第 18 节
作者:乐乐陶陶      更新:2022-11-23 12:11      字数:9322
  the heavens。 And of these Balaam the son of Beor was one of the
  mightiest。  Hear the words of his prophecy:  'There shall come a
  star out of Jacob; and a sceptre shall arise out of Israel。'〃
  The lips of Tigranes drew downward with contempt; as he
  〃Judah was a captive by the waters of Babylon; and the
  sons of Jacob were in bondage to our kings。  The tribes of
  Israel are scattered through the mountains like lost sheep;
  and from the remnant that dwells in Judea under the yoke of
  Rome neither star nor sceptre shall arise。〃
  〃And yet;〃 answered Artaban; 〃it was the Hebrew Daniel;
  the mighty searcher of dreams; the counsellor of kings; the
  wise Belteshazzar; who was most honoured and beloved of our
  great King Cyrus。  A prophet of sure things and a reader of
  the thoughts of the Eternal; Daniel proved himself to our
  people。  And these are the words that he wrote。〃  (Artaban
  read from the second roll:)  〃 'Know; therefore; and understand
  that from the going forth of the commandment to restore
  Jerusalem; unto the Anointed One; the Prince; the time shall be
  seven and threescore and two weeks。〃'
  〃But; my son;〃 said Abgarus; doubtfully; 〃these are
  mystical numbers。  Who can interpret them; or who can find the
  key that shall unlock their meaning?〃
  Artaban answered:  〃It has been shown to me and to my
  three companions among the MagiCaspar; Melchior; and
  Balthazar。  We have searched the ancient tablets of Chaldea
  and computed the time。  It falls in this year。  We have
  studied the sky; and in the spring of the year we saw two of
  the greatest planets draw near together in the sign of the
  Fish; which is the house of the Hebrews。  We also saw a new
  star there; which shone for one night and then vanished。  Now
  again the two great planets are meeting。  This night is their
  conjunction。  My three brothers are watching by the ancient
  Temple of the Seven Spheres; at Borsippa; in Babylonia; and I
  am watching here。  If the star shines again; they will wait
  ten days for me at the temple; and then we will set out
  together for Jerusalem; to see and worship the promised one who
  shall be born King of Israel。  I believe the sign will come。  I
  have made ready for the journey。  I have sold my possessions; and
  bought these three jewelsa sapphire; a ruby; and a pearlto
  carry them as tribute to the King。  And I ask you to go with me
  on the pilgrimage; that we may have joy together in finding the
  Prince who is worthy to be served。〃
  While he was speaking he thrust his hand into the inmost
  fold of his; girdle and drew out three great gemsone blue as
  a fragment of the night sky; one redder than a ray of sunrise;
  and one as pure as the peak of a snow…mountain at
  twilightand laid them on the outspread scrolls before him。
  But his friends looked on with strange and alien eyes。  A
  veil of doubt and mistrust came over their faces; like a fog
  creeping up from the marshes to hide the hills。  They glanced
  at each other with looks of wonder and pity; as those who have
  listened to incredible sayings; the story of a wild vision; or
  the proposal of an impossible enterprise。
  At last Tigranes said:  〃Artaban; this is a vain dream。
  It comes from too much looking upon the stars and the
  cherishing of lofty thoughts。  It would be wiser to spend the
  time in gathering money for the new fire…temple at Chala。  No
  king will ever rise from the broken race of Israel; and no end
  will ever come to the eternal strife of light and darkness。
  He who looks for it is a chaser of shadows。  Farewell。〃
  And another said:  〃Artaban; I have no knowledge of these
  things; and my office as guardian of the royal treasure binds
  me here。  The quest is not for me。  But if thou must follow
  it; fare thee well。〃
  And another said:  〃In my house there sleeps a new bride;
  and I cannot leave her nor take her with me on this strange
  journey。  This quest is not for me。  But may thy steps be
  prospered wherever thou goest。  So; farewell。〃
  And another said:  〃I am ill and unfit for hardship; but
  there is a man among my servants whom I will send with thee
  when thou goest; to bring me word how thou farest。〃
  So; one by one; they left the house of Artaban。  But
  Abgarus; the oldest and the one who loved him the best;
  lingered after the others had gone; and said; gravely:  〃My
  son; it may be that the light of truth is in this sign that
  has appeared in the skies; and then it will surely lead to the
  Prince and the mighty brightness。  Or it may be that it is
  only a shadow of the light; as Tigranes has said; and then he
