第 38 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2024-01-16 22:39      字数:9322
  And whanne Ydomeneux the king
  Hath understondinge of this thing;    1950
  Which that this kniht him hadde told;
  He made sorwe manyfold;
  And tok this child into his warde;
  And seide he wolde him kepe and warde;
  Til that he were of such a myht
  To handle a swerd and ben a knyht;
  To venge him at his oghne wille。
  And thus Horestes duelleth stille;
  Such was the childes rihte name;
  Which after wroghte mochel schame  1960
  In vengance of his fader deth。
  The time of yeres overgeth;
  That he was man of brede and lengthe;
  Of wit; of manhod and of strengthe;
  A fair persone amonges alle。
  And he began to clepe and calle;
  As he which come was to manne;
  Unto the King of Crete thanne;
  Preiende that he wolde him make
  A kniht and pouer with him take;   1970
  For lengere wolde he noght beleve;
  He seith; bot preith the king of leve
  To gon and cleyme his heritage
  And vengen him of thilke oultrage
  Which was unto his fader do。
  The king assenteth wel therto;
  With gret honour and knyht him makth;
  And gret pouer to him betakth;
  And gan his journe forto caste:
  So that Horestes ate laste   1980
  His leve tok and forth he goth。
  As he that was in herte wroth;
  His ferste pleinte to bemene;
  Unto the Cite of Athene
  He goth him forth and was received;
  So there was he noght deceived。
  The Duc and tho that weren wise
  Thei profren hem to his servise;
  And he hem thonketh of here profre
  And seith himself he wol gon offre    1990
  Unto the goddes for his sped;
  As alle men him yeven red。
  So goth he to the temple forth:
  Of yiftes that be mochel worth
  His sacrifice and his offringe
  He made; and after his axinge
  He was ansuerd; if that he wolde
  His stat recovere; thanne he scholde
  Upon his Moder do vengance
  So cruel; that the remembrance  2000
  Therof mihte everemore abide;
  As sche that was an homicide
  And of hire oghne lord Moerdrice。
  Horestes; which of thilke office
  Was nothing glad; as thanne he preide
  Unto the goddes there and seide
  That thei the juggement devise;
  How sche schal take the juise。
  And therupon he hadde ansuere;
  That he hire Pappes scholde of tere   2010
  Out of hire brest his oghne hondes;
  And for ensample of alle londes
  With hors sche scholde be todrawe;
  Til houndes hadde hire bones gnawe
  Withouten eny sepulture:
  This was a wofull aventure。
  And whan Horestes hath al herd;
  How that the goddes have ansuerd;
  Forth with the strengthe which he ladde
  The Duc and his pouer he hadde;    2020
  And to a Cite forth thei gon;
  The which was cleped Cropheon;
  Where as Phoieus was lord and Sire;
  Which profreth him withouten hyre
  His help and al that he mai do;
  As he that was riht glad therto;
  To grieve his mortiel enemy:
  And tolde hem certein cause why;
  How that Egiste in Mariage
  His dowhter whilom of full Age  2030
  Forlai; and afterward forsok;
  Whan he Horestes Moder tok。
  Men sein; 〃Old Senne newe schame〃:
  Thus more and more aros the blame
  Ayein Egiste on every side。
  Horestes with his host to ride
  Began; and Phoieus with hem wente;
  I trowe Egiste him schal repente。
  Thei riden forth unto Micene;
  Wher lay Climestre thilke qweene;  2040
  The which Horestes moder is:
  And whan sche herde telle of this;
  The gates weren faste schet;
  And thei were of here entre let。
  Anon this Cite was withoute
  Belein and sieged al aboute;
  And evere among thei it assaile;
  Fro day to nyht and so travaile;
  Til ate laste thei it wonne;
  Tho was ther sorwe ynowh begonne。  2050
  Horestes dede his moder calle
  Anon tofore the lordes alle
  And ek tofor the poeple also;
  To hire and tolde his tale tho;
  And seide; 〃O cruel beste unkinde;
  How mihtest thou thin herte finde;
  For eny lust of loves drawhte;
  That thou acordest to the slawhte
  Of him which was thin oghne lord?
