第 3 节
作者:京文      更新:2022-11-28 19:15      字数:9322
  unhappy beneath the many hours of gaiety that came to me; as to   every
  young man。〃
  〃Those two years we could have been in Michigan;〃 said Ethel; 〃had
  you understood。〃
  〃I know。 But understanding; I believe that I should do the same again。
  At the office; when not busy; I wrote more poetry; and began also to write
  prose; which I found at the outset less easy。 When my first writings were
  accepted (they were four sets of verses upon the Summer Resort) I felt that
  I could soon address Ethel; for I had made ten dollars outside my salary。
  Had she not been in Europe that July; I believe that I should have spoken
  to her at once。 But I sent her the paper; and I have the letter that she wrote
  in reply。〃
  〃I〃began Ethel。 But she stopped。
  〃Yes; I know now that you kept the verses;〃 said Richard。 〃My next
  manuscript; however; was rejected。 Indeed; I went on offering my literary
  productions nearly every week until the following January before a second
  acceptance came。 It was twenty five dollars this time; and almost made me
  feel again that I could handsomely support Ethel。 But not quite。 After the
  first   charming   elation   at   earning   money   with   my   pen;   those   weeks   of
  refusal had caused me to think more soberly。 And though I was now bent
  upon becoming an author and leaving Nassau Street; I burned no bridges
  behind     me;  but   merely    filled  my   spare   hours   with   writing   and   with
  showing it to Ethel。〃
  〃It was now that the second area of perturbation of my life came to me。
  I say the second; because the first had been the recent dawning belief that
  Ethel thought about me when I was not there to remind her of myself。 This
  idea had stirred but you will understand。 And now; what was my proper;
  my honourable course? It was a positive relief that at this crisis she went
  to Florida。 I could think   more quietly。 My writing had come to be  quite
  often accepted; sometimes even solicited。 Should I speak to her; and ask
  her to wait until I could put a decent roof over her head; or should I keep
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  away   from   her   until   I   could   offer   such   a   roof?   Her   father;   I   supposed;
  could do something for us。 But I  was not willing to   be a pensioner。  His
  businesswere he generouswould be to provide cake and butter; but the
  bread was to be mine and bread was still a long way off; according to New
  York standards。 These things I thought over while she was in Florida; yet
  when   once   I   should   I   find   myself   with   her   again;   I   began   to   fear   that   I
  could not hold myself frombut these are circumstances which universal
  knowledge   renders   it   needless to   mention;   and   I   will   pass   to the   second
  〃A   sum   of   money   was   suddenly   left   me。   Then   for   the   first   time   I
  understood why I had during my boyhood been so periodically sent to see
  a   cross   old   brother   of   my   mother's;   who   lived   near   Cold   Spring   on   the
  Hudson; and whom we called Uncle Snaggletooth when no one could hear
  us。   Uncle   Godfrey   (for   I   have   called   him   by   his   right   name   ever   since)
  died   and   left   me   what   in   those   old   days   six   years   ago   was   still   a   large
  amount。 To…day we understand what true riches mean。 But in those bygone
  times six years ago; a million dollars was a sum considerable enough to be
  still seen; as it were; with the naked eye。 That was my bequest from Uncle
  Godfrey; and I felt myself to be the possessor of a fortune。〃
  At this point in Richard's narrative; a sigh escaped from Ethel。
  〃I know;〃 he immediately said; 〃that money is always welcome。 But it
  is certainly some consolation to reflect how slight a loss a million dollars
  is counted to…day in New York。 And I did not lose all of it。〃
  〃I met Ethel at the train on her return from Florida; and crossed with
  her on the ferry from Jersey City to Desbrosses Street。 There I was obliged
  to see her drive away in the carriage with her father。〃
  〃Mr。 Field;〃 said   Mrs。 Davenport;  〃what hour did that   train   arrive   at
  Jersey City?〃
  Richard looked surprised。 〃Why; seven…fifteen P。 M。;〃 he replied。 〃The
