第 28 节
作者:这就是结局      更新:2021-02-18 21:45      字数:9322
  some may think a 2;000 calory ration is altogether
  too small; and he advises such to begin with
  3;000 or even 3;500graded; of course; according
  to a man's size; weight; and occupation。  But
  he says one famous man does splendid work on
  only 1;800 calories; and another on even 1;600。
  But that is just a matter of chewing。  Why;
  Bertram; you have no idea what perfectly wonderful
  things chewing does。''
  ‘‘Yes; I've heard of that;'' grunted Bertram;
  ‘‘ten chews to a cherry; and sixty to a spoonful
  of soup。  There's an old metronome up…stairs
  that Cyril left。  You might bring it down and
  set it going on the tableso many ticks to a
  mouthful; I suppose。  I reckon; with an incentive
  like that to eat; just about two calories would
  do me。  Eh; William?''
  ‘‘Bertram!  Now you're only making fun;''
  chided Billy; ‘‘and when it's really serious; too。
  Now listen;'' she admonished; picking up the
  book again。  ‘‘ ‘If a man consumes a large
  amount of meat; and very few vegetables; his
  diet will be too rich in protein; and too lacking in
  carbohydrates。  On the other hand; if he consumes
  great quantities of pastry; bread; butter;
  and tea; his meals will furnish too much energy;
  and not enough building material。'  There; Bertram;
  don't you see?''
  ‘‘Oh; yes; I see;'' teased Bertram。  ‘‘William;
  better eat what you can to…night。  I foresee it's
  the last meal of just _food_ we'll get for some time。
  Hereafter we'll have proteins; fats; and
  carbohydrates made into calory croquettes; and''
  ‘‘Bertram!'' scolded Billy。
  But Bertram would not be silenced。
  ‘‘Here; just let me take that book;'' he insisted;
  dragging the volume from Billy's reluctant fingers。
  ‘‘Now; William; listen。  Here's your breakfast
  to…morrow morning: strawberries; 100 calories;
  whole…wheat bread; 75 calories; butter; 100
  calories (no second helping; mind you; or you'd
  ruin the balance and something would topple);
  boiled eggs; 200 calories; cocoa; 100 calories
  which all comes to 570 calories。  Sounds like an
  English bill of fare with a new kind of foreign
  money; but 'tisn't; really; you know。  Now for
  luncheon you can have tomato soup; 50 calories;
  potato saladthat's cheap; only 30 calories;
  and''  But Billy pulled the book away then;
  and in righteous indignation carried it to the
  ‘‘You don't deserve anything to eat;'' she
  declared with dignity; as she returned to the dining…
  ‘‘No?'' queried Bertram; his eyebrows
  uplifted。  ‘‘Well; as near as I can make out we
  aren't going to getmuch。''
  But Billy did not deign to answer this。
  In spite of Bertram's tormenting gibes; Billy
  did; for some days; arrange her meals in accordance
  with the wonderful table of food given in
  ‘‘Correct Eating for Efficiency。''  To be sure;
  Bertram; whatever he found before him during
  those days; anxiously asked whether he were
  eating fats; proteins; or carbohydrates; and he
  worried openly as to the possibility of his meal's
  producing one calory too much or too little; thus
  endangering his ‘‘balance。''
  Billy alternately laughed and scolded; to the
  unvarying good nature of her husband。  As it
  happened; however; even this was not for long;
  for Billy ran across a magazine article on food
  adulteration; and this so filled her with terror
  lest; in the food served; she were killing her
  family by slow poison; that she forgot all about
  the proteins; fats; and carbohydrates。  Her talk
  these days was of formaldehyde; benzoate of
  soda; and salicylic acid。
  Very soon; too; Billy discovered an exclusive
  Back Bay school for instruction in household
  economics and domestic hygiene。  Billy investigated
  it at once; and was immediately aflame with
  enthusiasm。  She told Bertram that it taught
  everything; _everything_ she wanted to know; and
  forthwith she enrolled herself as one of its most
  devoted pupils; in spite of her husband's protests
  that she knew enough; more than enough; already。
  This school attendance; to her consternation;
  Billy discovered took added time; but in some
  way she contrived to find it to take。
  And so the days passed。  Eliza's mother; though
  better; was still too ill for her daughter to leave
  her。  Billy; as the warm weather approached;
  began to look pale and thin。  Billy; to tell the
  truth; was working altogether too hard; but she
  would not admit it; even to herself。  At first the
