第 6 节
作者:随便看看      更新:2023-08-28 11:47      字数:9322
  The sweetbrier bush may even yet be seen; old and gray; which she and
  Owen planted a green slipling beneath the window of her little
  chamber。  In those moments Owen forgot all besides the present; all
  the cares and griefs he had known in the past; and all that might
  await him of woe and death in the future。  The boy; too; was as
  lovely a child as the fondest parent was ever blessed with; and
  crowed with delight; and clapped his little hands; as his mother held
  him in her arms at the cottage…door to watch his father's ascent up
  the rough path that led to Ty Glas; one bright autumnal morning; and
  when the three entered the house together; it was difficult to say
  which was the happiest。  Owen carried his boy; and tossed and played
  with him; while Nest sought out some little article of work; and
  seated herself on the dresser beneath the window; where now busily
  plying the needle; and then again looking at her husband; she eagerly
  told him the little pieces of domestic intelligence; the winning ways
  of the child; the result of yesterday's fishing; and such of the
  gossip of Penmorfa as came to the ears of the now retired Nest。  She
  noticed that; when she mentioned any little circumstance which bore
  the slightest reference to Bodowen; her husband appeared chafed and
  uneasy; and at last avoided anything that might in the least remind
  him of home。  In truth; he had been suffering much of late from the
  irritability of his father; shown in trifles to be sure; but not the
  less galling on that account。
  While they were thus talking; and caressing each other and the child;
  a shadow darkened the room; and before they could catch a glimpse of
  the object that had occasioned it; it vanished; and Squire Griffiths
  lifted the door…latch and stood before them。  He stood and looked
  first on his son; so different; in his buoyant expression of content
  and enjoyment; with his noble child in his arms; like a proud and
  happy father; as he was; from the depressed; moody young man he too
  often appeared at Bodowen; then on Nestpoor; trembling; sickened
  Nest!who dropped her work; but yet durst not stir from her seat; on
  the dresser; while she looked to her husband as if for protection
  from his father。
  The Squire was silent; as he glared from one to the other; his
  features white with restrained passion。  When he spoke; his words
  came most distinct in their forced composure。  It was to his son he
  addressed himself:
  〃That woman! who is she?〃
  Owen hesitated one moment; and then replied; in a steady; yet quiet
  〃Father; that woman is my wife。〃
  He would have added some apology for the long concealment of his
  marriage; have appealed to his father's forgiveness; but the foam
  flew from Squire Owen's lips as he burst forth with invective against
  〃You have married her!  It is as they told me!  Married Nest
  Pritchard yr buten!  And you stand there as if you had not disgraced
  yourself for ever and ever with your accursed wiving!  And the fair
  harlot sits there; in her mocking modesty; practising the mimming
  airs that will become her state as future Lady of Bodowen。  But I
  will move heaven and earth before that false woman darken the doors
  of my father's house as mistress!〃
  All this was said with such rapidity that Owen had no time for the
  words that thronged to his lips。  〃Father!〃 (he burst forth at
  length) 〃Father; whosoever told you that Nest Pritchard was a harlot
  told you a lie as false as hell!  Ay! a lie as false as hell!〃 he
  added; in a voice of thunder; while he advanced a step or two nearer
  to the Squire。  And then; in a lower tone; he said …
  〃She is as pure as your own wife; nay; God help me! as the dear;
  precious mother who brought me forth; and then left mewith no
  refuge in a mother's heartto struggle on through life alone。  I
  tell you Nest is as pure as that dear; dead mother!〃
  〃Foolpoor fool!〃
  At this moment the childthe little Owenwho had kept gazing from
  one angry countenance to the other; and with earnest look; trying to
  understand what had brought the fierce glare into the face where till
  now he had read nothing but love; in some way attracted the Squire's
  attention; and increased his wrath。
  〃Yes;〃 he continued; 〃poor; weak fool that you are; hugging the child
  of another as if it were your own offspring!〃  Owen involuntarily
  caressed the affrighted child; and half smiled at the implication of
