第 8 节
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  of   heaven;   the   interested      soul   bows   in   reverence   and   awe   before   that
  almighty power we term Providence; and the profane call God。
  No     man    has   altered   these    pure   records     of  divinity;    no   finger   has
  interpolated one single line。 They are as beautifully clear to the soul now
  as they were in the very dawn of Nature's awful creation。
  To   the   Initiate   into   Urania's   mysteries   it   is   unnecessary   to   draw   a
  parallel between the   constellation   and   its   astrological sign。 They  are   too
  clear;   magnificent   and   impressive   to   escape   notice。   To   the   majority   of
  students the resembance may not be so apparent; hence; for their benefit;
  we will point out a few aspects of this interesting parallel。
  We   read   that   the   sign   Leo   is   the   〃solar   Lion   of   the   mysteries;   that;
  ripens with his own internal heat the fruits brought forth from the Earth by
  the   moisture   of   Isis   (the   soul)。〃   Just   so;   the   Divine   Ego;   by   its   eternal
  energy   and   strength;   the   pure   fire   of   intelligence;   externalizes   through
  material forms the principles involved in the downward portion of the arc;
  as   qualities   and   attributes   of   the   soul   (reflected   in   the   physical   man   as
  traits and qualities)。 Again we are told; 〃this sign reveals to us the ancient
  sacrifice   and   the   laws   of   its   compensation。〃   In   the   imperiousness   of   a
  deathless   courage;   the   soul   defies   all   consequences   and   responsibilities。
  Surely; this is the supreme sacrifice; to leave its pure; Edenic state to gain
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  knowledge; to evolve its latent forces。 And from this lion of the Tribe of
  Judah;  is   born   that   Divine  love  and   sympathy  which   ultimately  redeems
  and   purifies   the   soul   and   saves   it   from   death   in   matter。   The   laws   of   its
  compensation are fulfilled in the prefected man。
  In   its   intellectual   aspect;   we   learn   that   the   mental   forces   of   those
  dominated by this sign are ever striving to attain unto some higher state。
  Their ideas are grand; compared with the nature of the constellation; and
  all that it implies。 The reflection is clear; natural and beautiful。 When we
  reflect   upon   this   awful   period   in   the   involution   of   the   dual   souls   of   the
  Divine      Ego;   as   symbolized      by   the   constellation;     and   the   grand    truths
  represented   by   the   astrological   sign   when   refracted   through   the   human
  organism; the reason for Leo being named the Royal Sign becomes quite
  VI。 Virgo
  〃And following Virgo calms his rage again。〃
  Beautifully expressive   are   these lines to those who   read   their   mystic
  import      aright。    Virgo    is   the   reaction     of   the   leonine     force;   and    is;
  consequently; a feminine symbol。
  Action   and   reaction   are   the   eternal   laws   upon   which   the   cosmos   is
  founded。 They constitute the inseparable affinities; attraction and repulsion;
  of    everything      within    the   realm    of   manifested      being。    In   this   mystic
  constellation;   we   see   the   first   ideas   of   maternal   instinct   arise。   This   is   a
  necessary result of the impulsive action of the heart in Leothe reaction
  from   a    state   of  imperious;      defiance。    The    heat   of  rage    or  energy     and
  deathless courage   results in   the IDEAS   of something   to be   encountered;
  overcome;   and   of   self…preservation。 The   dual   soul   descends   still   another
  volve in the spiral of its celestial journey toward crystallized forms。
  Virgo;   the   Virgin   of    the   skies;   and   eternal   symbol   of   that     Divine;
  immaculate conception; shows wherein these forces lie。 Here is conceived;
  in   a   pure;   holy   sense;   the   first   instinct   of   love   within   the   dual   soul。   It
  represents that awful period in the Biblical Garden of Eden; wherein the
  VIRGIN   WIFE   stands   before   the   tree   of   knowledge;   of   good   and   evil;
  where she is fascinated by the allurements of matter and is unconsciously
