第 2 节
作者:梦幻天书      更新:2024-05-13 20:08      字数:9322
  Phoebus! Hail! thou blessed son of Leto。
  Oh! ye venerable Genetyllides; what tender and voluptuous songs!
  They surpass the most lascivious kisses in sweetness; I feel a
  thrill of delight pass up me as I listen to them。 (To EURIPIDES) Young
  man; if you are one; answer my questions; which I am borrowing from
  Aeschylus' 〃Lycurgeia。〃 Whence comes this androgyne? What is his
  country? his dress? What contradictions his life shows! A lyre and a
  hair…net! A wrestling school oil flask and a girdle! What could be
  more contradictory? What relation has a mirror to a sword? (To
  AGATHON) And you yourself; who are you? Do you pretend to be a man?
  Where is your tool; pray? Where is the cloak; the footgear that belong
  to that sex? Are you a woman? Then where are your breasts? Answer
  me。 But you keep silent。 Oh! just as you choose; your songs display
  your character quite sufficiently。
  Old man; old man; I hear the shafts of jealousy whistling by my
  ears; but they do not hit me。 My dress is in harmony with my thoughts。
  A poet must adopt the nature of his characters。 Thus; if he is placing
  women on the stage; he must contract all their habits in his own
  Then you make love horse…fashion when you are composing a Phaedra。
  If the heroes are men; everything in him will be manly。 What we
  don't possess by nature; we must acquire by imitation。
  When you are staging Satyrs; call me; I will do my best to help
  you from behind; if I can get my tool up。
  Besides; it is bad taste for a poet to be coarse and hairy。 Look
  at the famous Ibycus; at Anacreon of Teos; and at Alcaeus; who handled
  music so well; they wore head…bands and found pleasure in the
  lascivious dances of Ionia。 And have you not heard what a dandy
  Phrynichus was and how careful in his dress? For this reason his
  pieces were also beautiful; for the works of a poet are copied from
  Ah! so it is for this reason that Philocles; who is so hideous;
  writes hideous pieces; Xenocles; who is malicious; malicious ones; and
  Theognis; who is cold; such cold ones?
  Yes; necessarily and unavoidably; and it is because I knew this
  that I have so well cared for my person。
  How; in the gods' name?
  Come; leave off badgering him; I was just the same at his age;
  when I began to write。
  Ah! then; by Zeus! I don't envy you your fine manners。
  But listen to the cause that brings me here。
  Say on。
  Agathon; wise is he who can compress many thoughts into few words。
  Struck by a most cruel misfortune; I come to you as a suppliant。
  What are you asking?
  The women purpose killing me to…day during the Thesmophoria;
  because I have dared to speak ill of them。
  And what can I do for you in the matter?
  Everything。 Mingle secretly with the women by making yourself pass
  as one of themselves; then do you plead my cause with your own lips;
  and I am saved。 You; and you alone; are capable of speaking of me
  But why not go and defend yourself?
  Impossible。 First of all; I am known; further; I have white hair
  and a long beard; whereas you; you are good…looking; charming; and are
  close…shaven; you are fair; delicate; and have a woman's voice。
  Have you not said in one of your pieces; 〃You love to see the
  light; and don't you believe your father loves it too?〃
  Then never you think I am going to expose myself in your stead; it
  would be madness。 It's up to you to submit to the fate that
  overtakes you; one must not try to trick misfortune; but resign
  oneself to it with good grace。
  You fairy! That's why your arse is so accessible to lovers。
  But what prevents your going there?
  I should run more risk than you would。
  Why? I should look as if I were wanting to trespass on secret
  nightly pleasures of the women and to rape their Aphrodite。
  Wanting to rape indeed! you mean wanting to be raped。 Ah! great
  gods! a fine excuse truly!
  Well then; do you agree?
  Don't count upon it。
  Oh! I am unfortunate indeed! I am undone!
  Euripides; my friend; my son…in…law; never despair。
  What can be done?
  Send him to the devil and do with me as you like。
  Very well then; since you devote yourself to my safety; take off
  your cloak first。
  There; it lies on the ground。 But what do you want to do with me?
  To shave off this beard of yours; and to remove all your other
  hair as well。
  Do what you think fit; I yield myself entirely to you。
  Agathon; you always have razors about you; lend me one。
  Take it yourself; there; out of that case。
  Thanks。 (To MNESILOCHUS) Now sit down and puff out your right
  MNESILOCHUS (as he is being shaved)
  Ow! Ow! Ow!
  What are you houting for? I'll cram a spit down your gullet; if
  you're not quiet。
  Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! (He jumps up and starts running away。)
  Where are you running to now?
  To the temple of the Eumenides。 No; by Demeter! I won't let myself
  be gashed like that。
  But you will get laughed at; with your face half…shaven like that。
  Little care I。
  In the gods' names; don't leave me in the lurch。 Come here。
  Oh! by the gods! (He turns reluctantly and resumes his seat。)
  Keep still and hold up your head。 Why do you want to fidget
  about like this?
  Mm; mm。
  Well! why mm; mm? There! it's done and well done too!
  Alas; I shall fight without armour。
  Don't worry; you look charming。 Do you want to see yourself?
  Yes; I do; hand the mirror here。
  Do you see yourself?
  But this is not I; it is Clisthenes!
  Stand up; I am now going to remove your hair。 Bend down。
  Alas! alas! they are going to grill me like a pig。
  Come now; a torch or a lamp! Bend down and watch out for the
  tender end of your tool!
  Aye; aye! but I'm afire! oh! oh! Water; water; neighbour; or my
  perineum will be alight!
  Keep up your courage!
  Keep my courage; when I'm being burnt up?
  Come; cease your whining; the worst is over。
  Oh! it's quite black; all burnt down there!
  Don't worry! Satyrus will wash it。
  Woe to him who dares to wash me!
  Agathon; you refuse to devote yourself to helping me; but at any
  rate lend me a tunic and a belt。 You cannot say you have not got them。
  Take them and use them as you like; I consent。
  What shall I take?
  First put on this long saffron…coloured robe。
  By Aphrodite! what a sweet odour! how it smells of young male
  tools Hand it to me quickly。 And the belt?
  Here it is。
  Now some rings for my legs。
  You still want a hair…net and a head…dress。
  Here is my night cap。
  Ah! that's fine。
  Does it suit me?
  It could not be better。
  And a short mantle?
  There's one on the couch; take it。
  He needs slippers。
  Here are mine。
  Will they fit me? (To AGATHON) You don't like a loose fit。
  Try them on。 Now that you have all you need; let me be taken
  (The eccyclema turns and AGATHON disappears。)
  You look for all the world like a woman。 But when you talk; take
  good care to give your voice a woman's tone。
  MNESILOCHUS (falsetto)
  I'll try my best。
  Come; get yourself to the temple。
  No; by Apollo; not unless you swear to me。。。。
  。。。。that; if anything untoward happen to me; you will leave
  nothing undone to save me。
  Very well! I swear it by the Aether; the dwelling…place of