第 7 节
作者:交通工具类:沧海一叶舟      更新:2021-12-07 09:33      字数:9322
  as it were; in one breath。 (100) Also Ps。 cxxxix:7; 〃Wither shall I go from
  Thy Spirit; or whither shall I flee from Thy presence?〃 i。e。 whither shall I
  go so as to be beyond Thy power and Thy presence?
  (101) Lastly; the Spirit of the Lord is used in Scripture to express the
  emotions of God; e。g。 His kindness and mercy; Micah ii:7; 〃Is the Spirit
  'i。e。   the  mercy'   of    the  Lord   straitened?     (102)   Are   these   cruelties    His
  doings?〃 (103) Zech。 iv:6; 〃Not by might or by power; but My Spirit 'i。e。
  mercy';  saith   the   Lord of   hosts。〃   (104) The   twelfth verse   of the   seventh
  chapter of the same prophet must; I think; be interpreted in like manner:
  〃Yea; they made their hearts as an adamant stone; lest they should hear the
  law; and the words which the Lord of hosts hath sent in His Spirit 'i。e。 in
  His   mercy'  by  the  former  prophets。〃   (105)  So   also   Haggai   ii:5:   〃So   My
  Spirit remaineth among you: fear not。〃
  (106)   The   passage   in   Isaiah   xlviii:16;   〃And   now   the   Lord   and   His
  Spirit hath sent me;〃 may be taken to refer to God's mercy or His revealed
  law; for the prophet says; 〃From the beginning〃 (i。e。 from the time when I
  first   came   to   you;   to   preach   God's   anger   and   His   sentence   forth   against
  you) 〃I spoke not in secret; from the time that it was; there am I;〃 and now
  I   am   sent   by   the   mercy   of   God   as   a   joyful   messenger   to   preach   your
  restoration。 (107) Or we may understand him to mean by the revealed law
  that he had before come to warn them by the command of the law (Levit。
  xix:17)   in    the   same   manner   under   the   same   conditions   as   Moses   had
  warned them; that now; like Moses; he ends by preaching their restoration。
  (108) But the first explanation seems to me the best。
  (109)   Returning;  then;   to   the   main   object   of   our   discussion;   we   find
  that the Scriptural phrases; 〃The Spirit of the Lord was upon a prophet;〃
  〃The Lord breathed His Spirit into men;〃 〃Men were filled with the Spirit
  of   God;   with   the   Holy  Spirit;〃   &c。;   are   quite   clear   to   us;   and   mean   that
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  prophets   were      endowed       with   a  peculiar    and   extraordinary   power;       and
  devoted   themselves   to   piety   with   especial   constancy(3);   that   thus   they
  perceived the mind or the thought of God; for we have shown that God's
  Spirit signifies in Hebrew God's mind or thought; and that the law which
  shows      His    mind     and    thought    is   called    His   Spirit;   hence     that   the
  imagination   of   the   prophets;   inasmuch   as   through   it   were   revealed   the
  decrees of God; may equally be called the mind of God; and the prophets
  be said to have possessed the mind of God。 (110) On our minds also the
  mind   of   God   and   His   eternal   thoughts   are   impressed;   but   this   being   the
  same   for   all   men   is   less   taken   into   account;   especially   by   the   Hebrews;
  who   claimed   a   pre…eminence;   and   despised   other   men   and   other   men's
  (111)    Lastly;   the   prophets     were    said  to  possess     the  Spirit   of  God
  because   men   knew   not   the   cause   of   prophetic   knowledge;   and   in   their
  wonder   referred   it     with   other   marvels     directly   to   the  Deity;    styling   it
  Divine knowledge。
  (111)   We   need      no   longer   scruple   to   affirm   that   the   prophets    only
  perceived God's revelation by the aid of imagination; that is; by words and
  figures either real or imaginary。 (112) We find no other means mentioned
  in Scripture; and therefore must not invent any。 (113) As to the particular
  law   of   Nature   by   which   the   communications   took   place;   I   confess   my
  ignorance。 (114) I might; indeed; say as others do; that they took place by
  the   power   of   God;   but   this   would   be   mere   trifling;   and   no   better   than
  explaining       some     unique     specimen      by    a  transcendental       term。    (115)
  Everything takes place by the power of God。 (116) Nature herself is the
