第 18 节
作者:古诗乐      更新:2022-04-16 12:03      字数:9322
  away; and the necklace being left safely on the floor; you are left
  safely in possession of … the necklace。  Well; my answer is … no!〃
  His face hardened a little。
  〃I'm sorry; then;〃 he said。  〃For in that case; in so far as your
  project is concerned; I; too; must say … no!〃
  It was an impasse。  She studied his face; the strong jaw set a
  little now; the lips molded in sterner lines; and for all her
  outward show of composure; she knew a sick dismay。  And for a moment
  she neither moved nor spoke。  What he would do next; she did not
  know; but she knew quite well that he had not the slightest
  intention of leaving her here undisturbed to carry out her plan;
  unless … unless; somehow; she could outwit him。  She bit her lips
  again。  And then inspiration came。  She turned; and with a sudden
  leap gained the wall; and the next instant; holding him back with
  her revolver as she reached up with her left hand; she caught at
  the great metal shield with its encircling cluster of small arms;
  and wrenched it from its fastenings。  It crashed to the floor with
  a din infernal that; in the night silence; went racketing through
  the house like the reverberations of an explosion。
  〃My God; what have you done!〃 he cried out hoarsely。
  〃What I said I'd do!〃 she answered。  She was white…faced; frightened
  at her own act; fighting to maintain her nerve。  〃You'll go now; I
  imagine!〃 she flung at him passionately。  〃You haven't much time。〃
  〃No!〃 he said。  His composure was instantly at command again。  〃No;〃
  he repeated steadily; 〃not until after you have gone。  I refuse
  … positively … to let you run any such risk as that。  It is far too
  〃Yes; you will!〃 she burst out wildly。  〃You will!  You must!  You
  shall!  I … I …〃  The house itself seemed suddenly to have awakened。
  From above doors opened and closed。  Indistinctly there came the
  sound of a voice。  She clenched her hand in anguished desperation。
  〃Go; you … you coward!〃 she whispered frantically。
  〃Miss Gray; for God's sake; do as I tell you!〃 he said between his
  teeth。  〃You don't realize the danger。 It's not the pursuit。  They
  are not coming down here unarmed after that racket。  I know that
  you came in by that door there。  Go out that way。  I will play the
  game for you。  I swear it!〃
  There were footsteps; plainly audible now; out in the main hall。
  〃Quick!〃 he urged。  〃Are we both to be caught?  See!〃  He backed
  suddenly toward the window。
  〃See!  I am too far away now to touch that necklace before they get
  here。  Throw it down; and get behind the portiere of the rear door!〃
  Mechanically she was retreating。  They were almost at the other door
  now; those footsteps outside in the main hall。  With a backward
  spring she reached the portiere。  The door handle across the room
  rattled。  She glanced at the Adventurer。  He was close to the window。
  It was true; he could not get the necklace and at the same time hope
  to escape。  She whipped it from her pocket; tossed it from her to
  the floor near the plush…lined case … and slipped behind the portiere。
  The door opposite to her was wrenched violently open。  She could
  see through the corner of the portiere。  There was a sharp; excited
  exclamation; as a gray…haired man; in pajamas; evidently Mr。
  Hayden…Bond himself; sprang into the room。  He was followed by
  another man in equal dishabille。
  And the Adventurer was leaping for the window。
  There was a blinding flash; the roar of a report; as the
  millionaire flung up a revolver and fired; it was echoed by the
  splatter and tinkle of falling glass。  The Adventurer was astride
  the window sill now; his face deliberately and unmistakably in view。
  〃A foot too high; and a bit to the right!〃 said the Adventurer
  debonairly … and the window sill was empty。
  Rhoda Gray stole silently through the doorway behind her。  She could
  hear the millionaire and his companion; the butler; probably; rush
  across the library to the window。  As she gained the pantry; she
  heard another shot。  Tight…lipped; using her flashlight; she ran
  through the kitchen。  In a moment more; she was standing at the
  garage door; listening; peering furtively outside。  The street
  itself was empty; there were shouts; though; from the direction of
  the Avenue。   She stepped out on the side street; and walking
  composedly that she might not attract attention; though very impulse
  urged her to run with frantic haste; she reached the corner and the
  waiting taxicab。  She gave the chauffeur an address that would bring
  her to the street in the rear of Gypsy Nan's and within reach of the
  lane where she had left her clothes; and; with an injunction to
  hurry; sprang into the cab。
  And then for a long time she sat there with her hands tightly
  clasped in her lap。  Her mind; her brain; her very soul itself
  seemed in chaos and turmoil。  There was the Sparrow; who was safe;
  and Danglar; who would move heaven and hell to get her now; and
  the Adventurer; who …  Her mind seemed to grope around in cycles;
  it seemed to moil on and on and arrive at nothing。  The Adventurer
  had played the game … perhaps because he had had to; but he had
  not risked that revolver shot in her stead because he had had to。
  Who was he?  How had he come there?  How had he found her there?
