第 26 节
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  as   permanent   and   enduring   as   the   substance   of   which   it   is   composed;
  DURING   THE   PRESENT   CYCLE。   And   yet   in   some   sense;   it   may   be
  quite   correct   to   say   that;   a   Talisman ACTS   LIKE A  CHARM;   and   vice
  versa; that charms ACT LIKE A TALISMAN; providing that; the real vital
  difference between them; is maintained in the statement。
  Now that we have our subject clearly defined; let us carefully examine
  HOW AND IN WHAT SENSE a given natural object becomes Talismanic;
  for   it   must   appear   self…evident   to   all   that;   one   and   the   same   substance
  cannot constitute a Talisman for everyone; and for everything。 They must
  naturally differ; as widely in their nature and quality; as mankind differ in
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  physical;   mental;   moral;   ethical;   and   temperamental;   development。  And;
  yet;    though;    man     may    so   differ   from     his  fellow     man;    the   ignorant
  Esquimau;   killing   seals   in   his   kayak;   may   belong   to   the   same   spiritual
  quality   of   life   as   the   Harvard   professor;   who   obtains   his   subsistence   by
  daily discourse upon the sublime harmony of the infinitely small with the
  infinitely     great;    throughout      the   manifested       universe     of   matter;    and
  wherever   we   find   this   KINSHIP   of   the   spirit;   we   shall   find   the   same
  identical Talisman   acting   alike   upon   each;   whenever   they  shall   come   en
  rapport with it。 Mental; moral; and physical development; never alter the
  real   nature   of   the   internal   man。   Culture   only   brings   to   the   surface;   into
  active use; the latent possibilities lying concealed within the human soul。
  It only allows him to exercise his functions upon different planes; and with
  different effect。
  Every     natural    department      of   Nature    corresponds       to  some    peculiar
  specific quality and degree of life。 These have been divided; for the sake
  of    convenience;        into   four    primary     groups;      and    each    group     again
  subdivided into three; corresponding to the four cardinal; four succedent;
  and   four   cadent   houses;   of   the   astrological   chart;   therefore;   the   twelve
  signs    of   the  Zodiac;     these   constituting     the   Cycle    of  Necessity      within
  physical conditions;  wherein;  the   ever…measuring or   decreeing tidal   flow
  of   life   from   solar   radiation   throughout   the   year;   represents   the   twelve
  groups      of   humanity;      of   lower    animated      Nature;     of   vegetation;     and
  crystallized gems。 Every human being is ushered into the world under the
  direct influx of one or more of these celestial divisions; and by virtue of
  the sign occupying the horizon at the moment of birth; absorbs such influx;
  and becomes endowed with a specific polarity; by virtue of which; lie ever
  afterward; during such expression within physical conditions; inspires with
  every breath; that specific life quality from the atmosphere; corresponding
  to the same degree of the universal spirit。 Consequently; that gem; or those
  gems; representing and corresponding to HIS HOUSE OF LIFE; become
  to   him;   a   Talisman;   because   of   their   relationshiptheir   spiritual   affinity。
  These   are   all   given   in   the   second   part   of   Vol。   I。   THE   METALS   never
  become Talismanic; because of their comparatively negative degree of life;
  and   for   this   reason   also;   they   make   the   most   powerful   charms。   Certain
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  combinations   of   metals;   and   in   proper   proportions;   increase   the   potency
  and   magnetic   influence of   a   charm;   and here;  too;  the   laws   of   antipathy
  and affinity come into practical use。
  A  true   expert   will   know   his   metals;   or   metal;   and   his   client;   before
  commencing his magical work。
  Those persons who derive most virtue from a Talisman are those who
  belong to the most sensitive; or interior state; within such degree of life;
  and   who     are   dominated     by   one   sign  only。   Thus;   if  we   find  one   sign
  occupying the whole of the House of Life; or practically so; as when the
  first face of a sign ascends; we may be sure; other things not interfering;
  that such a native will receive   great benefit from wearing its Talismanic
  gem。 If a person of good intellectual powers and sensitive spirituality; be
  born when the lord of the ascendant occupies the RISING SIGN; as; for
  instance;     Mars    in  Aries;   or   Sun   in   Leo;   we   may     be  sure   that;   the
  Talismanic gem; in their case; will be exceedingly powerful; because; all
  the Astro…physical conditions are then most favorable for the expression of
  natural forces; and; if worn upon; or near that part of the body which the
  sign rules; the power and influence is more powerful and beneficial。
  In wearing them; take them to you as a part of yourself; a part of your
  higher self; a thing to be heeded; listened to and obeyed。 They will usually
  make   their   presence   most   pronounced   when   something   arises   to   disturb
  the   harmonious   vibrations   that   naturally   and   quietly   go   on   between   the
  person   and   the   interstellar   spaces   above。   They   are   like   the   sensor   and
  motor     nervesthey      never   make     their  presence     known;     except;    when
  danger encroaches。
  Having   explained   in   what   sense   gems   become   talismanic;   we   have
  now to disclose the modus operandiTHE HOW。
  The gems contain the life quality of their own astral nature。 Man; as a
  higher expression; only; of the same universal biune life; contains the same。
  Like two electric currents; MAN; THE POSITIVE POLE (comparatively);
  attracts unto himself THE MINERAL  LIFE OF THE  GEM;  which thus;
  becomes the negative pole。 A complete circuit is formed and maintained;
  as long as they remain in contact。 Gems belonging to a different quality of
  life; not being en rapport with his astral state; have no good effect; because;
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  no current flows between them。 Thus; the Talisman acts in unison with the
  psychic; or soul…principle; of man; aiding the organism to sustain health;
  stimulating the mental perceptions; and spiritual intuition; and affording in
  a   remarkable   manner;   many   premonitions   of   coming   danger;   when   the
  individual is sufficiently sensitive to perceive them。 And now; per contra;
  as there are gems that act in sympathy with man; there must be; and in fact
  are;   gems   that   act   upon   contrary   principles;   i。e。;   antagonistic;   and   these
  belong to purely antagonistic elements; as Air to Earth and Fire to Water;
  unless the native be born under BOTH forces; as Mars in Cancer rising; or
  the latter part of one sign and nearly the whole of another of an opposite
  nature; occupying the ascendant。 Such natives are pure neutrals; and such
  might   wear     the   gems    that  belong    to  the  most    powerful     planet   of  the
  horoscope;      or   that  triplicity  holding    the   most    planets;   then;   they   are
  usually combined; the planet and the triplicity。
  There are; of course; innumerable substances; more or less; capable of
  talismanic   virtue   to   particular   individuals。   But   those   gems;   and   similar
  ones; that are given in 〃The Light of Egypt;〃 Vol。 I; are the most powerful。
  To these may be added the opal; under Scorpio; the garnet; under Aries;
  and     the   turquoise;    under    Cancer;     when    Saturn     is  therein;   and    the
  aquamarine;        under    Pisces;    and   among      the   temporary      talismans     of
  vegetation we may add that; the young shoots; bearing the flower and seed
  vessels;   are   the   portions   of   chief   virtue;   and   the   young   shoots   of   trees。
  These   are   often   used   in   locating   mines;   wells;   oils;   etc。;   that   lie   hidden
  beneath the surface of the earth; and in the hands of a negative; sensitive
  person;   seldom   fail   to   reward   the   searcher   with   success。   These   should
  always     be   gathered    when     their  ruling   correspondences        are  rising;   or;
  be explained in the chapter on The Magic Wand。
  We have now reached the limits of our present study; and have only to
  state that all gems; like the human organism; are in one of three