第 93 节
作者:双曲线      更新:2022-04-14 11:08      字数:9322
  administration of the property; funds; and lands belonging to mosques;
  cemeteries; Mussulman schools; and other religious establishments
  existing in Cyprus。〃
  The Turkish law courts were preserved in their original construction
  under the supervision of the Commissioners of the six districts:
  Lefkosia; Larnaca; Famagousta; Baffo; Limasol; Kyrenia。 These courts are
  the Idari and Daavi; the Temiz or supreme court sitting in Lefkosia。 The
  Idari and Daavi courts exist independently in each district。 The Cadi is
  judge in the Idari; which is composed of three Mussulmans and two
  Christians elected by the population; and this court is specially
  presided over by the British Commissioner; and all cases in detail are
  translated and entered in the register。 The Daavi Medjlis or court
  consists of five membersthe Cadi; two Mussulmans; and two Christians。
  An appeal from the decisions of these courts can be made to the High
  Court of Temiz at Lefkosia; the decision of which is final; only subject
  to the influence of Clauses XXII。 and XXIII。 in powers granted to the
  High Commissioner by Order in Council of 14 September; 1878 :…
  〃XXII。 The Highmissioner may; as he shall see occasion; in her
  Majesty's name and on her behalf; grant to any offender convicted of any
  crime; in any court; or before any Judge; Justice; or Magistrate within
  the said island; a free and unconditional pardon; or a pardon subject to
  such conditions as may at any time be awfully thereunto annexed; or any
  respite of the execution of the sentence of any such offender for such
  period as to him may seem fit。〃
  〃XXIII。 The High Commissioner may; as he shall see occasion; in her
  Majesty's name and on her behalf; remit any fines; penalties; or
  forfeitures which may accrue or become payable to her; provided the same
  do not exceed the sum of fifty pounds sterling in any one case; and may
  suspend the payment of any such fine; penalty; or forfeiture exceeding
  the sum of fifty pounds until her Majesty's pleasure thereon shall be
  made known and signified to him。〃
  The birds of passage that visit Cyprus (excepting swallows); exhibit a
  peculiarity in their insignificant numbers compared with their
  migrations upon the mainlands of Asia; Southern Europe; and Africa。 The
  bustards that are so common in Turkey and Asia Minor are seldom seen。
  The grey crane frequently passes over Cyprus without resting upon its
  long flight; and in the month of March its loud cry may be heard so far
  in the blue sky that it is difficult to distinguish the flocks of these
  large birds at the stupendous height of their airy road towards the
  north。 Even should the cranes condescend to rest for a short interval
  during an unfavourable wind; they leave on the first opportunity。 I have
  frequently heard them high in air travelling throughout the nightthus
  during night and day they have been sailing northwards to make the most
  of fair wind and weather。
  The sand…grouse is to be seen occasionally on the plains of Messaria;
  but never in the quantities that are met with in other neighbouring
  countries。 Woodcocks are scarce; and those which are shot must have
  halted in the island during their passage en route for other shores。
  Snipe are very numerous in the marshes of Limasol salt lakes; Morphu;
  Famagousta; Kuklia; and Larnaca。 Quails are never plentiful; and are
  inferior in condition to those of Egypt and Southern Europe。 Wild ducks
  are to be seen on the lake near Famagousta and at Limasol。 The
  wood…pigeons; and doves; together with fly…catchers; arrive in April;
  but never in large numbers。
  Return of Villages; Population; etc。; of Famagousta District。
  Villages Churches Mosques Turks Christians Total
  Naleieh of Famasousta       9*      20       6    685   3;978    4;663
  〃       Carpas          36       46      13  3;470   7;168   10;638
  〃       Messaria        68       66      29  4;861  12;434   17;295
  113      132      48  9;016  23;580   32;596
  * Includes Famagousta town。
  Piastres     L   s。 d。
  The taxes for the year 1878 amounted to   1;370;221 = 11;418 10 4
  (This being paid in Coime at a very
  variable rate; it is scarcely correct
  to reduce the amounts to sterling。)
  The tithes of this district were farmed
  out in 1878 for 。。。 。。。 。。。                           25;000  0 0
  Revenue therefore was                                 36;418 10 4
  The taxes for the year 1879 amount to。。。              10;379  90
  This does not include indirect taxes such as