  who follows it will have a long pilgrimage and a fruitless
  search。  But it is better to follow even the shadow of the
  best than to remain content with the worst。  And those who
  would see wonderful things must often be ready to travel
  alone。  I am too old for this journey; but my heart shall be
  a companion of thy pilgrimage day and night; and I shall know
  the end of thy quest。  Go in peace。〃
  Then Abgarus went out of the azure chamber with its silver
  stars; and Artaban was left in solitude。
  He gathered up the jewels and replaced them in his girdle。
  For a long time he stood and watched the flame that flickered
  and sank upon the altar。 Then he crossed the hall; lifted the
  heavy curtain; and passed out between the pillars of porphyry to
  the terrace on the roof。
  The shiver that runs through the earth ere she rouses from
  her night…sleep had already begun; and the cool wind that
  heralds the daybreak was drawing downward from the lofty
  snow…traced ravines of Mount Orontes。  Birds; half…awakened;
  crept and chirped among the rustling leaves; and the smell of
  ripened grapes came in brief wafts from the arbours。
  Far over the eastern plain a white mist stretched like a
  lake。  But where the distant peaks of Zagros serrated the
  western horizon the sky was clear。  Jupiter and Saturn rolled
  together like drops of lambent flame about to blend in one。
  As Artaban watched them; a steel…blue spark was born out
  of the darkness beneath; rounding itself with purple
  splendours to a crimson sphere; and spiring upward through
  rays of saffron and orange into a point of white radiance。
  Tiny and infinitely remote; yet perfect in every part; it
  pulsated in the enormous vault as if the three jewels in the
  Magian's girdle had mingled and been transformed into a living
  heart of light。
  He bowed his head。  He covered his brow with his hands。
  〃It is the sign;〃 he said。  〃The King is coming; and I
  will go to meet him。〃
  All night long; Vasda; the swiftest of Artaban's horses; had
  been waiting; saddled and bridled; in her stall; pawing the
  ground impatiently; and shaking her bit as if she shared the
  eagerness of her master's purpose; though she knew not its
  Before the birds had fully roused to their strong; high;
  joyful chant of morning song; before the white mist had begun
  to lift lazily from the plain; the Other Wise Man was in the
  saddle; riding swiftly along the high…road; which skirted the
  base of Mount Orontes; westward。
  How close; how intimate is the comradeship between a man
  and his favourite horse on a long journey。  It is a silent;
  comprehensive friendship; an intercourse beyond the need of
  They drink at the same way…side springs; and sleep under
  the same guardian stars。  They are conscious together of the
  subduing spell of nightfall and the quickening joy of
  daybreak。  The master shares his evening meal with his hungry
  companion; and feels the soft; moist lips caressing the palm
  of his hand as they close over the morsel of bread。  In the
  gray dawn he is roused from his bivouac by the gentle stir of
  a warm; sweet breath over his sleeping face; and looks up into
  the eyes of his faithful fellow…traveller; ready and waiting
  for the toil of the day。  Surely; unless he is a pagan and an
  unbeliever; by whatever name he calls upon his God; he will
  thank Him for this voiceless sympathy; this dumb affection;
  and his morning prayer will embrace a double blessingGod
  bless us both; the horse and the rider; and keep our feet from
  falling and our souls from death!
  Then; through the keen morning air; the swift hoofs beat
  their tattoo along the road; keeping time to the pulsing of
  two hearts that are moved with the same eager desireto
  conquer space; to devour the distance; to attain the goal of
  the journey。
  Artaban must indeed ride wisely and well if he would keep
  the appointed hour with the other Magi; for the route was a
  hundred and fifty parasangs; and fifteen was the utmost that
  he could travel in a day。  But he knew Vasda's strength; and
  pushed forward without anxiety; making the fixed distance
  every day; though he must travel late into the night; and in
  the morning long before sunrise。
  He passed along the brown slopes of Mount Orontes;
  furrowed by the rocky courses of a hundred torrents。
  He crossed the level plains of the Nisaeans; where the
  famous herds of horses; feeding in the wide pastures; tossed
  their heads at Vasda's approach; and galloped away with a
  thunder of many hoofs; and flocks of wild birds rose suddenly
  from the swampy meadows; wheeling in great circles with a
  shining flutter of innumerable wings and shrill cries o