第 7 节
作者:      更新:2021-02-18 21:16      字数:9320
  and; as some have said; tragedy; and in this; the third of the shining twelve;
  we find the opening scene of act II; viz: The evolution of the twin souls; or;
  more correctly; the differentiation of the Divine soul into its two natural
  component partsmale and female。
  Here   we   approach   one   of   the   most   arcane   secrets   within   the   wide
  scope   of   Occult   philosophy;   hence   must   be   exact;   and   at   the   same   time
  clear;   in   our   statements。   Note;   then;   that   after   the   male   spirit   of   pure;
  ethereal; divine fire (Aries) bad conceived the first idea; and Taurus; the
  material envelope; had given that idea objective existence to its (the Ego's)
  consciousness;        we    find   SENSATION          AS    THE     RESULT。       No    sooner
  sensation   than      aspiration;   i。e。;   longing。   This   closes   the   action   and   the
  Ever; in obedience to the unsatisfied wants of an immortal soul Nature
  immediately   responds。         Hence   〃He      bending   lies    with   threatening     head;
  (that is demanding);〃 and calls the twins (the twin souls) to rise (to appear
  or evolve forth);〃 and as a first rude shock caused by their separation; or;
  rather; by their separate existence as two distinct; yet mutually dependent;
  forces; we have the context。
  〃They clasp for fear and mutually embrace。〃
  This   most   impressive   scene   in   the   soul's   drama   is   one   of   profound
  interest and sublime beauty。
  In the Kabbalah we find the same parallel; wherein it is stated: 〃And
  so God created man in His own image (the action of Aries and Taurus); in
  His own image (mind) created He him; male and female created He them。〃
  In   other   words;   Aries;   Taurus   and   Gemini   are   thus   spoken   of   in   pure
  The mundane Bible of the Jews; like everything else esteemed sacred;
  finds   its   original   and   perfect   expression   in   the   great Astral   Bible   of   the
  To the average student the evolution of the Twin Souls is a profound
  mystery;   embracing;   as   it   does;   the   whole   of   involution   and   evolution;
  seeing that this beautiful constellation represents to us the first recognition;
  or   consciousness;   of   the   Divine   Ego   of   its   dual   forces;   sensation       and
  … Page 26…
  aspiration; called forth by the action of Aries and Taurus。 How beautifully
  has the poet expressed this first pulsation of Divine love: 〃They clasp for
  fear;〃 etc。 Evolved by the Divine will of pure intelligence; they must ever
  remain as separate; yet mutually dependent; forces; positive and negative;
  male     and    female;    upon    whose     action   and    reaction    rest  the   perfect
  evolvement of the powers and possibilities of the One。
  In   order   to   clearly   grasp   the   whole   of   these   ramifications;   we   again
  invite    our  student's    careful   attention   to  the   same    sign;  Gemini;     in  its
  astrological aspect; as it is representatively expressed by refraction upon
  the   human   organism。   We   find   that   this   sign   (the   representative   of   the
  constellation always) signifies the union of reason with intuition; and that
  it governs the arms; hands and executive forces of man。
  Surely;    as  we    reflect  upon    the  almost    marvelous      inter…relationship
  between things spiritual and things temporal; we must conclude; with the
  man Jesus; that 〃They have eyes but they see not; and ears; but alas they
  hear not。〃
  If   it   were   not   so   man   would;   indeed;   by   virtue   of   the   latent   forces
  within him; take the kingdom of Heaven by storm and reign supreme as
  enthroned king of all material forms。 Man; in his blindness; has relegated
  intuition   to   obscurity;   has   neglected   the   cunning      of   the   left   hand  and
  debauched the pure love of the divine state。 Consequently; the executive
  forces within him are unbalanced; thus rendering him the slave of material
  forms; instead of being their lawful sovereign。 Therefore; not until; with
  clean hands and pure heart; he restores intuition to her throne; united with
