第 11 节
作者:上访不如上网      更新:2022-05-01 22:41      字数:9322
  let him not think it strange; if for the reward of his presumption; he
  there lose his sight。
  〃Quis hominum potest scire consilium Dei?
  Aut quis poterit cogitare quid velit Dominus?〃
  '〃Who of men can know the counsel of God? or who can think what the
  will of the Lord is。〃Book of Wisdom; ix。 13。'
  I had long ago observed most of the opinions of the ancients to concur in
  this; that it is high time to die when there is more ill than good in
  living; and that to preserve life to our own torment and inconvenience is
  contrary to the very rules of nature; as these old laws instruct us。
  '〃Either tranquil life; or happy death。  It is well to die when life
  is wearisome。  It is better to die than to live miserable。〃
  Stobaeus; Serm。 xx。'
  But to push this contempt of death so far as to employ it to the removing
  our thoughts from the honours; riches; dignities; and other favours and
  goods; as we call them; of fortune; as if reason were not sufficient to
  persuade us to avoid them; without adding this new injunction; I had
  never seen it either commanded or practised; till this passage of Seneca
  fell into my hands; who advising Lucilius; a man of great power and
  authority about the emperor; to alter his voluptuous and magnificent way
  of living; and to retire himself from this worldly vanity and ambition;
  to some solitary; quiet; and philosophical life; and the other alleging
  some difficulties: 〃I am of opinion;〃 says he; 〃either that thou leave
  that life of thine; or life itself; I would; indeed; advise thee to the
  gentle way; and to untie; rather than to break; the knot thou hast
  indiscreetly knit; provided; that if it be not otherwise to be untied;
  thou resolutely break it。  There is no man so great a coward; that had
  not rather once fall than to be always falling。〃  I should have found
  this counsel conformable enough to the Stoical roughness: but it appears
  the more strange; for being borrowed from Epicurus; who writes the same
  thing upon the like occasion to Idomeneus。  And I think I have observed
  something like it; but with Christian moderation; amongst our own people。
  St。 Hilary; Bishop of Poictiers; that famous enemy of the Arian heresy;
  being in Syria; had intelligence thither sent him; that Abra; his only
  daughter; whom he left at home under the eye and tuition of her mother;
  was sought in marriage by the greatest noblemen of the country; as being
  a virgin virtuously brought up; fair; rich; and in the flower of her age;
  whereupon he wrote to her (as appears upon record); that she should
  remove her affection from all the pleasures and advantages proposed to
  her; for that he had in his travels found out a much greater and more
  worthy fortune for her; a husband of much greater power and magnificence;
  who would present her with robes and jewels of inestimable value; wherein
  his design was to dispossess her of the appetite and use of worldly
  delights; to join her wholly to God; but the nearest and most certain way
  to this; being; as he conceived; the death of his daughter; he never
  ceased; by vows; prayers; and orisons; to beg of the Almighty; that He
  would please to call her out of this world; and to take her to Himself;
  as accordingly it came to pass; for soon after his return; she died; at
  which he expressed a singular joy。  This seems to outdo the other;
  forasmuch as he applies himself to this means at the outset; which they
  only take subsidiarily; and; besides; it was towards his only daughter。
  But I will not omit the latter end of this story; though it be for my
  purpose; St。 Hilary's wife; having understood from him how the death of
  their daughter was brought about by his desire and design; and how much
  happier she was to be removed out of this world than to have stayed in
  it; conceived so vivid an apprehension of the eternal and heavenly
  beatitude; that she begged of her husband; with the extremest
  importunity; to do as much for her; and God; at their joint request;
  shortly after calling her to Him; it was a death embraced with singular
  and mutual content。
  The inconstancy and various motions of Fortune
  'The term Fortune; so often employed by Montaigne; and in passages
  where he might have used Providence; was censured by the doctors who
  examined his Essays when he was at Rome in 1581。  See his Travels;
  i。 35 and 76。'
  may reasonably make us expect she should present us with all sorts of
