第 24 节
作者:随便看看      更新:2022-07-12 16:23      字数:9321
  … Page 78…
  and slid upon its feet before him。          A slender youth of about her age; with
  long light brown hair。
  '〃What thief are you?〃 he said; seizing the youth by the collar。
  'The young man; in shaking himself free; swung him a blow with his
  arm across the face and throat。          They closed; but the young man got from
  him   and   stepped   back;   crying;   with   great   eagerness   and   horror;   〃Don't
  touch me!      I would as lieve be touched by the Devil!〃
  'He   stood   still;   with   his   bill…hook   in   his   hand;   looking   at   the   young
  man。     For; the young man's look was the counterpart of her last look; and
  he had not expected ever to see that again。
  '〃I   am   no   thief。 Even   if   I   were;   I   would   not   have   a   coin   of   your
  wealth; if it would buy me the Indies。           You murderer!〃
  '〃I climbed it;〃 said the young man; pointing up into the tree; 〃for the
  first time; nigh four years ago。         I climbed it; to look at her。      I saw her。      I
  spoke to her。      I have climbed it; many a time; to watch and listen for her。
  I   was   a   boy;   hidden   among   its   leaves;   when   from   that   bay…window   she
  gave me this!〃
  'He showed a tress of flaxen hair; tied with a mourning ribbon。
  '〃Her life;〃 said the young man; 〃was a life of mourning。                   She gave
  me this; as a token of it; and a sign that she was dead to every one but you。
  If I had been older; if I had seen her sooner; I might have saved her from
  you。    But; she was fast in the web when I first climbed the tree; and what
  could I do then to break it!〃
  'In   saying   those   words;   he   burst   into   a   fit   of   sobbing   and  crying:
  weakly at first; then passionately。
  '〃Murderer!      I   climbed   the   tree   on   the   night   when   you   brought   her
  back。     I heard her; from the tree; speak of the Death…watch at the door。                I
  was three times in the tree while you were shut up with her; slowly killing
  her。    I saw her; from the tree; lie dead upon her bed。            I have watched you;
  from the tree; for proofs and traces of your guilt。              The manner of it; is a
  mystery to me yet; but I will pursue you until you have rendered up your
  life to the hangman。         You shall never; until then; be rid of me。             I loved
  her! I can know no relenting towards you。              Murderer; I loved her!〃
  … Page 79…
  'The    youth    was   bare…headed;      his  hat   having    fluttered   away    in  his
  descent   from   the   tree。    He   moved   towards   the   gate。      He   had   to   pass   …
  Him   …   to   get   to   it。 There   was   breadth   for   two   old…fashioned   carriages
  abreast; and the youth's abhorrence; openly expressed in every feature of
  his face and limb of his body; and very hard to bear; had verge enough to
  keep   itself   at   a   distance   in。 He   (by   which   I   mean   the   other)   had   not
  stirred hand or foot; since he had stood still to look at the boy。                 He faced
  round; now; to follow him with his eyes。                As the back of the bare light…
  brown head was turned to him; he saw a red curve stretch from his hand to
  it。   He knew; before he threw the bill…hook; where it had alighted … I say;
  had alighted; and not; would alight; for; to his clear perception the thing
  was done before he did it。          It cleft the head; and it remained there; and the
  boy lay on his face。
  'He buried the body in the night; at the foot of the tree。              As soon as it
  was light in the morning; he worked at turning up all the ground near the
  tree; and hacking and hewing at the neighbouring bushes and undergrowth。
  When      the   labourers    came;    there   was   nothing     suspicious;    and   nothing
  'But; he had; in a moment; defeated all his precautions; and destroyed
  the triumph of the scheme he had so long concerted; and so successfully
  worked out。       He had got rid of the Bride; and had acquired her fortune
  without endangering his life; but now; for a death by which he had gained
  nothing; he had evermore to live with a rope around his neck。
  'Beyond this; he was chained to the house of gloom and horror; which
  he could not   endure。        Being   afraid to   sell   it  or to quit   it;  lest discovery
  should   be   made;   he   was   forced   to   live   in   it。 He   hired   two   old   people;
  man and wife; for his servants; and dwelt in it; and dreaded it。                  His great
  difficulty;   for   a   long   time;   was   the   garden。 Whether   he   should   keep   it
  trim;   whether   he   should   suffer   it   to   fall   into   its   former   state   of   neglect;
  what would be the least likely way of attracting attention to it?
  'He    took   the  middle     course    of  gardening;     himself;    in  his  evening
  leisure; and of then calling the old serving…man to help him; but; of never
  letting    him   work    there   alone。    And     he   made    himself    an   arbour   over
  against the tree; where he could sit and see that it was safe。
  … Page 80…
  'As   the   seasons   changed;   and   the   tree   changed;   his   mind   perceived
  dangers that were always changing。              In the leafy time; he perceived that
  the upper boughs were growing into the form of the young man … that they
  made the shape of him exactly; sitting in a forked branch swinging in the
  wind。     In the time of the falling leaves; he perceived that they came down
  from   the   tree;   forming   tell…tale   letters   on   the   path;   or   that   they   had   a
  tendency  to   heap   themselves   into   a   churchyard   mound   above   the   grave。
  In the winter; when the tree was bare; he perceived that the boughs swung
  at   him   the   ghost   of   the   blow   the   young   man   had   given;   and   that   they
  threatened him openly。          In the spring; when the sap was mounting in the
  trunk;   he   asked   himself;   were   the   dried…up   particles   of   blood   mounting
  with it:    to make out more obviously this year than last; the leaf… screened
  figure of the young man; swinging in the wind?
  'However; he turned his Money over and over; and still over。                  He was
  in the dark trade; the gold…dust trade; and most secret trades that yielded
  great returns。     In ten years; he had turned his Money over; so many times;
  that the traders and shippers who had dealings with him; absolutely did not
  lie   …   for   once   …   when   they   declared   that   he   had   increased   his   fortune;
  Twelve Hundred Per Cent。
  'He possessed his riches one hundred years ago; when people could be
  lost easily。    He had heard who the youth was; from hearing of the search
  that was made after him; but; it died away; and the youth was forgotten。
  'The annual round of changes in the tree had been repeated ten times
  since the night   of the burial   at its foot;  when there was   a great   thunder…
  storm   over   this   place。   It   broke   at   midnight;   and   roared   until   morning。
  The first intelligence he heard from his old serving…man that morning; was;
  that the tree had been struck by Lightning。
  'It had been riven down the stem; in a very surprising manner; and the
  stem lay in two blighted shafts:            one resting against the house; and one
  against a portion of the old red garden…wall in which its fall had made a
  gap。    The fissure went down the tree to a little above the earth; and there
  stopped。      There was great curiosity to see the tree; and; with most of his
  former   fears   revived;   he   sat   in   his   arbour   …   grown   quite   an   old   man   …
  watching the people who came to see it。
  … Page 81…
  'They   quickly   began   to   come;   in   such   dangerous   numbers;   that   he
  closed his garden…gate and   refused to admit   any  more。              But; there   were
  certain men of science who travelled from a distance to examine the tree;
  and; in an evil hour; he let them in! … Blight and Murrain on them; let them
  'They wanted to dig up the ruin by the roots; and closely examine it;
  and the earth about it。       Never; while he lived!        They offered money for it。
  They!     Men of science; whom he