  How had he known that she had entered by that rear door behind
  the portiere? She remembered how that he had offered not a single
  Almost mechanically she dismissed the taxi when at last it stopped;
  and almost mechanically; as Gypsy Nan; some ten minutes later; she
  let herself into the garret; and lighted the candle。  She was
  conscious; as she hid the White Moll's clothes away; that she was
  thankful she had regained in safety even the questionable sanctuary
  of this wretched place; but; strangely; thoughts of her own peril
  seemed somehow to be temporarily relegated to the background。
  She flung herself down on the bed … it was not Gypsy Nan's habit to
  undress … and blew out the light。  But she could not sleep。  And
  hour after hour in the darkness she tossed unrestfully。  It was very
  strange!  It was not as it had been last night。  It was not the
  impotent; frantic rebellion against the horrors of her own situation;
  nor the fear and terror of it; that obsessed her to…night。  It was
  the Adventurer who plagued her。
  It was strange!  Most strange!  Three days had passed; and to Gypsy
  Nan's lodging no one had come。  The small crack under the partition
  that had been impressed into service as a letter…box had remained
  empty。  There had been no messages … nothing … only a sinister;
  brooding isolation。  Since the night Rhoda Gray had left Danglar;
  balked; almost a madman in his fury; in the little room over
  Shluker's junk shop; Danglar had not been seen … nor the Adventurer
  … nor even Rough Rorke。  Her only visitant since then had been an
  ugly premonition of impending peril; which came and stalked like a
  hideous ghost about the bare and miserable garret; and which woke
  her at night with its whispering voice … which was the voice of
  Rhoda Gray drew her shawl closer around her shoulders and shivered;
  as now; from shuffling down the block in the guise of Gypsy Nan;
  she halted before the street door of what fate; for the moment; had
  thrust upon her as a home; and shivered again; as; with abhorrence;
  she pushed the door open and stepped forward into the black;
  unlighted hallway。  Soul; mind and body were in revolt to…night。
  Even faith; the simple faith in God that she had known since
  childhood; was wavering。  There seemed nothing but horror around
  her; a mental horror; a physical horror; and the sole means of even
  momentary relief and surcease from it had been a pitiful prowling
  around the streets; where even the fresh air seemed to be denied to
  her; for it was tainted with the smells of squalor that ruled;
  rampant; in that neighborhood。
  And to…night; stronger than ever; intuition and premonition of
  approaching danger lay heavy upon her; and oppressed her with a
  sense of nearness。  She was not a coward; but she was afraid。
  Danglar would leave no stone unturned to get the White Moll。  He
  had said so。  She remembered the threat he had made … it had lived
  in her woman's soul ever since that night。  Better anything than
  to fall into Danglar's hands!  She caught her breath a little; and
  shivered again as she groped her way up the dark stairs。  But;
  then; she never would fall into Danglar's power。  There was always
  an alternative。  Yes; it was quite as bad as that … death at her
  own hands was preferable。  Balked; outwitted; the plans of the
  criminal coterie; of which Danglar appeared to be the head; rendered
  again and again abortive; and believing it all due to the White Moll;
  all of Danglar's shrewd; unscrupulous cunning would be centered on
  the task of running her down; and if; added to this; he discovered
  that she was masquerading as Gypsy Nan; one of their own inner
  circle; it mean that …  She closed her lips in a hard; tight line。
  She did not want to think of it。  She had fought all day; and the
  days before; against thinking about it; but premonition had crept
  upon her stronger and stronger; until to…night; now; it seemed as