第 27 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9322
  We have now reached the limits of our present study; and have only to
  state that all gems; like the human organism; are in one of three conditions:
  alive and conscious; asleep and UNCONSCIOUS; or dead and powerless。
  These conditions can only be discovered; in stones; by the trained lucid or
  the instructed neophyte。 Stones that are sleeping require to be awakened。
  This; also; can only be done by the trained student or Adept。 Those that are
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  dead; are USELESS as Talismans; no matter how beautiful they appear as
  Gems   and   stones   are   also   sexed;   and   those   who   wear   them   would
  receive the best effect if they should wear those of opposite sex; although
  either   is   powerfully   potent   in   their   influence   upon   the   individual。   How
  very  ignorant   the   children of   men   are;  of   the   subtle;  silent;  yet   obedient
  servants; that everywhere; surround them。 Here; again; that Divine spark;
  which lies embedded within the crystallized forces of Nature; is exerting
  its subtle; spiritual influence; in making man's very selfishness; and love
  of   ornament   and     show;   a   means;    to   bring   forth  these   silent  monitors;
  knowing ere long that; their true power and potency will be known; and
  consciously utilized by him; as potent factors in his soul's evolvement and
  physical development。
  The twelve representative gems within the cold stratas of matter; stand
  as the material representatives of their stellar counterparts in the sky; and
  constitute     the   beautiful;   glittering;   but   crystallized;    Zodiac    of   man's
  physical anatomy。
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  The   above   title   has   been   selected;   chiefly;   because;   in   most   works
  treating    upon   magic    we   find   it   wrongly   used;   and   therefore;   take   the
  opportunity of explaining the matter; for; there were no such terms in the
  vocabulary of the ancient Magi。
  It is unfortunate; that; words of ancient origin are not more carefully
  used; and that; we should attach so many different meanings to the same
  word。 The terms 〃ceremony〃 and 〃ceremonial〃 are nothing more nor less
  than; what that eminent critic; John Ruskin; would designate as 〃bastards
  of ignoble origin;〃 which; somehow or another; have usurped the places of
  〃rite〃   and   〃ritual。〃   The   word   〃rite〃   has   descended   to   us   from   the   Latin
  〃ritus〃 of our Roman ancestors; and they received it from the more ancient
  〃riti〃 of the Sanskrit; the Greek equivalent of which is 〃reo;〃 and means
  the   method   or   order   of   service   to   the   gods;   whereas;   〃ceremony〃   may
  mean anything and everything; from the terms of a brutal prize fight to the
  conduct of divine service within the church。 But; no such chameleon…like
  definition or construction can properly be placed upon the word 〃rite;〃 for
  it means distinctly; if it means anything at all; the serious usage and sacred
  method   of   conducting  service in honor of   the   gods; or   of superiors;   and
  requires the attendance of the prophet or priest; or some one duly qualified
  to fulfill such sacred functions for the time being。 The ritual of magic; then;
  is the correct title of this present study; and as such; we shall; henceforth;
  term it as we proceed with the course。
  Man   is   especially;   and   above   all   creatures;   an   organizing   force;   and
  when to this fact; we add the most interior and powerful of his sentimental
  instinctsveneration for  the  powers that   be;  and for the higher;  invisible
  forces of Nature; his 〃religiosity;〃 as it has been aptly termed; we cannot
  wonder that; the earliest races of which we possess any record are chiefly
  distinguished for their imposing and elaborate religious rites。 In fact; it is
  to   the  stupendous      temples    and   a  colossal   sacerdotalism;     that;  we    are
  indebted   for   nine…tenths   of   the   relics   and   records   which   we   possess   of
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  them。 So true is this that; from what we have been able to discover; we are
  quite   justified   in   asserting   that   the   ancient   races   were;   above   all   other
  things; a profoundly  religious people。 The temple was the center   around
  which revolved all their genius and art; and the sacred edifice became their
  grandest achievement in architecture; and its high priest the most powerful
  individual   in   the   state。   In   fact;   it   was   in   consequence   of   the   real   power
  invested in such sacred office that it was so intimately connected with the
  throne;     and   why    royalty    so   frequently     belonged     to   the  priesthood      or
  exercised   priestly   functions。   And   there   can   be   no   real   doubt;   but   that;
  amongst the pastoral and more spiritual races of Earth's earliest inhabitants;
  the priest; by reason of his superior wisdom; was the first law…giver; and;
  by virtue of his sanctity of person and elevation of mind became their first;
  primitive king; a patriarchal monarch; whose scepter and symbol of power
  was the shepherd's peaceful crook; just as among the ruder nomads of the
  inhospitable North; we find the greatest hunters invested with the dignity
  of   chief;   whose     significant    symbol      and   scepter    of  royalty;   upon    their
  Nimrod thrones; was the trusty; successful spear。 And the times in which
  we live have bad their full effect upon these symbols; so significant of rule。
  The monarch has transformed the spear into the less harmful mace; while
  the Church has added an inch of iron to the crook。 Therefore; the former
  has become less war…like; and the latter less peaceful; and; verily; in actual
  life we find them so;
  The   patriarchal   sire;   head   of   the   tribal   household;   was   the   original
  priest;   and   the   hearthstone   the   first   altar   around   which   the   family   rites
  were   performed;   and   from   this   pure   and   primitive   original   have           been
  evolved;      through     progressive     ages;    the  stately   temple     and   the   sacred
  person of the despotic pontiff; from the sincere prayer the pure aspirations
  of the human   heart   and the   joyous offerings   of   fruits   and   flowers   to the
  invisible     powers     around     them;    and    from    the   souls    of  their   beloved
  ancestors has arisen the costly and complicated ritual of theology。 And; if
  the   theologians   of   to…day   really   knew   the   lost;   secret   meaning   of   their
  complicated   rituals;   and   the   unseen   powers   lying   behind   their   external
  symbols; their anxieties for the continued life of their dying creeds would
  be   turned   to   new hopes   and   faith;  which   could   be   demonstrated   to   their
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  equally   blind   followers;   that;   that   which   they   were   teaching   they   knew;
  and could practically use the knowledge given forth in their sanctuaries;
  and;   instead   of   offering   up   their   supplications   to   an   imaginary;   personal
  Deity;   their   words;   rites;   and   ceremonies;   would   take   on   the   form   and
  power   that   such   should   command;   and   they   would   become   truly;   what
  their title really means; a doctor of the soul。 Then could they; intelligently;
  lead and direct the souls of their followers to the path of Christ (Truth);
  which leads up to salvation; not a vicarious atonement; but gaining the at…
  one…ment       through      the   individual     soul's   development        to   a  conscious
  relation; to that Divine spirit; we call God; where it can say 〃I know。〃
  Out   of   those   simple   gifts;   which   were   the   spontaneous   offerings   of
  loving     remembrance         and    unselfish     charity;   have    grown      the   prayers;
  penances;   sacrifices;   and   servile   worship;   of   sacerdotalism。   Out   of   the
  paternal consideration and love of the aged sire has evolved the haughty;
  chilling pride of the selfish; isolated priest; and which reflects its baneful
  influence upon the worshipers at their feet。 They have also changed their
  once sacred; faithful; and reverent; obedience into suspicion and distrust;
  and   with   the   educated   to   utter   disgust。  The   light   has   been   extinguished