第 34 节
作者:古诗乐      更新:2022-04-16 12:03      字数:9322
  door of a deserted shed; presently a slim; neat little figure;
  heavily veiled; emerged。  Again the minutes passed。  And now the
  veiled figure let herself in through the back door of the Pug's
  lodging house; and stole softly down the dark hall; and halted
  before the Pug's door。  It was the White Moll now。
  From under the door; at the ill…fitting threshold; there showed a
  thin line of light。  Rhoda Gray; with her ear against the door panel;
  listened。  There was no sound of voices from within。  Pinkie Bonn;
  then; was still alone; and still waiting for the Pug。  She glanced
  sharply around her。  There was only darkness。  Her gloved right hand
  was hidden in the folds of her skirt; she raised her left hand and
  knocked softly upon the door…two raps; one rap; two raps。  She
  repeated it。  And as it had been with Shluker; so it was now with
  her。  A footstep crossed the floor within; the key turned in the
  lock; and the door was flung open。
  〃All right; Pug;〃 said Pinkie Bonn; 〃I …〃
  The man's words ended in a gasp of surprised amazement。  With a
  quick step forward; Rhoda Gray was in the room。  Her revolver;
  suddenly outflung; covered the other; and her free hand; reaching
  behind her; closed and locked the door again。
  There was an almost stupid look of bewilderment on Pinkie Bonn's
  Rhoda Gray threw back her veil。
  〃My Gawd!〃 mumbled Pinkie Bonn … and licked his lips。  〃The White
  〃Yes!〃 said Rhoda Gray tersely。  〃Put your hands up over your head
  and go over there and stand against the wall … with your face to it!〃
  Pinkie Bonn; like an automaton moved purely by mechanical means;
  Rhoda Gray followed him; and with the muzzle of her revolver
  pressed into the small of the man's back; felt rapidly over his
  clothes with her left hand for the bulge of his revolver。  She
  found and possessed herself of the weapon; and; stepping back;
  ordered him to turn around again。
  〃I haven't much time;〃 she said icily。  〃I'll trouble you now for
  the cash you took from Marny Day and French Pete。〃
  〃My Gawd!〃 he mumbled again。  〃You know about that!〃
  〃Quick!〃 she said imperatively。  〃Put it on the table there; and
  then go back again to the wall!〃
  Pinkie Bonn fumbled in his pocket。  His face was white; almost
  chalky white; and it held fear; but its dominant expression was one
  of helpless stupefaction。  He placed the sheaf of banknotes on the
  table; and shuffled back again to the wall。
  Rhoda Gray picked up the money; and retreated to the door。  Still
  facing the man; working with her left hand behind her back; she
  unlocked the door again; and this time removed the key from the lock。
  〃You are quite safe here;〃 she observed evenly; 〃since there appears
  to be no window through which you could get out; but you might make
  it a little unpleasant for me if you gave the alarm and aroused the
  other occupants of the house before I had got well away。  I dare say
  that was in your mind; but … she opened the door slightly; and
  inserted the key on the outer side … 〃I am quite sure you will
  reconsider any such intentions … Pinkie。  It would be a very
  disastrous thing for you if I were caught。  Somebody is 'wanted' for
  the murder of Marny Day at Charlie's a little while ago; and a jury
  would undoubtedly decide that the guilty man was the one who broke
  in the door there and stole the money。  And if I were caught and
  were obliged to confess that I got it from you; and French Pete
  swore that it was whoever broke into the room that shot his pal; it
  might go hard with you; Pinkie … don't you think so?〃 She smiled
  coldly at the man's staring eyes and dropped jaw。  〃Good…night;
  Pinkie; I know you won't make any noise;〃 she said softly … and
  suddenly opened the door; and in a flash stepped back into the hall;
  and closed and locked the door; and whipped out the key from the
  And inside Pinkie Bonn made no sound。
  It was done now。  Rhoda Gray drew in her breath in a great choking
  gasp of relief。  She found herself trembling violently。  She found
  her limbs were bearing her none too steadily; as she began to grope
  her way now along the black hall toward the back door。  But it was
  done now; and …  No; she was not safe away; even yet!  Some one was
  coming in through that back door just ahead of her; or; at least;
  she heard voices out there。
  She was just at the end of the hall now。  There was no time to go
  back and risk the front entrance。  She darted across the hall to
  the opposite side from that of the Pug's room; because on that side
  the opening of the door would not necessarily expose her; and
  crouched down in the corner。  It was black here; perhaps black
  enough to escape observation。  She listened; her heart beating
  wildly。  The voices outside continued。  Why were they lingering
  there?  Why didn't they do one thing or the other … either go away;
  or come in?  There wasn't any too much time!  The Pug might be
  back at any minute now。  Perhaps one of those people out there was
  the Pug!  Perhaps it would be better after all to run back and go
  out by the front door; risky as that would be。  No; her escape in
  that direction now was cut off; too!
