第 30 节
作者:浪剑飞舟      更新:2021-02-18 23:59      字数:9322
  the use of the ninth ray; one of the beautiful scintillations
  which I had noted emanating from the great stone in my
  host's diadem。
  This ray is separated from the other rays of the sun by
  means of finely adjusted instruments placed upon the roof
  of the huge building; three…quarters of which is used for
  reservoirs in which the ninth ray is stored。  This product is
  then treated electrically; or rather certain proportions of
  refined electric vibrations are incorporated with it; and the
  result is then pumped to the five principal air centers of the
  planet where; as it is released; contact with the ether of
  space transforms it into atmosphere。
  There is always sufficient reserve of the ninth ray stored in
  the great building to maintain the present Martian atmosphere for
  a thousand years; and the only fear; as my new friend told me;
  was that some accident might befall the pumping apparatus。
  He led me to an inner chamber where I beheld a battery
  of twenty radium pumps any one of which was equal to the
  task of furnishing all Mars with the atmosphere compound。
  For eight hundred years; he told me; he had watched these
  pumps which are used alternately a day each at a stretch; or
  a little over twenty…four and one…half Earth hours。  He has one
  assistant who divides the watch with him。  Half a Martian
  year; about three hundred and forty…four of our days; each
  of these men spend alone in this huge; isolated plant。
  Every red Martian is taught during earliest childhood the
  principles of the manufacture of atmosphere; but only two
  at one time ever hold the secret of ingress to the great building;
  which; built as it is with walls a hundred and fifty feet
  thick; is absolutely unassailable; even the roof being guarded
  from assault by air craft by a glass covering five feet thick。
  The only fear they entertain of attack is from the green
  Martians or some demented red man; as all Barsoomians
  realize that the very existence of every form of life of Mars
  is dependent upon the uninterrupted working of this plant。
  One curious fact I discovered as I watched his thoughts
  was that the outer doors are manipulated by telepathic
  means。  The locks are so finely adjusted that the doors are
  released by the action of a certain combination of thought
  waves。  To experiment with my new…found toy I thought to
  surprise him into revealing this combination and so I asked
  him in a casual manner how he had managed to unlock the
  massive doors for me from the inner chambers of the building。
  As quick as a flash there leaped to his mind nine Martian sounds;
  but as quickly faded as he answered that this was a secret
  he must not divulge。
  From then on his manner toward me changed as though he feared
  that he had been surprised into divulging his great secret;
  and I read suspicion and fear in his looks and thoughts;
  though his words were still fair。
  Before I retired for the night he promised to give me a
  letter to a nearby agricultural officer who would help me on
  my way to Zodanga; which he said; was the nearest Martian city。
  〃But be sure that you do not let them know you are
  bound for Helium as they are at war with that country。
  My assistant and I are of no country; we belong to all Barsoom
  and this talisman which we wear protects us in all lands;
  even among the green menthough we do not trust ourselves
  to their hands if we can avoid it;〃 he added。
  〃And so good…night; my friend;〃 he continued; 〃may you
  have a long and restful sleepyes; a long sleep。〃
  And though he smiled pleasantly I saw in his thoughts the
  wish that he had never admitted me; and then a picture of
  him standing over me in the night; and the swift thrust of
  a long dagger and the half formed words; 〃I am sorry; but it
  is for the best good of Barsoom。〃
  As he closed the door of my chamber behind him his
  thoughts were cut off from me as was the sight of him; which
  seemed strange to me in my little knowledge of thought
  What was I to do?  How could I escape through these
  mighty walls?  Easily could I kill him now that I was warned;
  but once he was dead I could no more escape; and with the
  stopping of the machinery of the great plant I should die
  with all the other inhabitants of the planetall; even Dejah
  Thoris were she not already dead。  For the others I did not
  give the snap of my finger; but the thought of Dejah Thoris
  drove from my mind all desire to kill my mistaken host。
  Cautiously I opened the door of my apartment and; followed
  by Woola; sought the inner of the great doors。  A wild
  scheme had come to me; I would attempt to force the great
  locks by the nine thought waves I had read in my host's mind。
  Creeping stealthily through corridor after corridor and
  down winding runways which turned hither and thither I
  finally reached the great hall in which I had broken my long
  fast that morning。  Nowhere had I seen my host; nor did I
  know where he kept himself by night。
  I was on the point of stepping boldly out into the room
  when a slight noise behind me warned me back into the
  shadows of a recess in the corridor。  Dragging Woola after
  me I crouched low in the darkness。
  Presently the old man passed close by me; and as he entered
  the dimly lighted chamber which I had been about to
  pass through I saw that he held a long thin dagger in his
  hand and that he was sharpening it upon a stone。  In his mind
  was the decision to inspect the radium pumps; which would
  take about thirty minutes; and then return to my bed chamber
  and finish me。
  As he passed through the great hall and disappeared down
  the runway which led to the pump…room; I stole stealthily
  from my hiding place and crossed to the great door; the inner
  of the three which stood between me and liberty。
  Concentrating my mind upon the massive lock I hurled
  the nine thought waves against it。  In breathless expectancy
  I waited; when finally the great door moved softly toward
  me and slid quietly to one side。  One after the other the
  remaining mighty portals opened at my command and Woola
  and I stepped forth into the darkness; free; but little better
  off than we had been before; other than that we had full
  Hastening away from the shadows of the formidable pile
  I made for the first crossroad; intending to strike the central
  turnpike as quickly as possible。  This I reached about morning
  and entering the first enclosure I came to I searched for
  some evidences of a habitation。
  There were low rambling buildings of concrete barred
  with heavy impassable doors; and no amount of hammering
  and hallooing brought any response。  Weary and exhausted
  from sleeplessness I threw myself upon the ground commanding
  Woola to stand guard。
  Some time later I was awakened by his frightful growlings
  and opened my eyes to see three red Martians standing a
  short distance from us and covering me with their rifles。
  〃I am unarmed and no enemy;〃 I hastened to explain。  〃I
  have been a prisoner among the green men and am on my
  way to Zodanga。  All I ask is food and rest for myself and
  my calot and the proper directions for reaching my destination。〃
  They lowered their rifles and advanced pleasantly toward
  me placing their right hands upon my left shoulder; after the
  manner of their custom of salute; and asking me many questions
  about myself and my wanderings。  They then took me to the
  house of one of them which was only a short distance away。
  The buildings I had been hammering at in the early
  morning were occupied only by stock and farm produce;
  the house proper standing among a grove of enormous trees;
  and; like all red…Martian homes; had been raised at night
  some forty or fifty feet from the ground on a large round
  metal shaft which slid up or down within a sleeve sunk in
  the ground; and was operated by a tiny radium engine in
  the entrance hall of the building。  Instead of bothering with
  bolts and bars for their dwellings; the red Martians simply
  run them up out of harm's way during the night。  They also
  have private means for lowering or raising them from the
  ground without if they wish to go away and leave them。
  These brothers; with their wives and children; occupied three
  similar houses on this farm。  They did no work themselves;
  being government officers in charge。  The labor was
  performed by convicts; prisoners of war; delinquent debtors
  and confirmed bachelors who were too poor to pay the high
  celibate tax which all red…Martian governments impose。
  They were the personification of cordiality and hospitality
  and I spent several days with them; resting and recuperating
  from my long and arduous experiences。
  When they had heard my storyI omitted all reference
  to Dejah Thoris and the old man of the atmosphere plant
  they advised me to color my body to more nearly resemble
  their own race and then attempt to find employment in Zodan