第 103 节
作者:温暖寒冬      更新:2024-04-09 19:50      字数:9252
  written the first thing; and the rest of  the   day  would be   filled   up
  with other business: he should   have  no  time   to  look behind   him。
  Happily;      Irwine    and   Gawaine      were    coming     to  dinner;    and    by
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
  … Page 416…
  Adam Bede                                       416
  twelve   o’clock   the   next   day   he   should   have   left   the   Chase   miles
  behind him。 There was some security in this constant occupation
  against an uncontrollable impulse seizing him to rush to Hetty and
  thrust     into   her   hand    some     mad    proposition      that  would     undo
  everything。      Faster   and     faster   went   the   sensitive    Meg;    at  every
  slight  sign   from   her   rider;   till   the   canter   had   passed   into   a   swift
  “I   thought  they  said   th’   young   mester   war   took   ill   last   night;”
  said sour old John; the groom; at dinner…time in the servants’ hall。
  “He’s been ridin’ fit to split the mare i’ two this forenoon。”
  “That’s happen one o’ the symptims;   John;”   said   the   facetious
  “Then      I  wish   he  war   let  blood    for  ’t;  that’s  all;”  said   John;
  Adam   had   been   early   at   the   Chase   to   know   how   Arthur   was;
  and   had   been   relieved   from   all   anxiety   about   the   effects   of   his
  blow by learning that he was gone out for a ride。 At five o’clock he
  was punctually there again; and sent up   word   of  his arrival。   In a
  few minutes Pym came down with a letter in his hand and gave it
  to Adam; saying that the captain was too busy to see him; and had
  written everything he had to say。 The letter was directed to Adam;
  but  he   went   out   of   doors   again   before   opening   it。   It   contained   a
  sealed     enclosure     directed    to  Hetty。    On   the   inside   of  the   cover
  Adam read:
  “In   the   enclosed   letter   I   have   written   everything   you   wish。   I
  leave it to you to decide whether you will be doing best to deliver it
  to Hetty or to return it to me。 Ask yourself once more whether you
  are   not   taking   a   measure   which   may   pain   her   more   than   mere
  George Eliot                                                          ElecBook Classics
  … Page 417…
  Adam Bede                                         417
  “There is no need for our seeing each other again now。 We shall
  meet with better feelings some months hence。
  “Perhaps   he’s  i’   th’   right  on   ’t   not   to   see   me;”   thought   Adam。
  “It’s   no   use    meeting     to  say    more    hard    words;     and    it’s  no  use
  meeting   to   shake   hands   and   say   we’re   friends   again。   We’re   not
  friends;   an’   it’s   better   not   to   pretend   it。   I   know   forgiveness   is   a
  man’s duty; but; to my  thinking;   that  can   only mean   as   you’re   to
  give up all thoughts o’ taking revenge: it can never mean as you’re
  t’   have   your  old   feelings   back   again;   for   that’s   not   possible。   He’s
  not  the   same man   to  me;  and   I can’t  feel   the   same  towards   him。
  God     help    me!    I  don’t   know      whether      I  feel  the   same     towards
  anybody:   I   seem   as   if   I’d   been   measuring   my   work   from   a   false
  line; and had got it all to measure over again。”
  But     the   question     about     delivering     the    letter   to  Hetty    soon
  absorbed   Adam’s   thoughts。   Arthur   had   procured   some   relief   to
  himself   by   throwing   the   decision   on   Adam   with   a   warning;   and
  Adam;       who     was    not    given    to   hesitation;     hesitated      here。    He
  determined to feel his way—to ascertain as well as he could what
  was     Hetty’s    state   of  mind   before      he   decided     on   delivering     the
  George Eliot                                                             ElecBook Classics
  … Page 418…
  Adam Bede                                  418
  Chapter XXX
  The Delivery of the Letter
  he next Sunday Adam joined the Poysers on their way out
  of church; hoping for an invitation to go home with them。
  He had the letter in his pocket; and was anxious to have an
  opportunity of talking to Hetty alone。 He could not see her face at
  church; for she had changed her seat; and when he came up to her
  to   shake   hands;   her   manner   was   doubtful   and   constrained。   He
  expected this; for it was the first time she had met him since she
  had been aware that he had seen her with Arthur in the Grove。
  “Come; you’ll go on with us; Adam;” Mr。 Poyser said when they
  reached the turning; and as soon as they were in the fields Adam
  ventured to offer his   arm   to  Hetty。   The   children soon   gave   them
  an opportunity of lingering behind a little; and then Adam said:
  “Will you contrive for me to walk out  in   the   garden  a bit  with
  you this evening; if it keeps fine; Hetty? I’ve something partic’lar
  to talk to you about。”
  Hetty said; “Very well。” She was really as anxious as Adam was
  that  she   should   have   some   private   talk   with   him。   She   wondered
  what   he   thought   of   her   and  Arthur。  He   must   have   seen   them
  kissing; she knew; but she had no conception of the scene that had
  taken place between Arthur and Adam。 Her first feeling had been
  that Adam would be very angry with her; and perhaps would tell
  her aunt and uncle; but it never entered her mind that he would
  dare to say anything to Captain Donnithorne。 It was a relief to her
  that  he   behaved   so kindly  to  her  to…day;   and   wanted   to   speak   to
  George Eliot                                                   ElecBook Classics
  … Page 419…
  Adam Bede                                      419
  her   alone;   for   she   had   trembled   when   she   found   he   was   going
  home with them lest he should mean “to tell。” But; now he wanted
  to   talk   to   her   by   herself;   she   should   learn   what   he   thought   and
  what he meant to do。 She felt a certain confidence that she could
  persuade him not to do anything she did not want him to do; she
  could     perhaps     even   make     him   believe    that  she   didn’t   care   for
  Arthur; and as long as Adam   thought  there   was   any  hope   of  her
  having him; he would   do  just  what  she   liked;  she   knew。   Besides;
  she must  go   on   seeming   to   encourage   Adam;   lest   her   uncle   and
  aunt should be angry and suspect her of having some secret lover。
  Hetty’s little brain was busy with this combination as she hung
  on Adam’s arm and said “yes” or “no” to some slight observations
  of   his   about   the   many   hawthorn…berries   there   would   be   for   the
  birds   this   next   winter;    and   the   low…hanging      clouds    that   would
  hardly hold up till morning。 And when they rejoined her aunt and
  uncle; she could pursue her thoughts without interruption; for Mr。
  Poyser     held    that  though     a  young    man     might    like  to  have    the
  woman he was courting on his arm; he would nevertheless be glad
  of   a   little   reasonable   talk   about   business   the   while;   and;   for   his
  own part; he was curious to heal the most recent news about the
  Chase Farm。 So; through the rest of the walk; he claimed Adam’s
  conversation       for   himself;    and    Hetty    laid  her   small    plots   and
  imagined her little scenes of cunning blandishment; as she walked
  along by the hedgerows on honest Adam’s arm; quite as well as if
  she had been an elegantly clad coquette alone in her boudoir。 For
  if   a  country     beauty    in  clumsy     shoes    be   only   shallow…hearted
  enough;   it   is   astonishing   how   closely   her   mental   processes   may
  resemble those of a lady in society and crinoline; who applies her
  refined      intellect   to   the   problem      of  committing       indiscretions
  George Eliot                                                         ElecBook Classics
  … Page 420…
  Adam Bede                                      420
  without compromising  herself。  Perhaps   the  resemblance  was   not
  much the less because Hetty felt very unhappy all the while。 The
  parting with Arthur was a double pain to her—