第 28 节
作者:乐乐陶陶      更新:2022-11-23 12:11      字数:9322
  would go about to rob any one of such a thing as that?  It is
  a prize that only a fool would think of taking。  Besides; the
  young man parted with it of his own free will。  He bargained
  with me cleverly。  I promised him wealth and pleasure and
  fame。  What did he give in return?  An empty name; which was
  a burden〃
  〃Servant of demons; be still!〃  The voice of John rang
  clear; like a trumpet; through the hall。  〃There is a name
  which none shall dare to take in vain。  There is a name which
  none can lose without being lost。  There is a name at which
  the devils tremble。  Go quickly; before I speak it!〃
  Marcion shrank into the shadow of one of the pillars。  A
  lamp near him tottered on its pedestal and fell with a crash。  In
  the confusion he vanished; as noiselessly as a shade。
  John turned to Hermas; and his tone softened as he said:
  〃My son; you have sinned deeper than you know。  The word with
  which you parted so lightly is the keyword of all life。
  Without it the world has no meaning; existence no peace; death
  no refuge。  It is the word that purifies love; and comforts
  grief; and keeps hope alive forever。  It is the most precious
  word that ever ear has heard; or mind has known; or heart has
  conceived。  It is the name of Him who has given us life and
  breath and all things richly to enjoy; the name of Him who;
  though we may forget Him; never forgets us; the name of Him
  who pities us as you pity your suffering child; the name of
  Him who; though we wander far from Him; seeks us in the
  wilderness; and sent His Son; even as His Son has sent me this
  night; to breathe again that forgotten name in the heart that
  is perishing without it。  Listen; my son; listen with all your
  soul to the blessed name of God our Father。〃
  The cold agony in the breast of Hermas dissolved like a
  fragment of ice that melts in the summer sea。  A sense of sweet
  release spread through him from head to foot。  The lost was
  found。  The dew of peace fell on his parched soul; and the
  withering flower of human love raised its head again。  He stood
  upright; and lifted his hands high toward heaven。
  〃Out of the depths have I cried unto Thee; O Lord!  O my
  God; be merciful to me; for my soul trusteth in Thee。  My God;
  Thou hast given; take not Thy gift away from me; O my God!
  Spare the life of this my child; O Thou God; my Father; my
  A deep hush followed the cry。  〃Listen!〃 whispered
  Athenais; breathlessly。
  Was it an echo?  It could not be; for it came againthe
  voice of the child; clear and low; waking from sleep; and
  calling:  〃Father!〃
  The day before Christmas; in the year of our Lord 722。
  Broad snow…meadows glistening white along the banks of the
  river Moselle; steep hill…sides blooming with mystic
  forget…me…not where the glow of the setting sun cast long
  shadows down their eastern slope; an arch of clearest; deepest
  gentian bending overhead; in the centre of the aerial garden
  the walls of the cloister of Pfalzel; steel…blue to the east;
  violet to the west; silence over all;a gentle; eager;
  conscious stillness; diffused through the air; as if earth and
  sky were hushing themselves to hear the voice of the river
  faintly murmuring down the valley。
  In the cloister; too; there was silence at the sunset
  hour。  All day long there had been a strange and joyful stir
  among the nuns。  A breeze of curiosity and excitement had
  swept along the corridors and through every quiet cell。  A famous
  visitor had come to the convent。
  It was Winfried of England; whose name in the Roman tongue
  was Boniface; and whom men called the Apostle of Germany。  A
  great preacher; a wonderful scholar; but; more than all; a
  daring traveller; a venturesome pilgrim; a priest of romance。
  He had left his home and his fair estate in Wessex; he
  would not stay in the rich monastery of Nutescelle; even
  though they had chosen him as the abbot; he had refused a
  bishopric at the court of King Karl。  Nothing would content
  him but to go out into the wild woods and preach to the
  Through the forests of Hesse and Thuringia; and along the
  borders of Saxony; he had wandered for years; with a handful
  of companions; sleeping under the trees; crossing mountains
  and marshes; now here; now there; never satisfied with ease
  and comfort; always in love with hardship and danger。
  What a man he was!  Fair and slight; but straight as a
  spear and strong as an oaken staff。 His face was still young; the
  smooth skin was bronzed by wind and sun。  His gray eyes; clean
  and kind; flashed like fire when he spoke of his adventures; and
