第 64 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2022-04-16 12:12      字数:9271
  really  forget  by  what—for  I   was   in   a   hurry;   and   could   not   much
  attend; and I can only answer for his being determined not to be
  delayed in his return。 He wanted to know how early he might be
  admitted       to…morrow。      He    was   full  of   ‘to…morrow;’     and    it   is  very
  evident   that   I   have   been   full   of   it   too;   ever   since   I   entered   the
  house;     and    learnt   the   extension      of  your    plan   and    all  that   had
  happened; or my seeing him could never have gone so entirely out
  of my head。”
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  … Page 260…
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  ne   day   only   had   passed   since   Anne’s   conversation   with
  Mrs。 Smith; but a keener interest had succeeded; and she
  was now so little touched by Mr。 Elliot’s conduct; except
  by its effects in one quarter; that it became a matter of course the
  next morning; still   to defer  her  explanatory  visit  in   Rivers…street。
  She   had   promised   to   be   with   the   Musgroves   from   breakfast   to
  dinner。 Her faith was plighted; and Mr。 Elliot’s character; like the
  Sultaness Scheherazade’s head; must live another day。
  She could not  keep   her  appointment  punctually;   however;   the
  weather was unfavourable; and she had   grieved   over  the   rain   on
  her friends’ account; and felt it very much on her own; before she
  was able to attempt the walk。 When she reached the White Hart;
  and   made   her   way   to   the   proper   apartment;   she       found   herself
  neither   arriving   quite   in   time;   nor   the   first   to   arrive。   The   party
  before her were; Mrs。 Musgrove; talking to Mrs。 Croft; and Captain
  Harville   to   Captain   Wentworth;   and   she   immediately   heard   that
  Mary     and    Henrietta;    too   impatient    to  wait;   had   gone    out   the
  moment it had cleared; but would be back again soon; and that the
  strictest injunctions had been left with Mrs。 Musgrove to keep her
  there    till  they   returned。   She   had    only   to  submit;   sit  down;    be
  outwardly   composed;   and   feel   herself   plunged   at   once   in   all   the
  agitations which she had merely laid her account of tasting a little
  before the morning closed。 There was no delay; no waste of time。
  She   was   deep   in   the   happiness   of  such   misery;   or   the   misery   of
  such     happiness;    instantly。    Two    minutes    after   her   entering    the
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                         ElecBook
  … Page 261…
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  room; Captain Wentworth said;
  “We   will   write   the   letter   we   were   talking   of;   Harville;   now;   if
  you will give me materials。”
  Materials  were   all   at   hand;   on   a   separate   table;   he   went   to   it;
  and nearly turning his back to them all; was engrossed by writing。
  Mrs。   Musgrove   was   giving  Mrs。   Croft  the   history  of   her   eldest
  daughter’s engagement; and just in that inconvenient tone of voice
  which   was   perfectly   audible   while   it   pretended   to   be   a   whisper。
  Anne felt that she did not belong to the conversation; and yet; as
  Captain Harville seemed thoughtful and not disposed to talk; she
  could   not   avoid   hearing   many   undesirable   particulars;   such   as;
  “how   Mr。   Musgrove   and   my   brother   Hayter   had   met   again   and
  again   to   talk   it   over;   what   my   brother   Hayter   had   said   one   day;
  and   what   Mr。   Musgrove   had   proposed   the   next;   and   what   had
  occurred      to   my   sister   Hayter;    and   what   the    young   people      had
  wished; and what I said at first I never could consent to; but was
  afterwards   persuaded   to   think   might   do   very   well;”   and   a   great
  deal  in  the   same   style   of  open…hearted   communication—minutiae
  which;   even   with   every   advantage   of         taste  and    delicacy;    which
  good Mrs。 Musgrove could not give; could be properly interesting
  only  to  the   principals。  Mrs。   Croft  was   attending  with  great  good…
  humour; and whenever she spoke at all; it was very sensibly。 Anne
  hoped   the   gentlemen   might   each   be   too   much   self…occupied              to
  “And      so;   ma’am;      all   these    thing    considered;”       said    Mrs。
  Musgrove; in her powerful whisper; “though we could have wished
  it different; yet; altogether; we did not think it fair to stand out any
  longer; for Charles Hayter was quite wild about it; and Henrietta
  was pretty near as bad; and so we thought they had better marry
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                             ElecBook
  … Page 262…
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  at once; and make the best of it; as many others have done before
  them。 At any rate; said I; it will be better than a long engagement。”
  “That   is   precisely   what   I   was   going    to  observe;”    cried   Mrs。
  Croft。 “I would rather have young people settle on a small income
  at once; and have to struggle with a few difficulties together; than
  be involved in a long engagement。 I always think that no mutual—
  “Oh!  dear  Mrs。  Croft;”   cried   Mrs。   Musgrove;   unable   to   let   her
  finish    her   speech;    “there   is  nothing    I  so  abominate      for  young
  people as a long engagement。 It is what I always protested against
  for my children。 It is all very well; I used to say; for young people
  to be engaged; if there is a certainty of their being able to marry in
  six months; or even in twelve; but a long engagement—”
  “Yes;     dear    ma’am;”      said    Mrs。    Croft;    “or    an    uncertain
  engagement; an engagement which may be long。 To begin without
  knowing that at such a time there will be the means of marrying; I
  hold   to  be   very   unsafe   and   unwise;   and   what   I   think   all   parents
  should prevent as far as they can。”
  Anne found an unexpected interest here。 She felt its application
  to herself; felt it  in   a nervous   thrill all   over  her;   and   at  the   same
  moment   that   her   eyes   instinctively   glanced   towards   the   distant
  table;   Captain     Wentworth’s       pen   ceased    to  move;    his  head    was
  raised; pausing; listening; and he turned round the next instant to
  give a look—one quick; conscious look at her。
  The two ladies continued to talk; to re…urge the same admitted
  truths; and enforce them with such examples of the ill effect of a
  contrary practice as had fallen within their observation; but Anne
  heard   nothing  distinctly;   it   was   only   a   buzz   of   words   in   her   ear;
  her mind was in confusion。
  Classics in Literature: Jane Austen                                          ElecBook
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  Captain Harville; who had in truth been hearing none of it; now
  left his seat; and moved to a window; and Anne seeming to watch
  him;     though     it  was   from    thorough      absence     of  mind;     became
  gradually  sensible   that  he   was   inviting  her  to   join   him   where   he
  stood。   He   looked   at   her   with   a   smile;   and   a   little   motion   of   the
  head;   which   expressed;   “Come   to   me;   I   have   something   to   say;”
  and   the   unaffected;   easy   kindness   of   manner   which   denoted   the
  feelings     of  an  older    acquaintance       than   he   really   was;   strongly
  enforced the invitation。 She roused herself and went to him。 The
  window at which he stood was at the other end of the room from
  where   the   two  ladies   were   sitting; and   though   nearer   to   Captain
  Wentworth’s        table;   not   very   near。   As   she   joined    him;    Captain
  Harville’s       countenance        re…assumed        the    serious;     thoughtful
  expression which seemed its natural character。
  “Look      here;”   said   he;   unfolding     a  parcel    in  his   hand;    and
  displaying a small miniature painting; “do you know who that is?”
  “Certainly; Captain Benwick。”
  “Yes; and you may guess who it is for。 But” (in a deep tone) “it
  was   not  done   for  her。   Miss   Elliot;   do  you  remember  our   walking
  together at Lyme; and grieving for him? I little thought then—but
  no   matter。   This   was   drawn   at   the   Cape。   He   met