第 13 节
作者:雨霖铃      更新:2022-11-23 12:13      字数:9322
  I; for instance; was triumphant over everyone; everyone; of
  course; was in dust and ashes; and was forced spontaneously to
  recognise my superiority; and I forgave them all。  I was a poet
  and a grand gentleman; I fell in love; I came in for countless
  millions and immediately devoted them to humanity; and at the
  same time I confessed before all the people my shameful deeds;
  which; of course; were not merely shameful; but had in them much
  that was 〃sublime and beautiful〃 something in the Manfred style。
  Everyone would kiss me and weep (what idiots they would be if
  they did not); while I should go barefoot and hungry preaching
  new ideas and fighting a victorious Austerlitz against the
  obscurantists。  Then the band would play a march; an amnesty
  would be declared; the Pope would agree to retire from Rome to
  Brazil; then there would be a ball for the whole of Italy at the
  Villa Borghese on the shores of Lake Como; Lake Como being for
  that purpose transferred to the neighbourhood of Rome; then would
  come a scene in the bushes; and so on; and so onas though you
  did not know all about it?  You will say that it is vulgar and
  contemptible to drag all this into public after all the tears and
  transports which I have myself confessed。  But why is it
  contemptible?  Can you imagine that I am ashamed of it all; and
  that it was stupider than anything in your life; gentlemen?  And
  I can assure you that some of these fancies were by no means
  badly composed。。。。 It did not all happen on the shores of Lake
  Como。  And yet you are rightit really is vulgar and
  contemptible。  And most contemptible of all it is that now I am
  attempting to justify myself to you。  And even more contemptible
  than that is my making this remark now。  But that's enough; or
  there will be no end to it; each step will be more contemptible
  than the last。。。。
  I could never stand more than three months of dreaming at a time
  without feeling an irresistible desire to plunge into society。
  To plunge into society meant to visit my superior at the office;
  Anton Antonitch Syetotchkin。  He was the only permanent
  acquaintance I have had in my life; and I wonder at the fact
  myself now。  But I only went to see him when that phase came over
  me; and when my dreams had reached such a point of bliss that it
  became essential at once to embrace my fellows and all mankind;
  and for that purpose I needed; at least; one human being;
  actually existing。  I had to call on Anton Antonitch; however; on
  Tuesdayhis at…home day; so I had always to time my passionate
  desire to embrace humanity so that it might fall on a Tuesday。
  This Anton Antonitch lived on the fourth storey in a house in
  Five Corners; in four low…pitched rooms; one smaller than the
  other; of a particularly frugal and sallow appearance。  He had
  two daughters and their aunt; who used to pour out the tea。  Of
  the daughters one was thirteen and another fourteen; they both
  had snub noses; and I was awfully shy of them because they were
  always whispering and giggling together。  The master of the house
  usually sat in his study on a leather couch in front of the table
  with some grey…headed gentleman; usually a colleague from our
  office or some other department。  I never saw more than two or
  three visitors there; always the same。  They talked about the
  excise duty; about business in the senate; about salaries; about
  promotions; about His Excellency; and the best means of pleasing
  him; and so on。 I had the patience to sit like a fool beside
  these people for four hours at a stretch; listening to them
  without knowing what to say to them or venturing to say a word。
  I became stupefied; several times I felt myself perspiring; I was
  overcome by a sort of paralysis; but this was pleasant and good
  for me。  On returning home I deferred for a time my desire to
  embrace all mankind。
  I had however one other acquaintance of a sort; Simonov; who was
  an old schoolfellow。  I had a number of schoolfellows; indeed; in
  Petersburg; but I did not associate with them and had even given
  up nodding to them in the street。  I believe I had transferred
  into the department I was in simply to avoid their company and to
  cut off all connection with my hateful childhood。  Curses on that
  school and all those terrible years of penal servitude!  In
  short; I parted from my schoolfellows as soon as I got out into
  the world。  There were two or three left to whom I nodded in the