  of the evil deeds of the false priests with whom he contended。
  What tales he had told that day!  Not of miracles wrought
  by sacred relics; not of courts and councils and splendid
  cathedrals; though he knew much of these things。  But to…day
  he had spoken of long journeyings by sea and land; of perils
  by fire and flood; of wolves and bears; and fierce snowstorms;
  and black nights in the lonely forest; of dark altars of
  heathen gods; and weird; bloody sacrifices; and narrow escapes
  from murderous bands of wandering savages。
  The little novices had gathered around him; and their
  faces had grown pale and their eyes bright as they listened
  with parted lips; entranced in admiration; twining their arms
  about one another's shoulders and holding closely together;
  half in fear; half in delight。  The older nuns had turned from
  their tasks and paused; in passing by; to bear the pilgrim's
  story。  Too well they knew the truth of what he spoke。  Many a
  one among them had seen the smoke rising from the ruins of her
  father's roof。  Many a one had a brother far away in the wild
  country to whom her heart went out night and day; wondering if he
  were still among the living。
  But now the excitements of that wonderful day were over;
  the hour of the evening meal had come; the inmates of the
  cloister were assembled in the refectory。
  On the dais sat the stately Abbess Addula; daughter of
  King Dagobert; looking a princess indeed; in her purple tunic;
  with the hood and cuffs of her long white robe trimmed with
  ermine; and a snowy veil resting like a crown on her silver
  hair。  At her right hand was the honoured guest; and at her
  left hand her grandson; the young Prince Gregor; a big; manly
  boy; just returned from school。
  The long; shadowy hall; with its dark…brown rafters and
  beams; the double row of nuns; with their pure veils and fair
  faces; the ruddy glow of the slanting sunbeams striking upward
  through the tops of the windows and painting a pink glow
  high up on the walls;it was all as beautiful as a picture;
  and as silent。  For this was the rule of the cloister; that at
  the table all should sit in stillness for a little while; and
  then one should read aloud; while the rest listened。
  〃It is the turn of my grandson to read to…day;〃 said the
  abbess to Winfried; 〃we shall see how much he has learned in
  the school。  Read; Gregor; the place in the book is marked。〃
  The lad rose from his seat and turned the pages of the
  manuscript。  It was a copy of Jerome's version of the
  Scriptures in Latin; and the marked place was in the letter of
  St。 Paul to the Ephesians;the passage where he describes the
  preparation of the Christian as a warrior arming for battle。
  The young voice rang out clearly; rolling the sonorous words;
  without slip or stumbling; to the end of the chapter。
  Winfried listened smiling。  〃That was bravely read; my
  son;〃 said he; as the reader paused。  〃Understandest thou what
  thou readest?〃
  〃Surely; father;〃 answered the boy; 〃it was taught me by
  the masters at Treves; and we have read this epistle from
  beginning to end; so that I almost know it by heart。〃
  Then he began to repeat the passage; turning away from the
  page as if to show his skill。
  But Winfried stopped him with a friendly lifting of the
  〃Not so; my son; that was not my meaning。  When we pray;
  we speak to God。  When we read; God speaks to us。  I ask
  whether thou hast heard what He has said to thee in the common
  speech。  Come; give us again the message of the warrior and
  his armour and his battle; in the mother…tongue; so that all
  can understand it。〃
  The boy hesitated; blushed; stammered; then he came around
  to Winfried's seat; bringing the book。  〃Take the book; my
  father;〃 he cried; 〃and read it for me。  I cannot see the
  meaning plain; though I love the sound of the words。  Religion
  I know; and the doctrines of our faith; and the life of
  priests and nuns in the cloister; for which my grandmother
  designs me; though it likes me little。  And fighting I know;
  and the life of warriors and heroes; for I have read of it in
  Virgil and the ancients; and heard a bit from the soldiers at
  Treves; and I would fain taste more of it; for it likes me much。
  But how the two lives fit together; or what need there is of
  armour for a clerk in holy orders; I can never see。  Tell me the
  meaning; for if there is a man in all the world that knows it;
  I am sure it is thou。〃
  So Winfried took the book and closed it; clasping the
  boy's hand with his own。
  〃Let us first dismiss the others to their vespers said he;
  〃lest they should be weary。〃
  A sign