第 22 节
作者:上网找工作      更新:2022-04-12 11:59      字数:9322
  great need of hurry。  Then he began to recall to mind the names of
  the drugs she had mentioned as she wrote and to reflect that not
  one of them was poisonous。  With this new light all his former
  uneasiness returned。  He strove to reassure himself with the thought
  that she might; in order to mislead Ragobah; have spoken the name
  of a harmless drug while she wrote down that of a poisonous one。
  It was easy to settle this question; and he determined to do so at
  the next light。  He unfolded the paper; expecting to see a
  prescription; but read instead these words:
  〃My Dear Cousin: Death has relieved you of the task I imposed upon
  you。  John Darrow's body is in the well in the cave on Malabar Hill;
  where; before this reaches you; my body will have also gone to meet
  it。  To this fragment of paper; then; must I confide the debt of
  gratitude I owe to you and to him who will bear it to you; Nana
  Kandia。  Good…bye。  If I had had two hearts; I should have given
  you one。  Do not mourn me; but rather rejoice that my struggle and
  its agony are over。  John has already gone … one tomb shall inclose
  both our bodies … how could it have been better?
  No sooner had Kandia grasped the import of this letter than he
  rushed with all speed to Malabar Hill; but he was too late; for
  scarcely had he left the house upon Lona's errand before she had
  sprung out of the window by which he had placed her。  Ragobah's
  wound prevented his following her; and when he had summoned others
  to pursue her; the darkness had closed about her form and none
  knew the way she had taken。  At the edge of the fatal well Kandia
  found a piece of paper beneath a stone and on it these words:
  〃Farewell; Moro and Nana; the only beings on earth I regret to
  … Lona。〃
  The body was never recovered。  The news of his wife's death; and
  the knowledge that he was the cause of it; produced an effect upon
  Ragobah from which he never recovered。  More than twenty years have
  passed since then; yet from that day to this he has never been known
  to smile。  Long before his mangled limb had healed it became evident
  to all who knew him that he had henceforth but one purpose in life;
  … revenge; and that nothing save death could turn him from his
  purpose; so long as his rival lived。  The knowledge of this made my
  search for Darrow Sahib more than ever difficult from the fact that
  it must be prosecuted secretly。  I could only learn that he had
  left Bombay for the interior; nothing more。  My inquiries in all
  the Indian cities proved fruitless; and in many instances; I was
  informed that Ragobah had instituted a search for the same man。  I
  think; in spite of my precautions; some of my agents ultimately
  told Ragobah of my efforts; for I found myself so closely watched
  by men in his interests that I was at length compelled to give up
  the personal conduct of the search; and to continue it through a
  deputy; unknown to him。   All my endeavours to find the Sahib were;
  as you are already aware; fruitless; and; until I met you; I had
  no doubt Ragobah's efforts were equally unproductive。  You have now
  all the information I can offer upon the subject。  If I can be of
  any further service to you; you need not hesitate to command me。
  As he said this he rose to depart and I promised to keep him
  informed of what occurred。  I have nothing now to do but to await;
  with such patience as I can command; the arrival of the Dalmatia。
  It does not seem to me altogether probable that Ragobah will return
  upon this boat; but if he should I shall have him arrested the
  moment he sets foot on shore。  If he escape the net that has been
  woven about him; I shall be a convert to Eastern occultism and no
  mistake。  I trust Miss Darrow is well and hopeful。  I know she
  will religiously keep the promise she made; for she is one of those
  women who fully understand the nature of a covenant; and I am
  easier; therefore; than I otherwise could be regarding her condition。
  Give her my kind regards and tell her that she may expect news of
  importance by my next communication。  It is very late; so good…bye;
  until the arrival of the Dalmatia。
  Your friend;
  This letter was delivered one morning when Gwen; my sister Alice;
  and I were at breakfast。  As I broke the seal I noticed that both
  ladies put down their knives and forks and ceased to eat。  A glance
  at Gwen's eager face convinced me that she had no appetite for
