第 31 节
作者:绝对601      更新:2022-04-16 12:12      字数:9276
  Mrs。 Harville at their own door; and still accompanied by Captain
  Benwick;   who   seemed   to   cling   to   them   to   the   last;   proceeded   to
  make the proper adieus to the Cobb。
  Anne   found   Captain   Benwick   again            drawing   near   her。     Lord
  Byron’s “dark blue seas” could  not  fail   of being  brought  forward
  by their present view; and she gladly gave him all her attention as
  long     as  attention     was    possible。    It  was    soon    drawn     per   force
  another way。
  There   was   too   much   wind   to   make   the   high   part   of   the   new
  Cobb   pleasant   for   the   ladies;   and   they   agreed   to   get   down   the
  steps   to   the   lower;   and   all   were   contented   to   pass   quietly   and
  carefully   down       the   steep   flight;  excepting   Louisa;   she       must   be
  jumped down them by Captain Wentworth。 In   all   their  walks;   he
  had had to jump her from the stiles; the sensation was delightful to
  her。   The   hardness   of   the   pavement   for   her   feet;   made   him   less
  willing   upon   the   present   occasion;   he   did   it;   however;   she   was
  safely   down;   and   instantly;   to   shew   her   enjoyment;          ran   up   the
  steps to be jumped down again。 He advised her against it; thought
  the    jar   too   great;  but   no;  he   reasoned     and   talked   in   vain;   she
  smiled and   said;  “I am determined   I   will:”   he   put  out   his   hands;
  she was too precipitate by half a second; she fell on the pavement
  on the Lower Cobb; and was taken up lifeless!
  There was no wound; no blood; no visible bruise; but her eyes
  were     closed;    she   breathed      not;  her   face   was    like   death。—The
  horror of the moment to all who stood around!
  Captain Wentworth; who had caught her up; knelt with her in
  his   arms;   looking   on   her   with   a   face   as   pallid   as   her   own;   in   an
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  agony     of  silence。   “She    is  dead!   she   is  dead!”    screamed     Mary;
  catching      hold   of  her   husband;     and   contributing      with   his   own
  horror     to   make     him    immoveable;        and    in  another      moment;
  Henrietta;   sinking   under   the   conviction;   lost   her   senses   too;   and
  would have fallen on the steps; but for Captain Benwick and Anne;
  who caught and supported her between them。
  “Is there no one to help me?” were the first words which burst
  from Captain Wentworth; in a tone of despair; and as if all his own
  strength were gone。
  “Go   to   him;   go   to   him;”   cried   Anne;   “for   heaven’s   sake   go   to
  him。 I can support her myself。 Leave me; and go to him。 Rub her
  hands; rub her temples; here are salts;—take them; take them。”
  Captain   Benwick   obeyed;   and         Charles   at   the   same   moment;
  disengaging himself from his wife;   they  were   both  with  him;   and
  Louisa   was   raised   up   and   supported   more   firmly   between   them;
  and   everything   was   done   that   Anne   had   prompted;   but   in   vain;
  while     Captain    Wentworth;       staggering     against    the   wall   for  his
  support; exclaimed in the bitterest agony;
  “Oh God! her father and mother!”
  “A surgeon!” said Anne。
  He caught the word; it seemed to rouse him at once; and saying
  only “True; true; a surgeon this instant;” was darting away; when
  Anne eagerly suggested—
  “Captain Benwick; would not it be better for Captain Benwick?
  He knows where a surgeon is to be found。”
  Every   one   capable   of   thinking   felt   the   advantage   of   the   idea;
  and    in  a  moment      (it  was   all  done   in  rapid    moments)      Captain
  Benwick   had   resigned   the   poor   corpse…like   figure   entirely   to   the
  brother’s care; and was off for the town with the utmost rapidity。
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  As   to  the   wretched   party  left  behind;  it  could   scarcely  be   said
  which   of   the   three;   who   were   completely   rational;   was   suffering
  most:   Captain   Wentworth;   Anne;   or   Charles;   who;   really   a   very
  affectionate      brother;    hung     over   Louisa     with   sobs   of   grief;  and
  could only turn his eyes from one sister; to see the other in a state
  as   insensible;   or   to   witness   the   hysterical   agitations   of   his   wife;
  calling on him for help which he could not give。
  Anne;   attending   with   all   the   strength   and   zeal;   and   thought;
  which   instinct   supplied;   to   Henrietta;   still   tried;   at   intervals;   to
  suggest   comfort   to   the      others;    tried  to   quiet   Mary;    to  animate
  Charles;      to  assuage     the    feelings    of  Captain     Wentworth。        Both
  seemed to look to her for directions。
  “Anne; Anne;” cried Charles; “What is to be done next? What;
  in heaven’s name; is to be done next?”
  Captain Wentworth’s eyes were also turned towards her。
  “Had not she better be carried to the inn? Yes; I am sure: carry
  her gently to the inn。”
  “Yes;      yes;    to   the     inn;”    repeated       Captain      Wentworth;
  comparatively collected; and eager to be doing something。 “I will
  carry her myself。 Musgrove; take care of the others。”
  By  this   time   the   report  of  the   accident  had spread   among   the
  workmen and boatmen about the Cobb; and many were collected
  near them; to be useful if wanted; at any rate; to enjoy the sight of
  a dead young lady; nay; two dead young ladies; for it proved twice
  as   fine   as   the   first   report。   To   some   of   the   best…looking   of   these
  good      people     Henrietta      was    consigned;       for;  though      partially
  revived; she was quite helpless; and in this manner; Anne walking
  by   her   side;   and   Charles   attending   to   his   wife;   they   set   forward;
  treading   back       with   feelings    unutterable;      the   ground;    which     so
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  lately; so very lately; and so light of heart; they had passed along。
  They   were   not   off   the   Cobb;   before   the   Harvilles   met   them。
  Captain     Benwick     had   been    seen   flying  by   their  house;    with  a
  countenance which showed something to be wrong; and they had
  set off immediately; informed and directed as they passed; towards
  the spot。 Shocked as Captain Harville was; he brought senses and
  nerves that could be instantly useful; and a look between him and
  his wife decided what was to be done。 She must be taken to their
  house—all must go to their house—and await the surgeon’s arrival
  there。 They would not listen to scruples: he was obeyed; they were
  all   beneath    his  roof;   and   while   Louisa;    under    Mrs。   Harville’s
  direction; was conveyed up stairs; and given possession of her own
  bed;    assistance;     cordials;   restoratives     were    supplied     by   her
  husband to all who needed them。
  Louisa had once opened her eyes; but soon closed them again;
  without   apparent   consciousness。         This   had   been   a   proof   of   life;
  however; of service to her  sister;   and   Henrietta;   though  perfectly
  incapable of being in the same room with Louisa; was kept; by the
  agitation of hope and fear; from a return of her own insensibility。
  Mary; too; was growing calmer。
  The     surgeon     was   with   them    almost    before    it  had  seemed
  possible。  They  were  sick   with  horror;   while  he  examined;   but  he
  was not hopeless。 The head had received a severe contusion; but
  he had seen greater injuries recovered from: he was by no means
  hopeless; he spoke cheerfully。
  That he did not regard it as a desperate case—that he   did not
  say a few hours must end it—was at first felt; beyond the hope of
  most; and   the   ecstasy  of  such a   reprieve;   the   rejoicing;   deep  and
  silent; after a few fervent ejaculations of gratitude to Heaven had
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  been offered; may be conceived。
  The   tone;   the   look;   with   which   “Thank   God!”   was   ut