  power of God under another name; and our ignorance of the power of God
  is   co…extensive   with   our   ignorance   of   Nature。   (117)   It   is   absolute   folly;
  therefore; to ascribe an event to the power of God when we know not its
  natural cause; which is the power of God。
  (118) However; we are not now inquiring into the causes of prophetic
  knowledge。 (119) We are only attempting; as I have said; to examine the
  Scriptural   documents;   and   to   draw   our   conclusions   from   them   as   from
  ultimate natural facts; the causes of the documents do not concern us。
  (120) As the prophets perceived the revelations of God by the aid of
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  imagination;   they   could   indisputably   perceive   much   that   is   beyond   the
  boundary  of   the   intellect;   for   many   more   ideas   can   be   constructed   from
  words and figures than from the principles and notions on which the whole
  fabric of reasoned knowledge is reared。
  (121)   Thus   we   have   a   clue   to   the   fact   that   the   prophets   perceived
  nearly everything in parables and allegories; and clothed spiritual truths in
  bodily forms; for such is the usual method of imagination。 (122) We need
  no longer wonder that Scripture and the prophets speak so strangely and
  obscurely   of   God's   Spirit   or   Mind   (cf。   Numbers   xi:17;   1   Kings   xxii:21;
  &c。); that the Lord was seen by Micah as sitting; by Daniel as an old man
  clothed   in   white;   by   Ezekiel   as   a   fire;   that   the   Holy   Spirit   appeared   to
  those with Christ as a descending dove; to the apostles as fiery tongues; to
  Paul   on   his   conversion   as   a   great   light。   (123) All   these   expressions   are
  plainly in harmony with the current ideas of God and spirits。
  (124) Inasmuch as imagination is fleeting and inconstant; we find that
  the    power    of   prophecy     did   not   remain     with   a  prophet     for  long;    nor
  manifest itself frequently; but was very  rare;   manifesting itself only in   a
  few men; and in them not often。
  (125)We must necessarily inquire how the prophets became assured of
  the truth of what they perceived by imagination; and not by sure mental
  laws; but our investigation must be confined to Scripture; for the subject is
  one on which we cannot acquire certain knowledge; and which we cannot
  explain     by   the   immediate      causes。    (126)    Scripture     teaching    about    the
  assurance of prophets I will treat of in the next chapter。
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  (1) It   follows from  the last   chapter that;   as I have said;   the   prophets
  were endowed with unusually vivid imaginations; and not with unusually;
  perfect minds。 (2) This conclusion is amply sustained by Scripture; for we
  are told that Solomon was the wisest of men; but had no special faculty of
  prophecy。 (3) Heman; Calcol; and Dara; though men of great talent; were
  not prophets; whereas uneducated countrymen; nay; even women; such as
  Hagar; Abraham's handmaid; were thus gifted。 (4) Nor is this contrary to
  ordinary experience and reason。 (5) Men of great imaginative power are
  less fitted for abstract reasoning; whereas those who excel in intellect and
  its use keep their imagination more restrained and controlled; holding it in
  subjection; so to speak; lest it should usurp the place of reason。
  (6) Thus to suppose that knowledge of natural and spiritual phenomena
  can be gained from the prophetic books; is an utter mistake; which I shall
  endeavour to expose; as I think philosophy; the age; and the question itself
  demand。 (7) I care not for the girdings of superstition; for superstition is
  the bitter enemy; of all true knowledge and true morality。 (8) Yes; it has
  come to this! (9) Men who openly confess that they can form no idea of
  God; and only know Him through created things; of which they know not
  the    causes;   can   unblushingly;      accuse    philosophers     of   Atheism。     (10)
  Treating the question methodically; I will show that prophecies varied; not
  only    according     to  the   imagination     and   physical    temperament       of  the
  prophet;   but   also   according   to   his   particular   opinions;   and   further   that
  prophecy never rendered the p