第 41 节
作者:青涩春天      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9322
  release; and that his most intimate friend the English ambassador
  would move heaven and earth to revenge his fall; he directed my
  attention to a portmanteau passably well filled; which he hoped
  would satisfy the cupidity of my troops。  I said; though with much
  regret; that I must subject his person to a search; and hence arose
  the circumstance which has called for what I fear you will consider
  a somewhat tedious explanation。  I found upon Mr。 Sheeny's person
  three sovereigns in English money (which I have to this day); and
  singularly enough a copy of The New Monthly Magazine; containing a
  portion of my adventures。  It was a toss…up whether I should let
  the poor young man be shot or no; but this little circumstance
  saved his life。  The gratified vanity of authorship induced me to
  accept his portmanteau and valuables; and to allow the poor wretch
  to go free。  I put the Magazine in my coat…pocket; and left him and
  the podesta。
  The men; to my surprise; had quitted the building; and it was full
  time for me to follow; for I found our sallying party; after
  committing dreadful ravages in Oraa's lines; were in full retreat
  upon the fort; hotly pressed by a superior force of the enemy。  I
  am pretty well known and respected by the men of both parties in
  Spain (indeed I served for some months on the Queen's side before I
  came over to Don Carlos); and; as it is my maxim never to give
  quarter; I never expect to receive it when taken myself。  On
  issuing from the podesta with Sheeny's portmanteau and my sword in
  my hand; I was a little disgusted and annoyed to see our own men in
  a pretty good column retreating at double…quick; and about four
  hundred yards beyond me; up the hill leading to the fort; while on
  my left hand; and at only a hundred yards; a troop of the Queenite
  lancers were clattering along the road。
  I had got into the very middle of the road before I made this
  discovery; so that the fellows had a full sight of me; and whiz!
  came a bullet by my left whisker before I could say Jack Robinson。
  I looked roundthere were seventy of the accursed malvados at the
  least; and within; as I said; a hundred yards。  Were I to say that
  I stopped to fight seventy men; you would write me down a fool or a
  liar: no; sir; I did not fight; I ran away。
  I am six feet fourmy figure is as well known in the Spanish army
  as that of the Count de Luchana; or my fierce little friend Cabrera
  himself。  〃GAHAGAN!〃 shouted out half a dozen scoundrelly voices;
  and fifty more shots came rattling after me。  I was running
  running as the brave stag before the houndsrunning as I have done
  a great number of times before in my life; when there was no help
  for it but a race。
  After I had run about five hundred yards; I saw that I had gained
  nearly three upon our column in front; and that likewise the
  Christino horsemen were left behind some hundred yards more; with
  the exception of three; who were fearfully near me。  The first was
  an officer without a lance; he had fired both his pistols at me;
  and was twenty yards in advance of his comrades; there was a
  similar distance between the two lancers who rode behind him。  I
  determined then to wait for No。 1; and as he came up delivered cut
  3 at his horse's near legoff it flew; and down; as I expected;
  went horse and man。  I had hardly time to pass my sword through my
  prostrate enemy; when No。 2 was upon me。  If I could but get that
  fellow's horse; thought I; I am safe; and I executed at once the
  plan which I hoped was to effect my rescue。
  I had; as I said; left the podesta with Sheeny's portmanteau; and;
  unwilling to part with some of the articles it containedsome
  shirts; a bottle of whiskey; a few cakes of Windsor soap; &c。 &c。;
  I had carried it thus far on my shoulders; but now was compelled
  to sacrifice it malgre moi。  As the lancer came up; I dropped my
  sword from my right hand; and hurled the portmanteau at his head;
  with aim so true; that he fell back on his saddle like a sack; and
  thus when the horse galloped up to me; I had no difficulty in
  dismounting the rider: the whiskey…bottle struck him over his right
  eye; and he was completely stunned。  To dash him from the saddle
  and spring myself into it; was the work of a moment; indeed; the
  two combats had taken place in about a fifth part of the time which
  it has taken the reader to peruse the description。  But in the
  rapidity of the last encounter; and the mounting of my enemy's
  horse; I had committed a very absurd oversightI was scampering
  away WITHOUT MY SWORD!  What was I to do?to scamper on; to be
  sure; and trust to the legs of my horse for safety!