  Customs; say。。。                                      1;000  00
  11;379  90
  It is impossible to calculate the tithes yet for this year (1879)。 From
  Famagousta the chief exports are corn; from Messaria; donkeys; fruit;
  and pottery; the two latter chiefly from Varoshia。
  Cyprus: Trooditissa Monastery;
  4400 feet above the sea
  21 September; 1879。
  Messrs。 Macmillan & Co。
  If I am in time to secure the last efforts of the printer perhaps this
  letter in its integrity may convey the information which the autumnal
  season has afforded。 The difficulty of all writers upon strange
  countries lies in their short experience。 Each month exhibits the
  changes of nature in seasons; meteorological phenomena; and vegetation;
  thus the full twelve months should form the data for a detailed
  description。 I closed my account of Cyprus in August; since which fruits
  have ripened and various changes have developedall have afforded
  Taxation in kind; and Government valuation of produce while growing; has
  been a crying evil that I have endeavoured to bring before the public as
  one of those instances of injustice which stamps the oppressive system
  of the Turkish administration; this unfortunately has not yet been
  abolished by the British Government。 I have already described the
  arbitrary and unjust laws that fetter the all…important wine trade;
  which is the principal industry of Limasol; but since I forwarded the
  manuscript to England I have myself witnessed the miserable effects of
  the present laws during the advance of the season in ripening the
  produce of the vineyards。
  Three weeks ago I walked for some hours through the boundless extent of
  grape cultivation at the foot of the mountains below the village of
  Phyni; at that time the crop was ripe; and should have been gathered。
  The bunches of dark red were equal to the finest hot…house grapes of
  England; both in weight and in size of berries; the black were about the
  average of the Black Hamburg; the white were smaller and about the size
  of the common 〃sweet…water。〃 A day or two ago I again visited the same
  vineyards; the grapes had not been gathered; and I computed that at
  least one…third of the crop was destroyed by the delay。 The magnificent
  bunches of dark red were for the most part shrivelled; one…half the
  berries upon each cluster being reduced to the appearance of raisins;
  and utterly devoid of juice; while many of the other varieties were
  completely withered。 The explanation given by the people was simple
  enough〃The official valuer had not appeared; and without his
  certificate no grapes could be gathered。〃 There are only three valuers
  to an extensive district; and it is physically impossible that they can
  perform their duties; even were they inclined to attend when summoned to
  each village; in the absence of some special inducement。 The actual
  labour of walking up the abrupt inclines upon the mountain sides which
  constitute the vineyards is most formidable; and at least four times the
  staff is necessary; of young and capable men; if the valuation of the
  crop is to be taken with due consideration to the interests of the
  grower。 The distressing result that I have myself witnessed in the
  partial destruction of the crops can admit of no excuse; but it exhibits
  a painful example of mal…administration in the ruin attendant upon a
  Turkish system of taxation。
  Some persons may suggest that the dried and withered grapes would be
  saleable as raisins: this is not the case。 Raisins are not merely dried
  grapes; as is generally supposed; but the bunch of well…ripened berries
  is dipped in a strong solution of potash; and is then either suspended
  or is more generally laid upon a mat to dry。 In Cyprus the growers
  seldom purchase potash; but they dip their grapes in a ley produced from
  the ashes of certain woods。
  The vineyards at this season are swarming with a species of beccaficos;
  and the population are busy in catching these delicious birds with
  sticks smeared with bird…lime。 It is a species of finch; a little larger
  than the chaffinch; the plumage a brownish grey; when plucked the body
  is much larger than the common beccaficos; but resembles it in
  extraordinary fatness and delicacy of flavour。 The natives preserve them
  by boiling in commanderia wine; and they are highly appreciated。 These
  must be added to the migratory birds of Cyprus。
  The acorns are nearly ripe; and I am assured by the monks that even
  these insignificant productions pay a tax of 6d。 per kilo (about 32
  lbs。); and the crop is valued ac