第 26 节
作者:绝对零度      更新:2022-11-28 19:15      字数:9322
  God would only leave him alone。 Secretly; he pledged himself anew to the
  Powers of   Darkness;   if   they  would let   him  make   westing。          He   pledged
  himself so easily  because he did   not believe in   the Powers of   Darkness。
  He really believed only in God; though he did not know it。                    And in his
  inverted theology God was really the Prince of Darkness。                 Captain Cullen
  was a devil…worshipper; but he called the devil by another name; that was
  At midday; after calling eight bells; Captain Cullen ordered the royals
  on。 The men went aloft faster than they had gone in weeks。                     Not   alone
  were they nimble because of the westing; but a benignant sun was shining
  down   and   limbering   their   stiff   bodies。     George   Dorety   stood   aft;   near
  Captain Cullen; less bundled in clothes than usual; soaking in the grateful
  warmth      as  he   watched    the   scene。    Swiftly    and   abruptly    the   incident
  occurred。 There   was   a   cry  from  the   foreroyal…yard   of   〃Man   overboard!〃
  Somebody   threw   a   life…buoy   over   the   side;   and   at   the   same   instant   the
  second mate's voice came aft; ringing and peremptory
  〃Hard down your helm!〃
  The   man   at   the   wheel   never   moved   a   spoke。    He   knew   better;   for
  Captain Dan Cullen was standing alongside of him。                  He wanted to move
  a spoke; to move all the spokes; to grind the wheel down; hard down; for
  his comrade drowning in the sea。            He glanced at Captain Dan Cullen; and
  Captain Dan Cullen gave no sign。
  〃Down!       Hard down!〃 the second mate roared; as he sprang aft。
  But   he   ceased   springing   and   commanding;   and   stood   still;   when   he
  saw Dan Cullen by the wheel。              And big Dan Cullen puffed at his cigar
  and said nothing。       Astern; and going astern fast; could be seen the sailor。
  He    had   caught    the  life…buoy   and    was   clinging    to  it。 Nobody       spoke。
  Nobody moved。 The men aloft clung to the royal yards and watched with
  terror…stricken faces。      And the Mary Rogers raced on; making her westing。
  A long; silent minute passed。
  〃Who was it?〃 Captain Cullen demanded。
  〃Mops; sir;〃 eagerly answered the sailor at the wheel。
  Mops topped a wave astern and disappeared temporarily in the trough。
  It   was   a   large   wave;   but   it   was   no   graybeard。 A  small   boat   could   live
  … Page 92…
  easily in such a sea; and in such a sea the Mary Rogers could easily come
  to。   But she could not come to and make westing at the same time。
  For   the   first   time   in   all   his   years;   George   Dorety   was   seeing   a   real
  drama of life and deatha sordid little drama in which the scales balanced
  an unknown sailor named Mops against a few miles of longitude。                      At first
  he had watched the man astern; but now he watched big Dan Cullen; hairy
  and black; vested with power of life and death; smoking a cigar。
  Captain   Dan   Cullen   smoked   another   long;   silent   minute。         Then   he
  removed the cigar from his mouth。               He glanced aloft at the spars of the
  Mary Rogers; and overside at the sea。
  〃Sheet home the royals!〃 he cried。
  Fifteen minutes later they sat at table; in the cabin; with food served
  before them。       On one side of George Dorety sat Dan Cullen; the tiger; on
  the other side; Joshua Higgins; the hyena。              Nobody spoke。        On deck the
  men   were   sheeting   home   the   skysails。      George   Dorety   could   hear   their
  cries; while a persistent vision haunted him of a man called Mops; alive
  and   well;   clinging   to   a   life…buoy   miles   astern   in   that   lonely   ocean。 He
  glanced   at   Captain   Cullen;   and   experienced   a   feeling   of   nausea;   for   the
  man was eating his food with relish; almost bolting it。
  〃Captain Cullen;〃 Dorety said; 〃you are in command of this ship; and
  it is not proper for me to comment now upon what you do。                     But I wish to
  say one thing。      There is a hereafter; and yours will be a hot one。〃