  The lancer behind me gained on me every moment; and I could hear
  his horrid laugh as he neared me。  I leaned forward jockey…fashion
  in my saddle; and kicked; and urged; and flogged with my hand; but
  all in vain。  Closercloserthe point of his lance was within two
  feet of my back。  Ah! ah! he delivered the point; and fancy my
  agony when I felt it enterthrough exactly fifty…nine pages of the
  New Monthly Magazine。  Had it not been for that Magazine; I should
  have been impaled without a shadow of a doubt。  Was I wrong in
  feeling gratitude?  Had I not cause to continue my contributions to
  that periodical?
  When I got safe into Morella; along with the tail of the sallying
  party; I was for the first time made acquainted with the ridiculous
  result of the lancer's thrust (as he delivered his lance; I must
  tell you that a ball came whiz over my head from our fellows; and
  entering at his nose; put a stop to HIS lancing for the future)。  I
  hastened to Cabrera's quarter; and related to him some of my
  adventures during the day。
  〃But; General;〃 said he; 〃you are standing。  I beg you chiudete
  l'uscio (take a chair)。〃
  I did so; and then for the first time was aware that there was some
  foreign substance in the tail of my coat; which prevented my
  sitting at ease。  I drew out the Magazine which I had seized; and
  there; to my wonder; DISCOVERED THE CHRISTINO LANCE twisted up like
  a fish…hook; or a pastoral crook。
  〃Ha! ha! ha!〃 said Cabrera (who is a notorious wag)。
  〃Valdepenas madrilenos;〃 growled out Tristany。
  〃By my cachuca di caballero (upon my honor as a gentleman);〃
  shrieked out Ros d'Eroles; convulsed with laughter; 〃I will send it
  to the Bishop of Leon for a crozier。〃
  〃Gahagan has CONSECRATED it;〃 giggled out Ramon Cabrera; and so
  they went on with their muchacas for an hour or more。  But; when
  they heard that the means of my salvation from the lance of the
  scoundrelly Christino had been the Magazine containing my own
  history; their laugh was changed into wonder。  I read them
  (speaking Spanish more fluently than English) every word of my
  story。  〃But how is this?〃 said Cabrera。  〃You surely have other
  adventures to relate?〃
  〃Excellent Sir;〃 said I; 〃I have;〃 and that very evening; as we sat
  over our cups of tertullia (sangaree); I continued my narrative in
  nearly the following words:
  〃I left off in the very middle of the battle of Delhi; which ended;
  as everybody knows; in the complete triumph of the British arms。
  But who gained the battle?  Lord Lake is called Viscount Lake of
  Delhi and Laswaree; while Major Gahanonsense; never mind HIM;
  never mind the charge he executed when; sabre in hand; he leaped
  the six…foot wall in the mouth of the roaring cannon; over the
  heads of the gleaming pikes; when; with one hand seizing the sacred
  peishcush; or fishwhich was the banner always borne before
  Scindiah;he; with his good sword; cut off the trunk of the famous
  white elephant; which; shrieking with agony; plunged madly into the
  Mahratta ranks; followed by his giant brethren; tossing; like chaff
  before the wind; the affrighted kitmatgars。  He; meanwhile; now
  plunging into the midst of a battalion of consomahs; now cleaving
  to the chine a screaming and ferocious bobbachee;* rushed on; like
  the simoom across the red Zaharan plain; killing with his own hand;
  a hundred and forty…thrbut never mind'ALONE HE DID IT;'
  sufficient be it for him; however; that the victory was won: he
  cares not for the empty honors which were awarded to more fortunate
  * The double…jointed camel of Bactria; which the classic reader may
  recollect is mentioned by Suidas (in his Commentary on the Flight
  of Darius); is so called by the Mahrattas。
  〃We marched after the battle to Delhi; where poor blind old Shah
  Allum received us; and bestowed all kinds of honors and titles on
  our General。  As each of the officers passed before him; the Shah
  did not fail to remark my person;* and was told my name。
  * There is some trifling inconsistency on the Major's part。  Shah
  Allum was notoriously blind: how; then; could he have seen Gahagan?
  The thing is manifestly impossible。
  〃Lord Lake whispered to him my exploits; and the old man was so
  delighted with the account of my victory over the elepha