  reason; can he hope to COMPREHEND the reality of this arcane mystery
  of the twin souls; Gemini。
  IV。 Cancer
  〃And next the Twins with an unsteady pace Bright Cancer rolls。〃
  In this beautiful constellation we witness the reaction of Gemini; the
  closing   scene   in   act   II。   Hence   it   is;   of   course;   a   feminine   force   we   are
  observing。 In other words; it is that period (or rather one of them) wherein
  the Kabbalah expresses the reaction of the En Soph; via his Creators; as
  〃And behold the Lord saw everything that He had made; and behold it was
  very good。〃
  … Page 27…
  Just    so   Cancer;     spiritually    interpreted;    means      equalizing;     hence
  HARMONY;           which     is  indeed    very   good    as  contradistinguished        from
  To the human soul Cancer is the period of exalted rest。 It is the highest
  point in the arc of the Divine Soul's Angelic Cycle。 From this glorious; but
  subjective; summit or altitude in the realm of spirit it must descend。
  Restless energy and the still unsatisfied longings of its own immortal
  nature are the forces that bring such evolution about。 Having evolved the
  dual forces of its divine nature; the Ego sees that it is good and rests from
  its labor。 But as this exalted state is purely subjective; and ideal; it must of
  necessity; to satisfy the longing for further unfoldment and desire to know;
  descend   into   material   realms   and   conditions。   From  this   point   begins   the
  soul's involution downward;   until the lowest   point   in   the   arc is   reached;
  viz。; Capricorn。
  Refer now to the sign Cancer; and carefully study out the parallel upon
  its astrological planes and also under its Occult aspects; as given forth in
  the 〃Light of Egypt;〃 Vol。 I; where we read: 〃Cancer rules the respiratory
  and digestive functions of humanity; and governs the reflective organs of
  the brain。〃 Note the parallel。 Within subjective realms the Divine soul has
  inspired and assimilated all that is possible to that angelic state; and knows
  a period of blissful rest。 But the longings of its immortal nature urge on
  the soul。 So we see that the sign Cancer symbolizes tenacity to life; to live
  we must breathe and eat and assimilate upon every plane of our being。 It
  necessarily      follows    that;  the   mentality    expressed     by   Cancer     must    be
  susceptible      to   inspirational    currents;    to   inspire   is   to  indraw。    In   its
  application;   we   find   that   this   sign   symbolizes   love。   How   beautiful   the
  harmony        and     contrast    of    the    constellation      and    its   astrological
  V。 Leo
  〃Then Leo shakes his mane。〃
  Herein   is   typified   the   third   grand   spiritual   action   which;   as   we   find
  throughout   Nature;   travel   in   pairs;   hence   Leo   is   a   positive;   masculine
  Having      attained    the  highest    point    in  the  super…celestial     states   of
  … Page 28…
  subjective; embryonic existence; having evolved sensation and aspiration;
  now; inspired by a desire for immortality; the DUAL SOUL of the Divine
  Ego is once more impelled forward; but; as all evolution works in spirals;
  it cannot ascend higher without first apparently descending lower; so ever
  onward   in   its   eternal   march。   This   beautiful   constellation   symbolizes   the
  first action on the downward portion of the are。 It is the affinities of the
  heart; so to say; working from within to without。
  Matter;   in   its   more   etherealized   form;   begins   to   assert   its   sway。   The
  allegorical      serpent     of   Eden     is  working      upon     the   feminine      portion;
  symbolized by the heart; and; like a magnetic tractor; the soul's affinities
  are    drawn     downward;        and;    as  if  in   defiance     of   all  responsibilities;
  consequences;   and   Karma;   the   soul;   lion…like;   〃shakes   his   mane   in   the
  imperiousness of deathless courage。〃
  As we read these weird allegories; written by Deity in the starry vaults
  of   heaven;   the   interested      soul   bows   in   reverence   and   awe   before   that
  almighty power we term Providence; and the profane call God。