  Thi treson stant of such record;   2060
  Thou miht thi werkes noght forsake;
  So mot I for mi fader sake
  Vengance upon thi bodi do;
  As I comanded am therto。
  Unkindely for thou hast wroght;
  Unkindeliche it schal be boght;
  The Sone schal the Moder sle;
  For that whilom thou seidest yee
  To that thou scholdest nay have seid。〃
  And he with that his hond hath leid   2070
  Upon his Moder brest anon;
  And rente out fro the bare bon
  Hire Pappes bothe and caste aweie
  Amiddes in the carte weie;
  And after tok the dede cors
  And let it drawe awey with hors
  Unto the hound and to the raven;
  Sche was non other wise graven。
  Egistus; which was elles where;
  Tidinges comen to his Ere    2080
  How that Micenes was belein;
  Bot what was more herd he noght sein;
  With gret manace and mochel bost
  He drowh pouer and made an host
  And cam in rescousse of the toun。
  Bot al the sleyhte of his tresoun
  Horestes wiste it be aspie;
  And of his men a gret partie
  He made in buisshement abide;
  To waite on him in such a tide  2090
  That he ne mihte here hond ascape:
  And in this wise as he hath schape
  The thing befell; so that Egiste
  Was take; er he himself it wiste;
  And was forth broght hise hondes bounde;
  As whan men han a tretour founde。
  And tho that weren with him take;
  Whiche of tresoun were overtake;
  Togedre in o sentence falle;
  Bot false Egiste above hem alle    2100
  Was demed to diverse peine;
  The worste that men cowthe ordeigne;
  And so forth after be the lawe
  He was unto the gibet drawe;
  Where he above alle othre hongeth;
  As to a tretour it belongeth。
  Tho fame with hire swifte wynges
  Aboute flyh and bar tidinges;
  And made it cowth in alle londes
  How that Horestes with hise hondes    2110
  Climestre his oghne Moder slowh。
  Some sein he dede wel ynowh;
  And som men sein he dede amis;
  Diverse opinion ther is:
  That sche is ded thei speken alle;
  Bot pleinli hou it is befalle;
  The matiere in so litel throwe
  In soth ther mihte noman knowe
  Bot thei that weren ate dede:
  And comunliche in every nede    2120
  The worste speche is rathest herd
  And lieved; til it be ansuerd。
  The kinges and the lordes grete
  Begonne Horestes forto threte
  To puten him out of his regne:
  〃He is noght worthi forto regne;
  The child which slowh his moder so;〃
  Thei saide; and therupon also
  The lordes of comun assent
  A time sette of parlement;   2130
  And to Athenes king and lord
  Togedre come of on accord;
  To knowe hou that the sothe was:
  So that Horestes in this cas
  Thei senden after; and he com。
  King Menelay the wordes nom
  And axeth him of this matiere:
  And he; that alle it mihten hiere;
  Ansuerde and tolde his tale alarge;
  And hou the goddes in his charge   2140
  Comanded him in such a wise
  His oghne hond to do juise。
  And with this tale a Duc aros;
  Which was a worthi kniht of los;
  His name was Menestes;
  And seide unto the lordes thus:
  〃The wreeche which Horeste dede;
  It was thing of the goddes bede;
  And nothing of his crualte;
  And if ther were of mi degree   2150
  In al this place such a kniht
  That wolde sein it was no riht;
  I wole it with my bodi prove。〃
  And therupon he caste his glove;
  And ek this noble Duc alleide
  Ful many an other skile; and seide
  Sche hadde wel deserved wreche;
  Ferst for the cause of Spousebreche;
  And after wroghte in such a wise
  That al the world it oghte agrise;    2160
  Whan that sche for so foul a vice
  Was of hire oghne lord moerdrice。
  Thei seten alle stille and herde;
  Bot therto was noman ansuerde;
  It thoghte hem alle he seide skile;
  Ther is noman withseie it wile;
  Whan thei upon the reson musen;
  Horestes alle thei excusen:
  So that with gret solempnete
  He was unto his dignete   2170
  Received; and coroned king。
  And tho befell a wonder thing:
  Egiona; whan sche this wiste;
  Which was the dowhter of Egiste
  And Soster on the moder side
  To this Horeste; at thilke tide;
  Whan sche herde how hir brother spedde;
  For pure sorwe; which hire ledde;
  That he ne hadde ben exiled;
  Sche hath hire oghne lif beguiled  2180
  Anon and hyng hireselve tho。
  It hath and schal ben everemo;
  To moerdre who that wole assente;
  He mai noght faille to repente:
  This false Egiona was on;
  Which forto moerdre Agamenon
  Yaf hire acord and hire assent;
  So that be goddes juggement;
  Thogh that non other man it wolde;
  Sche tok hire juise as sche scholde;  2190
  And as sche to an other wroghte;
  Vengance upon hireself sche soghte;
  And hath of hire unhappi wit
  A moerdre with a moerdre quit。
  Such is of moerdre the vengance。
  Forthi; mi Sone; in remembrance
  Of this ensample tak good hiede:
  For who that thenkth his love spiede
  With moerdre; he schal with worldes schame
  Himself and ek his love schame。    2200
  Mi fader; of this aventure
  Which ye have told; I you assure
  Min herte is sory forto hiere;
  Bot only for I wolde lere
  What is to done; and what to leve。
  And over this now be your leve;
  That ye me wolden telle I preie;
  If ther be lieffull eny weie
  Withoute Senne a man to sle。
  Mi Sone; in sondri wise ye。  2210
  What man that is of traiterie;
  Of moerdre or elles robberie
  Atteint; the jugge schal noght lette;
  Bot he schal slen of pure dette;
  And doth gret Senne; if that he wonde。
  For who that lawe hath upon honde;
  And spareth forto do justice
  For merci; doth noght his office;
  That he his mercy so bewareth;
  Whan for o schrewe which he spareth   2220
  A thousand goode men he grieveth:
  With such merci who that believeth
  To plese god; he is deceived;
  Or elles resoun mot be weyved。
  The lawe stod er we were bore;