The bids here took a fresh start; and went on until 1800 was reached。
  The auctioneer once more resorted to his jokes; and concluded by assuring
  the company that Isabella was not only pious; but that she could make an
  excellent prayer。
  〃Nineteen hundred dollars。〃           〃Two thousand。〃
  This was the last bid; and the quadroon girl was struck off; and became
  the property of Henry Linwood。
  This was a Virginia slave…auction; at which the bones; sinews; blood;
  and   nerves   of   a   young   girl   of   eighteen   were   sold   for   500;   her   moral
  character for 200; her superior intellect for 100; the benefits supposed to
  accrue   from   her   having   been   sprinkled   and   immersed;   together   with   a
  warranty of her devoted Christianity; for 300; her ability to make a good
  prayer   for   200;   and   her   chastity   for   700   more。    This;   too;   in   a   city
  thronged      with   churches;    whose     tall  spires   look   like  so   many    signals
  pointing   to   heaven;   but   whose   ministers   preach   that   slavery   is   a   God…
  ordained institution!
  The     slaves    were    speedily    separated;     and    taken    along    by   their
  respective   masters。      Jennings;   the   slave…speculator;   who   had   purchased
  Agnes   and   her   daughter   Marion;   with   several   of   the   other   slaves;   took
  them  to   the   county  prison;   where  he   usually  kept   his   human   cattle   after
  purchasing them; previous to starting for the New Orleans market。
  Linwood had already provided a place for Isabella; to which she was
  taken。 The  most   trying  moment   for  her  was   when she  took   leave  of   her
  mother and sister。       The 〃Good…by〃 of the slave is unlike that of any other
  class    in  the   community。       It  is  indeed    a  farewell    forever。   With    tears
  streaming down their cheeks; they embraced and commended each other
  to God; who is no respecter of persons; and before whom master and slave
  must one day appear。
  … Page 8…
  DICK JENNINGS the slave…speculator; was one of the few Northern
  men; who go to the South and throw aside their honest mode of obtaining
  a living and resort to trading in human beings。 A more repulsive…looking
  person   could   scarcely   be   found   in   any   community   of   bad   looking   men。
  Tall;   lean   and   lank;   with   high   cheek…bones;   face   much   pitted   with   the
  small…pox; gray  eyes   with   red   eyebrows;  and   sandy  whiskers;   he   indeed
  stood   alone   without   mate   or   fellow   in   looks。 Jennings   prided   himself
  upon what he called his goodness of heat; and was always speaking of his
  humanity。      As many of the slaves whom he intended taking to the New
  Orleans market had been raised in Richmond; and had relations there; he
  determined to leave the city early in the morning; so as not to witness any
  of the scenes so common on the departure of a slave…gang to the far South。
  In this; he was most successful; for not even Isabella; who had called at
  the prison several times to see her mother and sister; was aware of the time
  that they were to leave。
  The slave…trader started at early dawn; and was beyond the confines of
  the city long before the citizens were out of their beds。 As a slave regards a
  life on the sugar; cotton; or rice plantation as even worse than death; they
  are ever on the watch for an opportunity to escape。 The trader; aware of
  this; secures his victims in chains before he sets out on his journey。              On
  this   occasion;   Jennings   had   the   men   chained   in   pairs;   while   the   women
  were allowed to go unfastened; but were closely watched。
  After a march of eight days; the company arrived on the banks of the
  Ohio River; where they took a steamer for the place of their destination。
  Jennings had already advertised in the New Orleans papers; that he would
  be there with a prime lot of able…bodied slaves; men and women; fit for
  field…service;    with   a  few  extra   ones   calculated   for  house…servants;all
  between the ages of fifteen and twenty…five years; but like most men who
  make   a   business   of   speculating   in   human   beings;  he   often   bought   many
  who were far advanced in years; and would try to pass them off for five or
  … Page 9…
  six   years