第 19 节
作者:老是不进球      更新:2024-04-07 11:52      字数:9322
  that he would give an I O U for the balance; but that he really could not
  muster   any   more   current   coin。   Sugarman   instructed   the   ambassador   to
  suggest that Eliphaz should raise the money among his friends。
  And the short spring day slipped away。 In vain the minister; apprised
  of the block; lengthened out the formulae for the other pairs; and blessed
  them   with   more   reposeful   unction。   It   was   impossible   to      stave   off   the
  … Page 69…
  Leibel…Green item indefinitely; and at last Rose remained the only orange…
  wreathed spinster in the synagogue。 And then there was a hush of solemn
  suspense; that swelled gradually into a steady rumble of babbling tongues;
  as minute succeeded minute and the final bridal party still failed to appear。
  The  latest   bulletin   pictured   the bride   in   a  dead   faint。 The   afternoon   was
  waning   fast。  The   minister   left   his   post   near   the   canopy;   under   which   so
  many lives had been united; and came to add his white tie to the forces for
  compromise。        But   he   fared   no  better   than   the   others。   Incensed    at  the
  obstinacy of   the  antagonists;  he declared   he  would   close  the synagogue。
  He gave the couple ten minutes to marry in or quit。 Then chaos came; and
  pandemoniuma          frantic  babel    of  suggestion   and     exhortation    from   the
  crowd。 When   five   minutes   had   passed   a   legate   from  Eliphaz   announced
  that his side had scraped together twenty pounds; and that this was their
  final bid。
  Leibel wavered; the long day's combat had told upon him; the reports
  of   the   bride's   distress   had   weakened   him。   Even   Sugarman   had   lost   his
  cocksureness of victory。 A few minutes more and both commissions might
  slip through his fingers。 Once the parties left the synagogue; it would not
  be easy to drive them there another day。 But he cheered on his man still:
  one could always surrender at the tenth minute。
  At the eighth the buzz of tongues faltered suddenly; to be transposed
  into a new key; so to speak。 Through the gesticulating assembly swept that
  murmur       of  expectation     which     crowds     know    when     the   procession     is
  coming   at   last。   By   some   mysterious   magnetism   all   were   aware   that   the
  BRIDE   herselfthe   poor   hysteric   bridehad   left   the   paternal   camp;   was
  coming in person to plead with her mercenary lover。
  And as the glory of her and the flowers and the white draperies loomed
  upon Leibel's vision his heart melted in worship; and he knew his citadel
  would crumble   in   ruins at her   first   glance; at her   first touch。 Was   it  fair
  fighting? As his troubled vision cleared; and as she came nigh unto him;
  he saw to his amazement that she was speckless and composedno trace
  of   tears   dimmed   the   fairness   of   her   face;   there   was   no   disarray   in   her
  bridal wreath。
  The clock showed the ninth minute。
  … Page 70…
  She put her hand appeallingly on his arm; while a heavenly light came
  into her facethe expression of a Joan of Arc animating her country。
  〃Do not give in; Leibel!〃 she said。 〃Do not have me! Do not let them
  persuade thee! By my life; thou must not! Go home!〃
  So    at  the  eleventh  minute  the  vanquished    Eliphaz  produced    the
  balance; and they all lived happily ever afterward。
  … Page 71…
  It was one o'clock; and many of the students in the National Gallery
  had     left  off  work     and   were    refreshing     themselves      with   lunch    and
  conversation。   There   was   one   old   worker   who   had   not   stirred   from   his
  place;   but   he   had   put   down   his   brush;   and   had   taken   from   his   pocket   a
  small   book;   which   was   like   its   ownerthin   and   shabby   of   covering。   He
  seemed to find pleasure in reading it; for he turned over its pages with all
  the   tenderness   characteristic   of   one   who   loves   what   he   reads。   Now   and
  again he glanced at his unfinished copy of the beautiful portrait of Andrea
  del Sarto; and once his eyes rested on another copy next to his; better and
  truer than his; and once he stopped to pick up a girl's prune…coloured tie;
  which   had   fallen   from   the   neighbouring   easel。   After   this   he   seemed   to
  become unconscious of his surroundings; as unconscious; indeed; as any
  one    of  the   pictures   near   him。    Any    one   might    have   been    justified   in
  mistaking him for the portrait of a man; but that his lips moved; for it was
  his custom to read softly to himself。
  The students passed back to their places; not troubling to notice him;
  because they knew from experience that he never noticed them; and that
  all greetings were wasted on him and all words were wanton expenditure
  of   breath。 They  had   come   to   regard   him  very   much   in   the same   way  as
  many of us regard the wonders of nature; without astonishment; without
  any questionings; and often without any interest。 One girl; a new… comer;
  did chance to say to her companion:
  〃How ill that old man looks!〃
  〃Oh;  he   always   looks   like  that;〃   was the  answer。 〃You   will   soon get
  accustomed   to   him。   Come   along!   I   must   finish   my   'Blind   Beggar'   this
  In a few minutes most of the workers were busy again; although there
  were   some   who   continued   to   chat   quietly;   and   several   young   men   who
  seemed   reluctant   to   leave   their   girl   friends;   and   who   were   by  no   means
  encouraged to go! One young man came to claim his book and pipe; which
  he   had   left   in   the   charge   of   a   bright…eyed   girl;   who   was   copying   Sir
  … Page 72…
  Joshua's 〃Angels。〃 She gave him his treasures; and received in exchange a
  dark…red rose; which she fastened in her belt; and then he returned to his
  portrait   of   Mrs。   Siddons。   But   there   was   something   in   his   disconsolate
  manner   which   made   one   suspect   that   he   thought   less   of   Mrs。   Siddons's
  beauty than of the beauty of the girl who was wearing the dark…red rose!
  The strangers; strolling through the rooms; stopped now and again to peer
  curiously   at   the   students'   work。   They   were   stared   at   indignantly   by   the
  students   themselves;   but   they   made   no   attempt   to   move   away;   and   even
  ventured sometimes to pass criticisms of no tender character on some of
  the   copies。   The   fierce…looking   man   who   was   copying   〃The   Horse   Fair〃
  deliberately put down his brushes; folded his  arms; and waited   defiantly
  until   they   had   gone   by;   but   others;   wiser   in   their   generation;   went   on
  painting calmly。 Several workers were painting the new Raphael; one of
  them   was   a   white…haired   old   gentlewoman;   whose   hand   was   trembling;
  and yet skilful still。 More than once she turned to give a few hints to the
  young   girl   near   her;   who   looked   in   some   distress   and   doubt。   Just   the
  needful help was given; and then the girl plied her brush merrily; smiling
  the while with pleasure and gratitude。 There seemed to be a genial; kindly
  influence at work; a certain homeliness too; which must needs assert itself
  where   many   are   gathered   together;        working   side   by   side。   All   made    a
  harmony;   the   wonderful   pictures;   collected   from   many   lands   and   many
  centuries; each with its meaning and its message from the past; the ever…
  present memories of the painters themselves; who had worked and striven
  and   conquered;   and   the   living   human   beings;   each   with   his   wealth   of
  earnest endeavour and hope。
  Meanwhile the old man read on uninterruptedly until two hands were
  put over his book and a gentle voice said:
  〃Mr。 Lindall; you have had no lunch again。 Do you know; I begin to
  hate Lucretius。 He always makes you forget your food。〃
  The  old   man   looked   up;   and   something   like   a   smile   passed   over   his
  joyless face when he saw Helen Stanley bending over him。
  〃Ah;〃   he   answered;   〃you   must   not   hate   Lucretius。   I   have   had   more
  pleasant hours with him than with any living person。〃