第 25 节
作者:水王      更新:2021-12-07 09:36      字数:9322
  good cheer! 〃
  But scarcely  had they  made   half   a   dozen   steps from  the   edge of   the
  cliff;   when   a   bird   came   fluttering   to   meet   them。   It   was   the   same   pretty
  little   bird;   with   the   purple   wings   and   body;   the   yellow   legs;   the   golden
  collar    round    its  neck;  and   the   crown…like     tuft  upon   its  head;   whose
  behavior had so much surprised Ulysses。 It hovered about Eurylochus; and
  almost brushed his face with its wings。
  〃Peep; peep; peweep!〃 chirped the bird。
  So plaintively intelligent was the sound; that it seemed as if the little
  creature were going to break its heart with some mighty secret that it had
  to tell; and only this one poor note to tell it with。
  〃My pretty bird;〃 said Eurylochusfor he was a wary person; and let
  no token of harm escape his notice〃my pretty bird; who sent you hither?
  And what is the message which you bring?〃
  〃Peep; peep; peweep! 〃 replied the bird; very sorrowfully。
  Then it flew towards the edge of the cliff; and looked around at them;
  as   if  exceedingly     anxious    that  they   should   return   whence     they   came。
  Eurylochus and a few of the others were inclined to turn back。 They could
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  not    help  suspecting     that  the  purple    bird  must    be  aware    of  something
  mischievous that would befall them at the palace; and the knowledge of
  which affected its airy spirit with a human sympathy and sorrow。 But the
  rest   of  the   voyagers;    snuffing   up   the  smoke     from   the   palace   kitchen;
  ridiculed the idea of returning to the vessel。 One of them (more brutal than
  his fellows; and the most notorious gormandizer in the crew) said such a
  cruel and wicked thing; that I wonder the mere thought did not turn him
  into a wild beast; in shape; as he already was in his nature。
  〃This troublesome and impertinent little fowl;〃 said he; 〃would make a
  delicate titbit to begin dinner with。 Just one plump morsel; melting away
  between the teeth。 If he comes within my reach; I'll catch him; and give
  him to the palace cook to be roasted on a skewer。〃
  The words were hardly out of his mouth; before the purple bird flew
  away; crying; 〃Peep; peep; peweep;〃 more dolorously than ever。
  〃That   bird;〃   remarked   Eurylochus;   〃knows   more   than   we   do   about
  what awaits us at the palace。〃
  〃Come on; then;〃 cried his comrades; 〃and we'll soon know as much as
  he does。〃
  The   party;   accordingly;   went   onward   through   the   green   and   pleasant
  wood。 Every little while they caught new glimpses of the marble palace;
  which looked more and more beautiful the nearer they approached it。 They
  soon entered a broad pathway; which seemed to be very neatly kept; and
  which went winding along; with streaks of sunshine falling across it and
  specks   of   light   quivering   among   the   deepest   shadows   that   fell   from   the
  lofty trees。 It was bordered; too; with a great many sweet…smelling flowers;
  such   as   the   mariners   had   never   seen   before。   So   rich   and   beautiful   they
  were; that; if the shrubs grew wild here; and were native in the soil; then
  this   island   was    surely   the   flower    garden    of  the   whole    earth;   or;  if
  transplanted   from   some   other   clime;   it   must   have   been   from   the   Happy
  Islands that lay towards the golden sunset。
  〃There     has   been   a  great   deal   of  pains   foolishly    wasted    on   these
  flowers;〃 observed one of the company; and I tell you what he said; that
  you   may  keep   in   mind   what gormandizers they  were。  〃For   my  part;  if   I
  were the owner of the palace; I would bid my gardener cultivate nothing
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  but savory pot herbs to make a stuffing for roast meat; or to flavor a stew
  〃 Well   said!〃   cried   the others。   〃But   I'll   warrant you   there's   a   kitchen
  garden in the rear of the palace。〃
  At one place they came to a crystal spring; and paused to drink at it for
  want of liquor which they liked better。 Looking into its bosom; they beheld
  their own faces dimly reflected; but so extravagantly distorted by the gush