  becoming enveloped in the coils of the serpent。 In other words; after the
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  cosmic force had SHAKEN ITS MANE in defiance of material forces; it
  is   the   reaction   of   his   subjective   half   which   sees   HOW   GOOD   material
  things are; or; in other words; 〃and following Virgo calms his rage again。〃
  The masculine half; or positive force of the soul; yields to temptation and
  is soothed by the alluring prospects。
  It   will   be    noticed     in  this   connection       that   pity;   reflection;    and
  compassion; are the peculiar actions of the sign Virgo in the Zodiac (not
  the    constellation);     and   that   astrologically     it  governs    the   bowels。     This
  symbolism   is   really   very   beautiful   when   closely   compared   and   studied。
  That   immaculate   conception   of   pure   love   of   the   soul   for   its   other   half;
  upon the astrological plane; becomes refracted and reacts as compassion
  and pity。 Again; the soul; within subjective realms; sees how good material
  things   are;   and   its   refraction   represents   the   assimilating   functions   of   the
  human organism。 It also reveals to us the significance of the Lord's Supper。
  At this   stage of its journey;   the  Divine Ego   knows for  the last   time   that
  close    communion        with   the   twin    soul   before    the  crucifixion;     the  wine
  typical   of   the   sacrifice;   the   bread;   and   the   sustaining   forces;   of   its   own
  immortal being。
  The intellectual aspect of the sign Virgo forms a perfect analogy to the
  constellation; and is too evident for further remarks。
  VII。 Libra
  〃Then day and night are weighed in Libra's scales; Equal awhile; at
  last the night prevails。〃
  Another   volve   in   the   spiral;   and   we   reach   the   grand   climax   of   the
  soul's journey; within the spiritual world。
  The nature of this constellation was; for ages; concealed from all but
  Initiates;   for   the   reason   that;   it   contains   the   most   important   mysteries
  connected with the human soul。 It is the grand transition are between the
  spiritual     world    and    the   astral   world;    in  other    words;     between     ideal
  conceptions   and   elemental   forms;   between   the   world   of   design   and   the
  realms of force。
  One of the chief mysteries of Libra is; that; it is androgyne; or bisexual;
  in nature。 So far the dual soul has evolved within the realms of spirituality;
  here   it   stands;   in   the   celestial   balance;   between   the   two;   giving   way   to
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  temptation; takes the forbidden fruit and instantly awakes from its purely
  spiritual    state   to  become      surrounded      by   the   illusions    of  matter。    The
  struggle   of   the   soul   with   the   attracting   forces   of   matter   is   very   clearly
  expressed in the line:
  〃Equal awhile; at last the night prevails。〃
  In other words; astral and physical darkness bedim the soul's spiritual
  sight;   and;   leaving   the   realms   of   innocence   and   bliss;   they   sink   into   the
  vortex of the great astral world。
  The celestial state is now forever lost as a realm of angelic innocence。
  It can only be regained amid trial; sorrow; suffering; and experience; and;
  when regained; it is as Lord and Master; not as the innocent cherub。 But
  when;   having   gained   or   reached   the   equator   of   the   upward   arc   of   its
  progress;   and;   united   once   more   to   its   missing   half;   gives   expression   to
  that deathless force with which it started from the opposite point; Aries: 〃I
  AM       THAT      I  AM;〃      no    longer    an    embryo;     but    being    within     the
  UNIVERSAL SOUL of being。 Before closing this symbolic constellation;
  we must reveal the mystery of its BI…SEXUAL NATURE。 In the higher or
  first portion of the sign  it is {}; positive   to some extent; and   masculine。
  The soul is still within the Garden of Eden and pure; clad in the raiment of
  God; and is represented by the Chaldean statues of 〃The Bearded Venus;〃
  or Venus; the Angel of Libra; as a morning star; bright Lucifer。 But in the
  latter   half;   after  the   fruit  of  the   t