第 38 节
作者:翱翔1981      更新:2021-02-19 00:45      字数:9321
  there。  The whole nation is interested that the best use shall be
  made of these Territories。  We want them for homes of free white
  people。  This they cannot be; to any considerable extent; if
  slavery shall be planted within them。  Slave States are places
  for poor white people to remove from; not to remove to。  New free
  States are the places for poor people to go to; and better their
  condition。  For this use the nation needs these Territories。
  Still further: there are constitutional relations between the
  slave and free States which are degrading to the latter。  We are
  under legal obligations to catch and return their runaway slaves
  to them: a sort of dirty; disagreeable job; which; I believe; as
  a general rule; the slaveholders will not perform for one
  another。  Then again; in the control of the governmentthe
  management of the partnership affairsthey have greatly the
  advantage of us。  By the Constitution each State has two
  senators; each has a number of representatives in proportion to
  the number of its people; and each has a number of Presidential
  electors equal to the whole number of its senators and
  representatives together。  But in ascertaining the number of the
  people for this purpose; five slaves are counted as being equal
  to three whites。  The slaves do not vote; they are only counted
  and so used as to swell the influence of the white people's
  votes。  The practical effect of this is more aptly shown by a
  comparison of the States of South Carolina and Maine。  South
  Carolina has six representatives; and so has Maine; South
  Carolina has eight Presidential electors; and so has Maine。  This
  is precise equality so far; and of course they are equal in
  senators; each having two。  Thus in the control of the government
  the two States are equals precisely。  But how are they in the
  number of their white people?  Maine has 581;813; while South
  Carolina has 274;567; Maine has twice as many as South Carolina;
  and 32;679 over。  Thus; each white man in South Carolina is more
  than the double of any man in Maine。  This is all because South
  Carolina; besides her free people; has 384;984 slaves。  The South
  Carolinian has precisely the same advantage over the white man in
  every other free State as well as in Maine。  He is more than the
  double of any one of us in this crowd。  The same advantage; but
  not to the same extent; is held by all the citizens of the slave
  States over those of the free; and it is an absolute truth;
  without an exception; that there is no voter in any slave State
  but who has more legal power in the government than any voter in
  any free State。  There is no instance of exact equality; and the
  disadvantage is against us the whole chapter through。  This
  principle; in the aggregate; gives the slave States in the
  present Congress twenty additional representatives; being seven
  more than the whole majority by which they passed the Nebraska
  Now all this is manifestly unfair; yet I do not mention it to
  complain of it; in so far as it is already settled。  It is in the
  Constitution; and I do not for that cause; or any other cause;
  propose to destroy; or alter; or disregard the Constitution。  I
  stand to it; fairly; fully; and firmly。
  But when I am told I must leave it altogether to other people to
  say whether new partners are to be bred up and brought into the
  firm; on the same degrading terms against me; I respectfully
  demur。  I insist that whether I shall be a whole man or only the
  half of one; in comparison with others is a question in which I
  am somewhat concerned; and one which no other man can have a
  sacred right of deciding for me。  If I am wrong in this; if it
  really be a sacred right of self…government in the man who shall
  go to Nebraska to decide whether he will be the equal of me or
  the double of me; then; after he shall have exercised that right;
  and thereby shall have reduced me to a still smaller fraction of
  a man than I already am; I should like for some gentleman; deeply
  skilled in the mysteries of sacred rights; to provide himself
  with a microscope; and peep about; and find out; if he can; what
  has become of my sacred rights。  They will surely be too small
  for detection with the naked eye。
  Finally; I insist that if there is anything which it is the duty
  of the whole people to never intrust to any hands but their own;
  that thing is the preservation and perpetuity of their own
  liberties and institutions。  And if they shall think as I do;
  that the extension of slavery endangers them more than any or all
  other causes; how recreant to themselves if they submit The
  question; and with it the fate of their country; to a mere
  handful of men bent only on seif…interest。  If this question of
  slavery extension were an insignificant one; one having no power
  to do harmit might be shuffled aside in this way; and being; as
  it is; the great Behemoth of danger; shall the strong grip of the
  nation be loosened upon him; to intrust him to the hands of such
  feeble keepers?
  I have done with this mighty argument of self…government。  Go;
  sacred thing! Go in peace。
  But Nebraska is urged as a great Union…saving measure。  Well; I
  too go for saving the Union。  Much as I hate slavery; I would
  consent to the extension of it rather than see the Union
  dissolved; just as I would consent to any great evil to avoid a
  greater one。  But when I go to Union…saving; I must believe; at
  least; that the means I employ have some adaptation to the end。
  To my mind; Nebraska has no such adaptation。
  〃It hath no relish of salvation in it。〃
  It is an aggravation; rather; of the only one thing which ever
  endangers the Union。  When it came upon us; all was peace and
  quiet。  The nation was looking to the forming of new bends of
  union; and a long course of peace and prosperity seemed to lie
  before us。  In the whole range of possibility; there scarcely
  appears to me to have been anything out of which the slavery
  agitation could have been revived; except the very project of
  repealing the Missouri Compromise。  Every inch of territory we
  owned already had a definite settlement of the slavery question;
  by which all parties were pledged to abide。  Indeed; there was no
  uninhabited country on the continent which we could acquire; if
  we except some extreme northern regions which are wholly out of
  the question。
  In this state of affairs the Genius of Discord himself could
  scarcely have invented a way of again setting us by the ears but
  by turning back and destroying the peace measures of the past。
  The counsels of that Genius seem to have prevailed。  The Missouri
  Compromise was repealed; and here we are in the midst of a new
  slavery agitation; such; I think; as we have never seen before。
  Who is responsible for this?  Is it those who resist the measure;
  or those who causelessly brought it forward; and pressed it
  through; having reason to know; and in fact knowing; it must and
  would be so resisted?  It could not but be expected by its author
  that it would be looked upon as a measure for the extension of
  slavery; aggravated by a gross breach of faith。
  Argue as you will and long as you will; this is the naked front
  and aspect of the measure。  And in this aspect it could not but
  produce agitation。  Slavery is founded in the selfishness of
  man's natureopposition to it in his love of justice。  These
  principles are at eternal antagonism; and when brought into
  collision so fiercely as slavery extension brings them; shocks
  and throes and convulsions must ceaselessly follow。  Repeal the
  Missouri Compromise; repeal all compromises; repeal the
  Declaration of Independence; repeal all past history; you still
  cannot repeal human nature。  It still will be the abundance of
  man's heart that slavery extension is wrong; and out of the
  abundance of his heart his mouth will continue to speak。
  The structure; too; of the Nebraska Bill is very peculiar。  The
  people are to decide the question of slavery for themselves; but
  when they are to decide; or how they are to decide; or whether;
  when the question is once decided; it is to remain so or is to be
  subject to an indefinite succession of new trials; the law does
  not say。  Is it to be decided by the first dozen settlers who
  arrive there; or is it to await the arrival of a hundred?  Is it
  to be decided by a vote of the people or a vote of the
  Legislature; or; indeed; by a vote of any sort?  To these
  questions the law gives no answer。  There is a mystery about
  this; for when a member proposed to give the Legislature express
  authority to exclude slavery; it was hooted down by the friends
  of the bill。  This fact is worth remembering。  Some Yankees in
  the East are sending emigrants to Nebraska to exclude slavery
  from it; and; so far as I can judge; they expect the question to
  be decided by voting in some way or other。  But the Missourians
  are awake; too。  They are within a stone's…throw of the contested