  and motion of the water; that each one of them appeared to be laughing at
  himself     and   all  his  companions。      So   ridiculous    were    these   images    of
  themselves; indeed; that they did really laugh aloud; and could hardly be
  grave again as soon as they wished。 And after they had drank; they grew
  still merrier than before。
  〃It has a twang of the wine cask in it;〃 said one; smacking his lips。
  〃Make haste!〃 cried his fellows: 〃we'll find the wine cask itself at the
  palace; and that will be better than a hundred crystal fountains。〃
  Then they quickened their pace; and capered for joy at the thought of
  the savory banquet at which they hoped to be guests。 But Eurylochus told
  them that he felt as if he were walking in a dream。
  〃If I am really awake;〃 continued he; 〃then; in my opinion; we are on
  the point of meeting with some stranger adventure than any that befell us
  in the cave of Polyphemus; or among the gigantic man…eating Laestrygons;
  or in the windy palace of King Aeolus; which stands on a brazen…walled
  island。   This   kind   of   dreamy   feeling   always   comes   over   me   before   any
  wonderful occurrence。 If you take my advice; you will turn back。〃
  〃No; no;〃 answered his comrades; snuffing the air; in which the scent
  from   the   palace   kitchen   was   now   very   perceptible。   〃We   would   not   turn
  back; though we were certain that the king of the Laestrygons; as big as a
  mountain;  would   sit   at   the   head   of   the   table;   and   huge   Polyphemus;   the
  one…eyed Cyclops; at its foot。〃
  At length they came within full sight of the palace; which proved to be
  very large and lofty; with a great number of airy pinnacles upon its roof。
  Though it was midday; and the sun shone brightly over the marble front;
  yet its snowy whiteness; and its fantastic style of architecture; made it look
  unreal; like the frost work on a window pane; or like the shapes of castles
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  which one sees among the clouds by moonlight。 But; just then; a puff of
  wind brought down the smoke of the kitchen chimney among them; and
  caused each man to smell the odor of the dish that he liked best; and; after
  scenting it; they thought everything else moonshine; and nothing real save
  this palace; and save the banquet that was evidently ready to be served up
  in it。
  So   they  hastened their steps   towards   the portal;  but   had   not   got   half
  way across the wide lawn; when a pack of lions; tigers; and wolves came
  bounding to meet them。 The terrified mariners started back; expecting no
  better fate than to be torn to pieces and devoured。 To their surprise and joy;
  however;   these   wild   beasts   merely   capered   around   them;   wagging   their
  tails; offering their heads to be stroked and patted; and behaving just like
  so many well…bred house dogs; when they wish to express their delight at
  meeting their master; or their master's friends。 The biggest lion licked the
  feet of Eurylochus; and every other lion; and every wolf and tiger; singled
  out one of his two and twenty followers; whom the beast fondled as if he
  loved him better than a beef bone。
  But;   for   all   that;   Eurylochus   imagined   that   he   saw   something   fierce
  and savage in their eyes; nor would he have been surprised; at any moment;
  to   feel   the   big   lion's   terrible   claws;   or   to   see   each   of   the   tigers   make   a
  deadly  spring;   or   each   wolf   leap   at   the   throat   of   the   man   whom  he   had
  fondled。 Their mildness seemed unreal; and a mere freak; but their savage
  nature was as true as their teeth and claws。
  Nevertheless; the men went safely across the lawn with the wild beasts
  frisking   about   them;   and   doing   no   manner   of   harm;   although;   as   they
  mounted   the   steps   of   the   palace;   you   might   possibly   have   heard   a   low
  growl; particularly from the wolves; as if they thought it a pity; after all; to
  let the strangers pass without so much as tasting what they were made of。
  Eurylochus   and   his   followers   now   passed   under   a   lofty   portal;   and
  looked through the open doorway into the interior of the palace。 The first
  thing that they saw was a spacious hall; and a fountain in th