第 13 节
作者:古诗乐      更新:2022-04-16 12:03      字数:9322
  of Danglar!  She dared not trust the man。  She could not absolve
  her conscience by staking another's life on a hazard; on the
  supposition that the Adventurer might do this or that。  It was not
  good enough。
  She was quick in her movements now。  Subconsciously her decision
  had been made。  There was only one way … only one。  She gathered up
  the jewels from the bed and thrust them; with the Adventurer's torn
  piece of paper; into her pocket。  And now she reached for the
  little notebook that she had hidden under the blanket。  It contained
  the gang's secret code; and she had found it in the cash box in
  Gypsy Nan's strange hiding place that evening。  Half running now;
  carrying the candle; she started toward the lower end of the attic;
  where the roof sloped down to little more than shoulder high。
  〃Seven…Three…Nine!〃 Danglar had almost decoded the message word for
  word in the course of his conversation。  In the little notebook; set
  against the figures; were the words: 〃Danger。  The game is off。
  Make no further move。〃  It was only one of many; that arbitrary
  arrangement of figures; each combination having its own special
  significance; but; besides these; there was the key to a complete
  cipher into which any message might be coded; and … But why was her
  brain swerving off at inconsequential tangents?  What did a coder or
  code book; matter at the present moment?
  She was standing under the narrow trap…door in the low ceiling now;
  and now she pushed it up; and lifting the candle through the
  opening; set it down on the inner surface of the ceiling; which;
  like some vast shelf; Gypsy Nan had metamorphosed into that
  exhaustive storehouse of edibles; of plunder … a curious and sinister
  collection that was eloquent of a gauntlet long flung down against
  the law。  She emptied the pocket of her skirt; retaining only the
  revolver; and substituted the articles she had removed with the tin
  box that contained the dark compound Gypsy Nan; and she herself; as
  Gypsy Nan; had used to rob her face of youthfulness; and give it the
  grimy; dissolute and haggard aspect which was so simple and yet so
  efficient a disguise。
  She worked rapidly now; changing her clothes。  She could not go; or
  act; as Gypsy Nan; and so she must go in her own character; go as
  the White Moll … because that was the lesser danger; the one that
  held the only promise of success。  There wasn't any other way。  She
  could not very well refuse to risk her capture by the police; could
  she; when by so doing she might save another's life?  She could not
  balance in cowardly selfishness the possibility of a prison term for
  herself; hideous as that might be; against the penalty of death
  that the Sparrow would pay if she remained inactive。  But she could
  not leave here as the White Moll。  Somewhere; somewhere out in the
  night; somewhere away from this garret where all connection with it
  was severed; she must complete the transformation from Gypsy Nan to
  the White Moll。  She could only prepare for that now as best she
  And there was not a moment to lose。  The thought made her frantic。
  Over her own clothes she put on again Gypsy Nan's greasy skirt; and
  drew on again; over her own silk ones; Gypsy Nan's coarse stockings。
  She put on Gypsy Nan's heavy and disreputable boots; and threw the
  old shawl again over her head and shoulders。  And then; with her
  hat … for the small shape of which she breathed a prayer of
  thankfulness! … and her own shoes under her arm and covered by the
  shawl; she took the candle again; closed the trap…door; and stepped
  over to the washstand。  Here; she dampened a rag; that did duty as
  a facecloth; and thrust it into her pocket; then; blowing out the
  candle; she groped her way to the door; locked it behind her; and
  without any attempt at secrecy made her way downstairs。
  Rhoda Gray's movements were a little unsteady as she stepped out
  on the sidewalk。 Gypsy Nan's accepted inebriety was not without
  its compensation。  It enabled her; as she swayed for a moment; to
  scrutinize the street in all directions。  Were any of Rough Rorke's
  men watching the house?  She did not know; she only knew that as
  far as she had been able to discover; she had not been followed
  when she had gone out that afternoon。  Up the street; to her right;
  there were a few pedestrians; to her left; as far as the corner;
  the block was clear。  She turned in the latter direction。  She
  had noticed that afternoon that there was a lane between Gypsy Nan's
  house and the corner; she gained this and slipped into it unobserved。