  anything but my letter; and I accordingly read it aloud。  When I
  came to the last part of it; where Maitland referred to her; a flush;
  of pride I thought at the time; overspread her face; and when I had
  finished she said with some show of excitement; 〃If Mr。 Maitland
  succeed in bringing Ragobah to justice I … I shall owe him a debt
  of gratitude I can never repay!  It all seems like a romance; only so
  frightfully real。  We may expect another letter in a few days; may
  we not?  And Mr。 Maitland; when may we expect him?〃
  I replied that I thought we might reasonably expect news of
  importance within five or six days; and that; so far as Maitland's
  return was concerned; I did not look for it for as many weeks; as
  he would doubtless have to cope with the law's delay there; as he
  would if here; and to comply with many tedious formalities before
  the government would allow Ragobah to be brought to this country for
  trial。  The only reply Gwen vouchsafed to this statement was a
  long…drawn unconscious sigh; which I interpreted as meaning; 〃Will
  it never end!〃
  He who shakes the tree of Vengeance but harvests apples of Sodom
  in whose fruit of ashes he becomes buried; for the wage of the
  sinner is death。
  There was no doubt of Ragobah's guilt in any of our minds; so that
  action at our end of the line seemed entirely useless; and nothing
  was left us but to quietly await whatever developments Maitland
  should disclose。  We were not kept long in suspense; for in less than
  a week his next letter arrived。  I broke its seal in the presence of
  Gwen and my sister who; if possible; were even more excited than I
  myself。  Is it to be wondered at?  Here was the letter which was to
  tell us whether or not the murderer of John Darrow had been caught。
  We felt that if Ragobah had returned to India; according to his
  expressed intention; there could be no doubt upon this point。  But
  had he so returned?  I read as follows:
  The Dalmatia arrived as expected on Thursday; and on her came Ragobah。
  I had him arrested as he stepped from the boat。  When examined he
  did not seem in the least disconcerted at the charges I preferred
  against him。   This did not surprise me; however; as I had expected
  that a man who could roll his naked body over the burning sands from
  Mabaj an to the Ganges; and who could rise from the Vaisyan to the
  Brahman caste; … albeit he fell again; … would not be likely to betray
  his cause by exhibiting either fear or excitement。  He acknowledged
  his acquaintance with Mr。 Darrow and the ill…feeling existing between
  them。   When charged with his murder at Dorchester on the night of the
  22d of April he coolly asked if I were aware when and how he had left
  India。  I had not neglected to look this matter up and told him he had
  left on the same steamer which had brought him back … the Dalmatia …=20
  which should have arrived at New York on the 21st of April; thus
  leaving him ample time to get to Boston before the night of the 22d。
  To this he replied with the utmost assurance。  (I give you the exact
  gist of what he said。  Since I was not able to immediately commit his
  language to writing; you will; of course; hardiy expect me to remember
  those peculiar Oriental idioms which an Indian; however great his
  command of English; never drops。  What I say here is; of course; true
  of all conversations I put before you except such as I practically
  reported。) … But to return to our muttons。  As I was saying; he
  replied with the utmost assurance:
  〃The Sahib is right。  I did sail upon the Dalmatia; due at New York
  on the 21st of April。  This steamer; as you are perhaps aware; is
  propelled by twin screws。  On the trip in question she broke one
  of her propellers in mid…Atlantic and in consequence; arrived in New
  York on the 24th of April; three days late; without the transference
  of any of her passengers to other boats。  If you will take the
  trouble to at once verify this statement at the steamship office;
  you will be able to relieve me of the annoyance of  further detention。〃
  All this was said with a rare command of language and a cold; cynical
  politeness which cut like a knife。  I at first thought it was merely
  a ruse to gain time; but the steamship officials substantiated every
  word uttered by Ragobah relative to their vessel。  The Dalmatia had
  steamed into New York at eleven o'clock on the morning of the 24th
  day of April with a broken screw!
  Imagine my amazement!  The net of circumstantial evidence wound
  around Ragob