第 41 节
作者:笑傲网络      更新:2021-12-13 08:43      字数:9322
  through the hearts of the people。  The minister advised letting him
  alone; but Mrs。 Murray was anxiously waiting for the time when
  Ranald would come to her。  That time came; but not until long
  months of weary waiting on her part; and of painful struggle on
  his; had passed。
  From the very first of the great movement his father threw himself
  into it with all the earnest intensity of his nature; but at the
  same time with a humility that gave token that the memory of the
  wild days of his youth and early manhood were never far away from
  him。  He was eager to serve in the work; and was a constant source
  of wonder to all who had known him in his youth and early manhood。
  At all the different meetings he was present。  Nothing could keep
  him away。  〃Night cometh;〃 he said to his brother; who was
  remonstrating with him。  His day's work was drawing to its close。
  But Ranald would not let himself see the failing of his father's
  health; and when; in the harvest; the slightest work in the fields
  would send his father panting to the shade; Ranald would say; 〃It
  is the hot weather; father。  When the cool days come you will be
  better。  And why should you be bothering yourself with the work;
  anyway?  Surely Yankee and I can look after that。〃  And indeed they
  seemed to be quite fit to take off the harvest。
  Day by day Ranald swung his cradle after Yankee with all a man's
  steadiness till all the grain was cut; and by the time the harvest
  was over; Ranald had developed a strength of muscle and a skill in
  the harvest work that made him equal of almost any man in the
  country。  He was all the more eager to have the harvest work done
  in time; that his father might not fret over his own inability to
  help。  For Ranald could not bear to see the look of disappointment
  that sometimes showed itself in his father's face when weakness
  drove him from the field; and it was this that made him throw
  himself into the work as he did。  He was careful also to consult
  with his father in regard to all the details of the management of
  the farm; and to tell him all that he was planning to do as well as
  all that was done。  His father had always been a kind of hero to
  Ranald; who admired him for his prowess with the gun and the ax;
  as well as for his great strength and courage。  But ever since
  calamity had befallen him; the boy's heart had gone out to his
  father in a new tenderness; and the last months had drawn the two
  very close together。  It was a dark day for Ranald when he was
  forced to face the fact that his father was growing daily weaker。
  It was his uncle; Macdonald Bhain; who finally made him see it。
  〃Your father is failing; Ranald;〃 he said one day toward the close
  of harvest。
  〃It is the hot weather;〃 said Ranald。  〃He will be better in the
  〃Ranald; my boy;〃 said his uncle; gravely; 〃your father will fade
  with the leaf; and the first snow will lie upon him。〃
  And then Ranald fairly faced the fact that before long he would be
  alone in the world。  Without any exchange of words; he and his
  father came to understand each other; and they both knew that they
  were spending their last days on earth together。  On the son's
  side; they were days of deepening sorrow; but with the father;
  every day seemed to bring him a greater peace of mind and a clearer
  shining of the light that never fades。  To his son; Macdonald Dubh
  never spoke of the death that he felt to be drawing nearer; but he
  often spoke to him of the life he would like his son to live。  His
  only other confidant in these matters was the minister's wife。  To
  her Macdonald Dubh opened up his heart; and to her; more than to
  any one else; he owed his growing peace and light; and it was
  touching to see the devotion and the tenderness that he showed to
  her as often as she came to see him。  With his brother; Macdonald
  Bhain; he made all the arrangements necessary for the disposal of
  the farm and the payment of the mortgage。
  Ranald had no desire to be a farmer; and indeed; when the mortgage
  was paid there would not be much left。
  〃He will be my son;〃 said Macdonald Bhain to his brother; 〃and my
  home will be his while I live。〃
  So in every way there was quiet preparation for Macdonald Dubh's
  going; and when at last the day came; there was no haste or fear。
  It was in the afternoon of a bright September day; as the sun was
  nearing the tops of the pine…trees in the west。  His brother was
  supporting him in his strong arms; while Ranald knelt by the
  bedside。  Near him sat the minister's wife; and at a little