  his father's words。  This the Squire perceived; and raising his voice
  to a scream of rage; he went on:
  〃I bid you; if you call yourself my son; to cast away that miserable;
  shameless woman's offspring; cast it away this instantthis
  In this ungovernable rage; seeing that Owen was far from complying
  with his command; he snatched the poor infant from the loving arms
  that held it; and throwing it to his mother; left the house
  inarticulate with fury。
  Nestwho had been pale and still as marble during this terrible
  dialogue; looking on and listening as if fascinated by the words that
  smote her heartopened her arms to receive and cherish her precious
  babe; but the boy was not destined to reach the white refuge of her
  breast。  The furious action of the Squire had been almost without
  aim; and the infant fell against the sharp edge of the dresser down
  on to the stone floor。
  Owen sprang up to take the child; but he lay so still; so motionless;
  that the awe of death came over the father; and he stooped down to
  gaze more closely。  At that moment; the upturned; filmy eyes rolled
  convulsivelya spasm passed along the bodyand the lips; yet warm
  with kissing; quivered into everlasting rest。
  A word from her husband told Nest all。  She slid down from her seat;
  and lay by her little son as corpse…like as he; unheeding all the
  agonizing endearments and passionate adjurations of her husband。  And
  that poor; desolate husband and father!  Scarce one little quarter of
  an hour; and he had been so blessed in his consciousness of love! the
  bright promise of many years on his infant's face; and the new; fresh
  soul beaming forth in its awakened intelligence。  And there it was;
  the little clay image; that would never more gladden up at the sight
  of him; nor stretch forth to meet his embrace; whose inarticulate;
  yet most eloquent cooings might haunt him in his dreams; but would
  never more be heard in waking life again!  And by the dead babe;
  almost as utterly insensate; the poor mother had fallen in a merciful
  faintthe slandered; heart…pierced Nest!  Owen struggled against the
  sickness that came over him; and busied himself in vain attempts at
  her restoration。
  It was now near noon…day; and Ellis Pritchard came home; little
  dreaming of the sight that awaited him; but though stunned; he was
  able to take more effectual measures for his poor daughter's recovery
  than Owen had done。
  By…and…by she showed symptoms of returning sense; and was placed in
  her own little bed in a darkened room; where; without ever waking to
  complete consciousness; she fell asleep。  Then it was that her
  husband; suffocated by pressure of miserable thought; gently drew his
  hand from her tightened clasp; and printing one long soft kiss on her
  white waxen forehead; hastily stole out of the room; and out of the
  Near the base of Moel Gestit might be a quarter of a mile from Ty
  Glaswas a little neglected solitary copse; wild and tangled with
  the trailing branches of the dog…rose and the tendrils of the white
  bryony。  Toward the middle of this thicket a deep crystal poola
  clear mirror for the blue heavens aboveand round the margin floated
  the broad green leaves of the water…lily; and when the regal sun
  shone down in his noonday glory the flowers arose from their cool
  depths to welcome and greet him。  The copse was musical with many
  sounds; the warbling of birds rejoicing in its shades; the ceaseless
  hum of the insects that hovered over the pool; the chime of the
  distant waterfall; the occasional bleating of the sheep from the
  mountaintop; were all blended into the delicious harmony of nature。
  It had been one of Owen's favourite resorts when he had been a lonely
  wanderera pilgrim in search of love in the years gone by。  And
  thither he went; as if by instinct; when he left Ty Glas; quelling
  the uprising agony till he should reach that little solitary spot。
  It was the time of day when a change in the aspect of the weather so
  frequently takes place; and the little pool was no longer the
  reflection of a blue and sunny sky:  it sent back the dark and slaty
  clouds above; and; every now and then; a rough gust shook the painted
  autumn leaves from their branches; and all other music was lost in
  the sound of the wild winds piping down from the moorlands; which lay
  up and beyond the clefts in the mountain…side。  Presently the rain
  came on and beat down in torrents。
  But Owen heeded it not。  He sat on the dank ground; h