  novelty of the work; and her determination to
  conquer at all costs; had given a fictitious strength
  to her endurance。  Now that the novelty had
  become accustomedness; and the conquering a
  surety; Billy discovered that she had a back that
  could ache; and limbs that; at times; could almost
  refuse to move from weariness。  There was still;
  however; one spur that never failed to urge her
  to fresh endeavor; and to make her; at least
  temporarily; forget both ache and weariness; and
  that was the comforting thought that now;
  certainly; even Bertram himself must admit that
  she was tending to her home and her husband。
  As to BertramBertram; it is true; had at
  first uttered frequent and vehement protests
  against his wife's absorption of both mind and
  body in ‘‘that plaguy housework;'' as he termed
  it。  But as the days passed; and blessed order
  superseded chaos; peace followed discord; and
  delicious; well…served meals took the place of the
  horrors that had been called meals in the past; he
  gradually accepted the change with tranquil
  satisfaction; and forgot to question how it was
  brought about; though he did still; sometimes;
  rebel because Billy was always too tired; or too
  busy; to go out with him。  Of late; however; he
  had not done even this so frequently; for a new
  ‘‘Face of a Girl'' had possessed his soul; and all
  his thoughts and most of his time had gone to
  putting on canvas the vision of loveliness that his
  mind's eye saw。
  By June fifteenth the picture was finished。
  Bertram awoke then to his surroundings。  He
  found summer was upon him with no plans made
  for its enjoyment。  He found William had started
  West for a two weeks' business trip。  But what he
  did not find one dayat least at firstwas his
  wife; when he came home unexpectedly at four
  o'clock。  And Bertram especially wanted to find
  his wife that day; for he had met three people
  whose words had disquieted him not a little。
  First; Aunt Hannah。  She had said:
  ‘‘Bertram; where is Billy?  She hasn't been
  out to the Annex for a week; and the last time she
  was there she looked sick。  I was real worried
  about her。''
  Cyril had been next。
  ‘‘Where's Billy?'' he had asked abruptly。
  ‘‘Marie says she hasn't seen her for two weeks。
  Marie's afraid she's sick。  She says Billy didn't
  look well a bit; when she did see her。''
  Calderwell had capped the climax。  He had
  ‘‘Great Scott; Henshaw; where have you been
  keeping yourself?  And where's your wife?  Not
  one of us has caught more than a glimpse of her
  for weeks。  She hasn't sung with us; nor played
  for us; nor let us take her anywhere for a month
  of Sundays。  Even Miss Greggory says _she_ hasn't
  seen much of her; and that Billy always says
  she's too busy to go anywhere。  But Miss Greggory
  says she looks pale and thin; and that _she_
  thinks she's worrying too much over running the
  house。  I hope she isn't sick!''
  ‘‘Why; no; Billy isn't sick。  Billy's all right;''
  Bertram had answered。  He had spoken lightly;
  nonchalantly; with an elaborate air of carelessness;
  but after he had left Calderwell; he had
  turned his steps abruptly and a little hastily
  toward home。
  And he had not found Billyat least; not at
  once。  He had gone first down into the kitchen
  and dining…room。  He remembered then; uneasily;
  that he had always looked for Billy in the kitchen
  and dining…room; of late。  To…day; however; she
  was not there。
  On the kitchen table Bertram did see a book
  wide open; and; mechanically; he picked it up。
  It was a much…thumbed cookbook; and it was
  open where two once…blank pages bore his wife's
  handwriting。  On the first page; under the printed
  heading ‘‘Things to Remember;'' he read these
  ‘‘That rice swells till every dish in the house
  is full; and that spinach shrinks till you can't
  find it。
  ‘‘That beets boil dry if you look out the window。
  ‘‘That biscuits which look as if they'd been
  mixed up with a rusty stove poker haven't really
  been so; but have only got too much undissolved
  soda in them。''
  There were other sentences; but Bertram's eyes
  chanced to fall on the opposite page where the
  ‘‘Things to Remember'' had been changed to
  ‘‘Things to Forget''; and here Billy had written
  just four words:  ‘‘Burns;'' ‘‘cuts;'' and
  ‘‘yesterday's failures。''
  Bertram dropped the book then with a spasmodic
  clearing of his throat; and hurriedly resumed
  his search。  When he di