第 6 节
作者:淋雨      更新:2021-12-07 09:32      字数:9321
  parental enterprise cannot do may be done very effectively by organized
  professional   enterprise   in   large   institutions   established   for   the   purpose。
  And     it  is  to  such  professional     enterprise    that   parents   hand    over   their
  children when they can afford it。           They send their children to school; and
  there is;  on the  whole; nothing   on   earth intended   for innocent   people  so
  horrible   as   a   school。   To   begin   with;   it   is   a   prison。 But   it   is   in   some
  respects   more   cruel   than   a   prison。   In   a   prison;   for   instance;   you   are   not
  forced   to   read   books   written   by   the   warders   and   the   governor   (who   of
  course would not be warders and governors if they could write readable
  books); and beaten or otherwise tormented if you cannot remember their
  utterly   unmemorable   contents。   In   the   prison   you   are   not   forced   to   sit
  listening to turnkeys discoursing without charm or interest on subjects that
  they dont understand and dont care about; and are therefore incapable of
  making you understand or care about。               In a prison they may torture your
  body;   but   they   do   not   torture   your   brains;   and   they   protect   you   against
  violence and outrage from  your fellow prisoners。                  In a school you have
  none   of   these   advantages。       With   the   world's   bookshelves   loaded   with
  fascinating and inspired books; the very manna sent down from Heaven to
  feed your souls; you are forced to read a hideous imposture called a school
  book; written by a man who cannot write:                a book from which no human
  being   can   learn   anything:     a   book   which;   though   you   may   decipher   it;
  you   cannot   in   any   fruitful   sense   read;   though   the   enforced   attempt   will
  make   you   loathe      the   sight  of   a   book  all   the  rest   of   your  life。 With
  millions of acres of woods and valleys and hills and wind and air and birds
  and streams and fishes and all sorts of instructive and healthy things easily
  accessible; or with streets and shop windows and crowds and vehicles and
  all sorts of city delights at the door; you are forced to sit; not in a room
  with some human grace and comfort or furniture and decoration; but in a
  stalled pound with a lot of other children; beaten if you talk; beaten if you
  move; beaten if you cannot prove by answering idiotic questions that even
  when you escaped from the pound and from the eye of your gaoler; you
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  were   still   agonizing   over his   detestable sham  books   instead of   daring   to
  live。 And your childish hatred of your gaoler and flogger is nothing to his
  adult hatred of you; for he is a slave forced to endure your society for his
  daily bread。      You have not even the satisfaction of knowing how you are
  torturing him and how he loathes you; and you give yourself unnecessary
  pains   to   annoy   him   with   furtive   tricks   and   spiteful   doing   of   forbidden
  things。     No   wonder   he   is   sometimes   provoked   to   fiendish   outbursts   of
  wrath。     No wonder men of downright sense; like Dr Johnson; admit that
  under such circumstances children will not learn anything unless they are
  so cruelly beaten that they make desperate efforts to memorize words and
  phrases   to   escape     flagellation。    It   is  a   ghastly   business;   quite  beyond
  words; this schooling。
  And   now   I   hear   cries   of   protest   arising   all   round。   First   my   own
  schoolmasters;   or   their   ghosts;   asking   whether   I   was   cruelly   beaten   at
  school?      No; but then I did not learn anything at school。                Dr Johnson's
  schoolmaster presumably did care enough whether Sam learned anything
  to beat him savagely enough to force him to lame his mind for Johnson's
  great     mind    _was_      lamedby      learning    his   lessons。      None      of   my
  schoolmasters really cared a rap (or perhaps it would be fairer to them to
  say that their employers did not care a rap and therefore did not give them
  the necessary caning powers) whether I learnt my lessons or not; provided
  my   father   paid   my   schooling   bill;   the   collection   of   which   was   the   real
  object   of   the   school。   Consequently   I   did   not   learn   my   school   lessons;
  having much more important ones in hand; with the result that I have not
  wasted my life trifling with literary fools in taverns as Johnson did when
  he should have been shaking England with the thunder of his spirit。                      My
  schooling   did   me   a   great   deal   of   harm   and   no   good   whatever:     it   was
  simply dragging a child's soul through the dirt; but I escaped Squeers and
  Creakle just as I escaped Johnson and Carlyle。                And this is what happens
  to   most   of   us。  We   are   not   effectively   coerced   to   learn:    we   stave   off
  punishment as far as we can by lying and trickery and guessing and using
  our wits; and when this does not suffice we scribble impositions; or suffer
  extra   imprisonments〃keeping   in〃   was   the   phrase   in   my   timeor   let   a
  master strike us with a cane and fall back on our pride at being able to hear
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  it   physically   (he   not   being   allowed   to   hit   us   too   hard)   to   outface   the
  dishonor we should have been taught to die rather than endure。                      And so
  idleness and worthlessness on the one hand and a pretence of coercion on
  the   other   became   a   despicable   routine。      If   my   schoolmasters   had   been
  really engaged in educating me instead of painfully earning their bread by
  keeping me from annoying my elders they would have turned me out of
  the school;  telling   me   that   I  was   thoroughly  disloyal   to   it;   that   I had   no
  intention of learning; that I was mocking and distracting the boys who did
  wish to learn; that I was a liar and a shirker and a seditious little nuisance;
  and that nothing could injure me in character and degrade their occupation
  more   than   allowing   me   (much   less   forcing   me)   to   remain   in   the   school
  under   such   conditions。      But   in   order   to   get   expelled;   it   was   necessary
  commit a crime of such atrocity that the parents of other boys would have
  threatened       to   remove     their    sons    sooner     than   allow     them     to   be
  schoolfellows   with   the   delinquent。         I   can   remember   only   one   case   in
  which such a penalty was threatened; and in that case the culprit; a boarder;
  had kissed a housemaid; or possibly; being a handsome youth; been kissed
  by her。     She did not kiss me;   and nobody ever dreamt of expelling  me。
  The truth was; a boy meant just so much a year to the institution。                      That
  was why he was kept there against his will。                That was why he was kept
  there   when     his  expulsion     would    have    been   an   unspeakable      relief  and
  benefit both to his teachers and himself。
  It may be argued that if the uncommercial attitude had been taken; and
  all   the   disloyal   wasters   and   idlers   shewn   sternly   to   the   door;   the   school
  would not have been emptied; but filled。               But so honest an attitude was
  impossible。       The masters must have hated the school much more than the
  boys   did。    Just   as   you   cannot   imprison   a   man   without   imprisoning   a
  warder to see that he does not escape; the warder being tied to the prison
  as effectually by the fear of unemployment and starvation as the prisoner
  is   by   the   bolts   and   bars;   so   these   poor   schoolmasters;   with   their   small
  salaries and large classes; were as much prisoners as we were; and much
  more   responsible   and   anxious   ones。   They   could   not   impose   the   heroic
  attitude   on   their   employers;   nor   would   they   have   been   able   to   obtain
  places as schoolmasters if their habits had been heroic。                  For the best of
  … Page 24…
  them     their   employment        was    provisional:      they     looked    forward     to
  escaping   from   it   into   the   pulpit。  The   ablest   and   most   impatient   of   them
  were often so irritated by the awkward; slow…witted; slovenly boys:                     that
  is; the ones that required special consideration and patient treatment; that