  street。  One of them was Simonov; who had in no way been
  distinguished at school; was of a quiet and equable disposition;
  but I discovered in him a certain independence of character and
  even honesty。  I don't even suppose that he was particularly
  stupid。  I had at one time spent some rather soulful moments with
  him; but these had not lasted long and had somehow been suddenly
  clouded over。  He was evidently uncomfortable at these
  reminiscences; and was; I fancy; always afraid that I might take
  up the same tone again。  I suspected that he had an aversion for
  me; but still I went on going to see him; not being quite certain
  of it。
  And so on one occasion; unable to endure my solitude and knowing
  that as it was Thursday Anton Antonitch's door would be closed; I
  thought of Simonov。  Climbing up to his fourth storey I was
  thinking that the man disliked me and that it was a mistake to go
  and see him。  But as it always happened that such reflections
  impelled me; as though purposely; to put myself into a false
  position; I went in。  It was almost a year since I had last seen
  I found two of my old schoolfellows with him。  They seemed to be
  discussing an important matter。  All of them took scarcely any
  notice of my entrance; which was strange; for I had not met them
  for years。  Evidently they looked upon me as something on the
  level of a common fly。  I had not been treated like that even at
  school; though they all hated me。  I knew; of course; that they
  must despise me now for my lack of success in the service; and
  for my having let myself sink so low; going about badly dressed
  and so onwhich seemed to them a sign of my incapacity and
  insignificance。  But I had not expected such contempt。  Simonov
  was positively surprised at my turning up。  Even in old days he
  had always seemed surprised at my coming。  All this disconcerted
  me: I sat down; feeling rather miserable; and began listening to
  what they were saying。
  They were engaged in warm and earnest conversation about a
  farewell dinner which they wanted to arrange for the next day to
  a comrade of theirs called Zverkov; an officer in the army; who
  was going away to a distant province。  This Zverkov had been all
  the time at school with me too。  I had begun to hate him
  particularly in the upper forms。  In the lower forms he had
  simply been a pretty; playful boy whom everybody liked。  I had
  hated him; however; even in the lower forms; just because he was
  a pretty and playful boy。  He was always bad at his lessons and
  got worse and worse as he went on; however; he left with a good
  certificate; as he had powerful interests。  During his last year
  at school he came in for an estate of two hundred serfs; and as
  almost all of us were poor he took up a swaggering tone among us。
  He was vulgar in the extreme; but at the same time he was a
  good…natured fellow; even in his swaggering。  In spite of
  superficial; fantastic and sham notions of honour and dignity;
  all but very few of us positively grovelled before Zverkov; and
  the more so the more he swaggered。  And it was not from any
  interested motive that they grovelled; but simply because he had
  been favoured by the gifts of nature。  Moreover; it was; as it
  were; an accepted idea among us that Zverkov was a specialist in
  regard to tact and the social graces。  This last fact
  particularly infuriated me。  I hated the abrupt self…confident
  tone of his voice; his admiration of his own witticisms; which
  were often frightfully stupid; though he was bold in his
  language; I hated his handsome; but stupid face (for which I
  would; however; have gladly exchanged my intelligent one); and
  the free…and…easy military manners in fashion in the 〃'forties。〃
  I hated the way in which he used to talk of his future conquests
  of women (he did not venture to begin his attack upon women until
  he had the epaulettes of an officer; and was looking forward to
  them with impatience); and boasted of the duels he would
  constantly be fighting。  I remember how I; invariably so
  taciturn; suddenly fastened upon Zverkov; when one day talking at
  a leisure moment with his schoolfellows of his future relations
  with the fair sex; and growing as sportive as a puppy in the sun;
  he all at once declared that he would not leave a single village
  girl on his estate unnoticed; that that was his droit de
  seigneur; and that if the peasants dared to protest he would have
  them all flogged and double the tax on them; the bearded rascals。