  faces。  Can there be a more express act of justice than this?  The Duc de
  Valentinois; 'Caesar Borgia。' having resolved to poison Adrian;
  Cardinal of Corneto; with whom Pope Alexander VI。; his father and
  himself; were to sup in the Vatican; he sent before a bottle of poisoned
  wine; and withal; strict order to the butler to keep it very safe。
  The Pope being come before his son; and calling for drink; the butler
  supposing this wine had not been so strictly recommended to his care;
  but only upon the account of its excellency; presented it forthwith to
  the Pope; and the duke himself coming in presently after; and being
  confident they had not meddled with his bottle; took also his cup; so
  that the father died immediately upon the spot 'Other historians assign
  the Pope several days of misery prior to death。  D。W。'; and the son;
  after having been long tormented with sickness; was reserved to another
  and a worse fortune。
  Sometimes she seems to play upon us; just in the nick of an affair;
  Monsieur d'Estrees; at that time ensign to Monsieur de Vendome; and
  Monsieur de Licques; lieutenant in the company of the Duc d'Ascot; being
  both pretenders to the Sieur de Fougueselles' sister; though of several
  parties (as it oft falls out amongst frontier neighbours); the Sieur de
  Licques carried her; but on the same day he was married; and which was
  worse; before he went to bed to his wife; the bridegroom having a mind to
  break a lance in honour of his new bride; went out to skirmish near St。
  Omer; where the Sieur d'Estrees proving the stronger; took him prisoner;
  and the more to illustrate his victory; the lady was fain
  〃Conjugis ante coacta novi dimittere collum;
  Quam veniens una atque altera rursus hyems
  Noctibus in longis avidum saturasset amorem;〃
  '〃Compelled to abstain from embracing her new spouse in her arms
  before two winters pass in succession; during their long nights had
  satiated her eager love。〃Catullus; lxviii。  81。'
  to request him of courtesy; to deliver up his prisoner to her; as he
  accordingly did; the gentlemen of France never denying anything to
  Does she not seem to be an artist here?  Constantine; son of Helena;
  founded the empire of Constantinople; and so many ages after;
  Constantine; the son of Helen; put an end to it。  Sometimes she is
  pleased to emulate our miracles we are told; that King Clovis besieging
  Angouleme; the walls fell down of themselves by divine favour and Bouchet
  has it from some author; that King Robert having sat down before a city;
  and being stolen away from the siege to go keep the feast of St。 Aignan
  at Orleans; as he was in devotion at a certain part of the Mass; the
  walls of the beleaguered city; without any manner of violence; fell down
  with a sudden ruin。  But she did quite contrary in our Milan wars; for;
  le Capitaine Rense laying siege for us to the city Arona; and having
  carried a mine under a great part of the wall; the mine being sprung; the
  wall was lifted from its base; but dropped down again nevertheless; whole
  and entire; and so exactly upon its foundation; that the besieged
  suffered no inconvenience by that attempt。
  Sometimes she plays the physician。  Jason of Pheres being given over by
  the physicians; by reason of an imposthume in his breast; having a mind
  to rid himself of his pain; by death at least; threw himself in a battle
  desperately into the thickest of the enemy; where he was so fortunately
  wounded quite through the body; that the imposthume broke; and he was
  perfectly cured。  Did she not also excel the painter Protogenes in his
  art? who having finished the picture of a dog quite tired and out of
  breath; in all the other parts excellently well to his own liking; but
  not being able to express; as he would; the slaver and foam that should
  come out of its mouth; vexed and angry at his work; he took his sponge;
  which by cleaning his pencils had imbibed several sorts of colours; and
  threw it in a rage against the picture; with an intent utterly to deface
  it; when fortune guiding the sponge to hit just upon the mouth of the
  dog; it there performed what all his art was not able to do。  Does she
  not sometimes direct our counsels and correct them?  Isabel; Queen of
  England; having to sail from Zealand into her own kingdom; 'in 1326'
  with an army; in favour of her son against her husband; had been lost;
  had she come into the port she intended; being there laid wait for by the
  enemy; but fortune; against her will; threw her into another haven; where
  she lande