  tenth of March。〃
  〃Dark!〃   Mrs。   Davenport   exclaimed。   〃Mr。   Field;   you   and   Ethel   were
  engaged before the ferry boat landed at Desbrosses Street。〃
  Richard and Ethel both sat straight up; but remained speechless。
  … Page 11…
  〃Pardon my interruption;〃 said Mrs。 Davenport; smiling。 〃I didn't want
  to miss a single point in this storydo go on!〃
  Richard   was   obliged   to   burst   out   laughing;   in   which   Ethel;   after   a
  moment; followed him; though perhaps less heartily。 And as he continued;
  his blush subsided。
  〃With my Uncle Godfrey's legacy I was no longer dependent upon my
  salary; or my pen; or my father's purse; and I decided that with the money
  properly   invested;   I   could   maintain   a   modest   establishment   of   my   own。
  Ethel agreed with me entirely; and; after a little; we disclosed our plans to
  our   families;   and   they   met   with   approval。   This   was   in   April;   and    we
  thought of October or November for the wedding。 It seemed long to wait;
  but it came near being so much longer; that I grow chilly now to think of
  〃Of course; I went steadily on with my work at the office in Nassau
  Street; nor did I neglect my writing entirely。 My attention; however; was
  now turned to the question of investing my fortune。 Just round the corner
  from   our   office   was   the   firm   of   Blake   and   Beverly;   Stocks   and   Bonds。
  Thither my steps began frequently to turn。 Mr。 Beverly had business which
  brought him every week to the room of our president; and so having a sort
  of acquaintance with him; I felt it easier to consult him than to seek any
  other among the brokers; to which class I was a well nigh total stranger。
  He very kindly consented to be my adviser。 I was well pleased to find how
  much I had underrated the interest…bearing capacity of my windfall。 'Four
  per cent!' he cried; when I told him this was the extent of my expectations。
  'Why; you're talking like a trustee。' And then seeing that his meaning was
  beyond   me;   he   explained   in   his   bluff;   humorous   manner。   'All   a   trustee
  cares   for  you   know;   is   his   reputation   for safety。  It's   not   his own   income
  he's nursing; and so he doesn't care how small he makes it; provided only
  that his investments would be always called safe。 Now there are ways of
  being safe without spending any trouble or time upon it; and those are the
  ways a trustee will take。 For example;' and here he arose and unhooking a
  file of current quotations from the wall; placed it in my lap as I sat beside
  him。 'now here are Government three's selling at 108 3…8。 They are as safe
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  as the United States; and if I advised you to buy them; it would cost me no
  thought; and my character for safety would run no risk of a blemish。 That
  is the sort of bond that a trustee recommends。 But see what income it gives
  you。 Roughly speaking; about twenty…eight thousand dollars。'〃
  〃'That would not do at all;' said I; thinking of Ethel and October。〃
  〃'Certainly   not   for   you;'   returned   Mr。   Beverly;   gaily。   If   you   were   a
  timorous   old   maid;   now;   who   would   really   like   all   her   money   in   her
  stocking in gold pieces; only she's ashamed to say so! But a young fellow
  like    you   with    no   responsibility;    no   wife;    and   butcher's    billit's  quite
  another thing!'〃
  〃'Quite;' said I; 'oh; quite!'〃
  〃Richard;〃   interrupted   Ethel;   〃do   you   have   to   make   yourself   out   so
  〃My  dear;   you   forget   that   I   said   I   should   invent   nothing;   but   should
  keep   myself   to   actual   experiences。   The   part   of   my   story   that   is   coming
  now is one where I should be very glad to draw upon my imagination。〃
  〃Mr。 Beverly now ran his finger up and down various columns。 'Here
  again;'   said   he;   'is   a   typical   trustee   bond;   and   nets   you   a   few   thousand
  dollars more at present prices。 New York Central and Hudson River 3 1…2's。
  Or here are West Shore 4's at 113 5…8。 But you see it scales down to pretty
  much the same thing。 The sort of bond that a trustee will call safe does not
  bring the owner more than about three and one…half p