  Captain   Cullen   did   not   even   scowl。     In   his   voice   was   regret   as   he
  〃It was blowing a living gale。         It was impossible to save the man。〃
  〃He fell from the royal…yard;〃 Dorety cried hotly。               〃You were setting
  the   royals   at   the   time。 Fifteen   minutes   afterward   you   were   setting   the
  〃It   was   a   living   gale;   wasn't   it;   Mr。   Higgin?〃   Captain   Cullen   said;
  turning to the mate。
  〃If you'd brought her to; it'd have taken the sticks out of her;〃 was the
  mate's   answer。      〃You   did   the   proper   thing;   Captain   Cullen。     The   man
  hadn't a ghost of a show。〃
  George Dorety made no answer; and to the meal's end no one spoke。
  … Page 93…
  After that; Dorety had his meals served in his state…room。               Captain Cullen
  scowled at him no longer; though no speech was exchanged between them;
  while the Mary Rogers sped north toward warmer latitudes。                     At the end
  of the week; Dan Cullen cornered Dorety on deck。
  〃What   are   you   going   to   do   when   we   get   to   'Frisco?〃   he   demanded
  〃I am going to swear out a warrant for your arrest;〃 Dorety answered
  quietly。    〃I am going to charge you with murder; and I am going to see
  you hanged for it。〃
  〃You're almighty sure of yourself;〃 Captain Cullen sneered; turning on
  his heel。
  A    second    week    passed;    and    one   morning     found    George     Dorety
  standing in the coach…house companionway at the for'ard end of the long
  poop;     taking   his  first  gaze   around    the  deck。    The    Mary     Rogers    was
  reaching full…and…by;   in   a   stiff   breeze。   Every  sail   was set   and   drawing;
  including   the   staysails。   Captain   Cullen   strolled   for'ard   along   the   poop。
  He strolled carelessly;  glancing at   the passenger out of the   corner of his
  eye。    Dorety was looking the other way; standing with head and shoulders
  outside the companionway; and only the back of his head was to be seen。
  Captain Cullen; with swift eye; embraced the mainstaysail…block and the
  head and   estimated the distance。          He   glanced about him。         Nobody  was
  looking。     Aft; Joshua Higgins; pacing up and down; had just turned   his
  back and was going the other way。 Captain Cullen bent over suddenly and
  cast the staysail…sheet off from its pin。          The heavy block hurtled through
  the air; smashing Dorety's head like an egg…shell and hurtling on and back
  and forth as the staysail whipped and slatted in the wind。               Joshua Higgins
  turned around to see what had carried away; and met the full blast of the
  vilest portion of Captain Cullen's profanity。
  〃I   made   the   sheet   fast   myself;〃   whimpered   the   mate   in the   first   lull;
  〃with an extra turn to make sure。          I remember it distinctly。〃
  〃Made fast?〃 the Captain snarled back; for the benefit of the watch as
  it   struggled   to   capture   the   flying   sail   before   it   tore   to   ribbons。 〃You
  couldn't make your grandmother fast; you useless hell's scullion。                   If you
  made   that   sheet   fast   with   an   extra   turn;   why   in   hell   didn't   it   stay   fast?
  … Page 94…
  That's what I want to know。        Why in hell didn't it stay fast?〃
  The mate whined inarticulately。
  〃Oh; shut up!〃 was the final word of Captain Cullen。
  Half an hour later he was as surprised as any when the body of George
  Dorety     was    found   inside   the   companionway       on   the   floor。   In   the
  afternoon; alone in his room; he doctored up the log。
  〃Ordinary     seaman;     Karl   Brun;〃    he   wrote;   〃lost  overboard     from
  foreroyal…yard in   a gale   of   wind。    Was running   at   the time;   and   for   the
  safety of   the ship   did not dare  come up   to the  wind。       Nor could   a  boat
  have lived in the sea that was running。〃
  On another page; he wrote
  〃Had often warned Mr。 Dorety about the danger he ran because of his
  carelessness on deck。        I told him; once; that some day he would get his
  head   knocked   off   by   a   block。 A  carelessly   fastened   mainstaysail   sheet
  was the cau