  She shrank as far back into the corner as she could。  The door of
  the end room on this side of the hall had opened; and now a man
  stepped out and closed the door behind him。  Would he see her?  She
  held her breath。  No!  It … it was all right。  He was walking away
  from her toward the front of the hall。  And now for a moment it
  seemed as though she had lost her senses; as though her brain were
  playing some mad; wild trick upon her。  Wasn't that the Pug's door
  before which the man had stopped?  Yes; yes!  And he seemed to have
  a key to it; for he did not knock; and the door was opening; and
  now for an instant; just an instant; the light fell upon the man
  as he stepped with a quick; lightning…like movement inside; and she
  saw his face。  It was the Adventurer。
  She stifled a little cry。  Her brain was in turmoil。  And now the
  back door was opening。  They … they might see her here!  And … yes
  … it was safer … safer to act on the sudden inspiration that had
  come to her。  The door of the room from which the Adventurer had
  emerged was almost within reach; and he had not locked it as he had
  gone out … she had subconsciously noted that fact。  And she
  understood why he had not now … that he had safeguarded himself
  against the loss of even the second or two it would have taken
  him to unlock it when he ran back for cover again from the Pug's
  room。  Yes…that room!  It was the safest thing she could do。  She
  could even get out that way; for it must be the room with the low
  window; which she remembered gave on the back yard; and …  She
  darted silently forward; and; as the back door opened; slipped into
  the room the Adventurer had just vacated。
  It was pitch black。  She must not make a sound; but; equally; she
  must not lose a second。  What was taking place in the Pug's room
  between Pinkie Bonn and the Adventurer she did not know。  But the
  Adventurer was obviously on one of his marauding expeditions; and
  he might stay there no more than a minute or two once he found out
  that he had been forestalled。  She must hurry … hurry!
  She felt her way forward in what she believed to be the direction
  of the window。  She ran against the bed。  But this afforded her
  something by which to guide herself。  She kept her touch upon it;
  her hand trailing along its edge。  And then; halfway down its
  length; what seemed to be a piece of string caught in her extended;
  groping fingers。  It seemed to cling; but also to yield most
  curiously; as she tried to shake it off; and then something;
  evidently from under the mattress; came away with a little jerk;
  and remained; suspended; in her hand。
  It didn't matter; did it?  Nothing mattered except to reach the
  window。  Yes; here it was now!  And the roller shade was drawn down;
  that was why the room was so dark。  She raised the shade quickly
  … and suddenly stood there as though transfixed; her face paling;
  as in the faint light by the window she gazed; fascinated; at the
  object that still dangled by a cord from her hand。
  And it seemed as if an inner darkness were suddenly riven as by a
  bolt of lightning … a hundred things; once obscure and
  incomprehensible; were clear now; terribly clear。  She understood
  now how the Adventurer was privy to all the inner workings of the
  organization; she understood now how it was; and why; the Adventurer
  had a room so close to that other room across the hall。  That
  dangling thing on an elastic cord was a smeared and dirty celluloid
  eye…patch that had once been flesh…colored!  The Adventurer and the
  Pug were one!
  Her wits!  Quick!  He must not know!  In a frenzy of haste she ran
  for the bed; and slipped the eye…patch in under the mattress again;
  and then; still with frenzied speed; she climbed to the window sill;
  drew the roller shade down again behind her; and dropped to the
  Through the back yard and lane she gained the street; and sped on
  along the street … but her thoughts outpaced her hurrying footsteps。
  How minutely every detail of the night now seemed to explain itself
  and dovetail with every other one!  At th