  distance Kirsty。
  〃Lift me up; Tonal;〃 said the dying man; 〃I will be wanting to see
  the sun again; and then I will be going。  I will be going to the
  land where they will not need the light of the sun。  Tonal;
  bhodaich; it is the good brother you have been to me; and many's
  the good day we have had together。〃
  〃Och; Hugh; man。  Are you going from me?〃 said Macdonald Bhain;
  with great sorrow in his voice。
  〃Aye; Tonal; for a little。〃  Then he looked for a few moments at
  Kirsty; who was standing at the foot of the bed。
  〃Come near me; Kirsty;〃 he said; and Kirsty came to the bedside。
  〃You have always been kind to me and mine; and you were kind to HER
  as well; and the reward will come to you。〃  Then he turned to Mrs。
  Murray; and said; with a great light of joy in his eyes:  〃It is
  you that came to me as the angel of God with a word of salvation;
  and forever more I will be blessing you。〃  And then he added; in a
  voice full of tenderness; 〃I will be telling her about you。〃  He
  took Mrs。 Murray's hand and tremblingly lifted it to his lips。
  〃It has been a great joy to me;〃 said Mrs。 Murray; with difficulty
  steadying her voice; 〃to see you come to your Saviour; Mr。
  〃Aye; I know it well;〃 he said; and then he added; in a voice that
  sank almost to a whisper; 〃Now you will be reading the prayer。〃
  And Mrs。 Murray; opening her Gaelic Bible; repeated in her clear;
  soft voice; the words of the Lord's Prayer。  Through all the
  petitions he followed her; until he came to the words; 〃Forgive us
  our debts。〃  There he paused。
  〃Ranald; my man;〃 he said; raising his hand with difficulty and
  laying it upon the boy's head; 〃you will listen to me now。  Some
  day you will find the man that brought me to this; and you will say
  to him that your father forgave him freely; and wished him all the
  blessing of God。  You will promise me this; Ranald?〃 said Macdonald
  〃Yes; father;〃 said Ranald; lifting his head; and looking into his
  father's face。
  〃And; Ranald; you; too; will be forgiving him?〃  But to this there
  was no reply。  Ranald's head was buried in the bed。
  〃Ah;〃 said Macdonald Dubh; with difficulty; 〃you are your father's
  son; but you will not be laying this bitterness upon me now。  You
  will be forgiving him; Ranald?〃
  〃Oh; father!〃 cried Ranald; with a breaking voice; 〃how can I
  forgive him?  How can I forgive the man who has taken you away from
  〃It is no man;〃 replied his father; 〃but the Lord himself; the Lord
  who has forgiven your father much。  I am waiting to hear you;
  Then; with a great sob; Ranald broke forth:  〃Oh; father; I will
  forgive him;〃 and immediately became quiet; and so continued to the
  After some moments of silence; Macdonald Dubh looked once more
  toward the minister's wife; and a radiant smile spread over his
  〃You will be finishing;〃 he said。
  Her face was wet with tears; and for a few moments she could not
  speak。  But it was no time to fail in duty; so; commanding her
  tears; with a clear; unwavering voice she went on to the end of the
  〃For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory; forever and
  ever。  Amen。〃
  〃Glory!〃 said Macdonald Dubh after her。  〃Aye; the Glory。  Ranald;
  my boy; where are you?  You will be following me; lad; to the
  Glory。  SHE will be asking me about you。  You will be following me;
  The anxious note in his voice struck Ranald to the heart。
  〃Oh; father; it is what I want;〃 he replied; brokenly。  〃I will
  〃Aye;〃 said Macdonald Dubh; 〃and you will come。  I will be telling
  HER。  Now lay me down; Tonal; I will be going。〃
  Macdonald Bhain laid him quietly back on his pillow; and for a
  moment he lay with his eyes closed。
  Once more he opened his eyes; and with a troubled look upon his
  face; and in a voice of doubt and fear; he cried:  〃It is a sinful
  man; O Lord; a sinful man。〃
  His eyes wandered till they fell on Mrs。 Murray's face; and then
  the trouble and fear passed out of them; and in a gentler voice he
  said:  〃Forgive us our debts。〃  Then; feeling with his hand till it
  rested on his son's head; Macdonald Dubh passed away; at peace with
  men and with God。
  There was little sadness and no bitter grief at Macdonald Dubh's
  funeral。  The tone all through was one of triumph; for they all
  knew his life; and how sore the fight had been; and how he had won
  his victory。  His humility and his gentleness during the last few
  weeks of his life had removed all the distance that had separated
  him from the people; and had drawn their hearts toward him; and now
  in his final triumph they could not find it in their hearts to
  But to Ranald the sadness was