  And now; in the comparative darkness; she hurried her steps。
  Somewhere here in the lane she would make the transformation from
  Gypsy Nan to the White Moll complete; it required only some place
  in which she could with safety leave the garments that she discarded;
  and … Yes; this would do!  A tumble…down old shed; its battered door
  half open; ample proof that the place was in disuse; intersected
  the line of high board fence on her right。
  She stole inside。  It was utterly dark; but she had no need for
  light。  It was a matter of perhaps three minutes; and then; the
  revolver transferred to the pocket of her jacket; the stains removed
  from her face by the aid of the damp cloth; her hands neatly gloved
  in black kid; the skirt; boots; stockings; shawl; spectacles and
  wig of Gypsy Nan carefully piled together and hidden in a hole under
  the rotting boards of the floor; behind the door; she emerged as the
  White Moll; and went on again。
  But at the end of the lane; where it met a cross street; and the
  street lamp flung out an ominous challenge; and; dim though it was;
  seemed to glare with the brightness of daylight; she faltered for
  a moment and drew back。  She knew where Shluker's place was; because
  she knew; as few knew it; every nook and cranny in the East Side;
  and it was a long way to that old junk shop; almost over to the East
  River; and … and there would be lights like this one here that barred
  her exit from the lane; thousands of them; lights all the way; and
  … and out there they were searching everywhere; pitilessly; for the
  White Moll。
  And then; with her lips tightened; the straight little shoulders
  thrown resolutely back; she slipped from the lane to the sidewalk;
  and; hugging the shadows of the buildings; started forward。
  She was alert now in mind and body; every faculty strained and in
  tension。  It was a long way; and it would take a great while … by
  wide detours; by lanes and alleyways; for only on those streets that
  were relatively deserted and poorly lighted would she dare trust
  herself to the open。  And as she went along; now skirting the side
  of a street; now through some black courtyard; now forced to take
  a fence; and taking it with the agility born of the open; athletic
  life she had led with her father in the mining camps of South
  America; now hiding at the mouth of a lane waiting her chance to
  cross an intersecting street when some receding footstep should have
  died away; the terror of delay came gripping at her heart with an
  icy clutch; submerging the fear of personal peril in the agony of
  dread that; with her progress so slow; she would; after all; be too
  late。  And at times she almost cried out in her vexation and despair;
  as once; when crouched behind a door…stoop; a policeman; not two
  yards from her; stood and twirled his night stick under the street
  lamp while the minutes sped and raced themselves away。
  When she could run; she ran until it seemed her lungs must burst;
  but it was slow progress at best; and always the terror grew upon
  her。  Had Danglar met the men yet who had looted the millionaire's
  safe?  Had he already joined Skeeny in that old room behind Shluker's
  place?  Had the Sparrow … She would not let her mind frame that
  question in concrete words。  The Sparrow!  His real name was Martin;
  Martin Finch … Marty; for short。  Times without number she had
  visited the sick and widowed mother … while the Sparrow had served
  a two…years' sentence for his first conviction in safe…breaking。
  The Sparrow; from a first…class chauffeur mechanic; had showed signs
  of becoming a first…class cracksman; it was true; but the Sparrow
  was young; and she had never believed that he was inherently bad。
  Her opinion had been confirmed when; some six months ago; on his
  release; listening both to her own pleadings and to those of his
  mother; the Sparrow had sworn that he would stick to the 〃straight
  and narrow。〃  And Hayden…Bond; the millionaire; referred to by a
  good many people as eccentric; had further proved his claims to
  eccentricity in the eyes of a good many people by giving a prison
  bird a chance to make an honest living; and had engaged the Sparrow
  as his chauffeur。  It was a vile and an abominable thing that they
  were doing; even if they had not planned to culminate it with murder。
  What chance would the Sparrow have had!
  It had taken a long time。  She did not know how long; as; at last;
  she stole unnoticed into a black and narrow driveway that led in;
  between two blocks of down…at…the…heels tenements; to a courtyard
  in the rear。  Shluker had his junk shop here。  Her lips pursed up
  as though defiant of a tinge of perplexi