第 24 节
作者:管他三七二十一      更新:2021-12-07 09:25      字数:9322
  respectful admiration; the women; with their inflammable jealousy
  and ready hatred in another of the quality they value most in
  themselves。  But the country girl was too many for them: she would
  neither see nor bear; but moved sedately on; and calmly crushed
  them with her Southern beauty。  Their dry; powdered faces could not
  live by the side of her glowing skin; with nature's delicate gloss
  upon it; and the rich blood mantling below it。  The got…up
  beauties; i。e。; the majority; seemed literally to fade and wither
  as she passed。
  Mrs。 Lucas got to her; suppressed a slight maternal pang; having
  daughters to marry; and took her line in a moment; here was a decoy
  duck。  Mrs。 Lucas was all graciousness; made acquaintance; and took
  a little turn with her; introducing her to one or two persons;
  among the rest; to the malignant woman; Mrs。 Barr。  Mrs。 Barr; on
  this; ceased to look daggers and substituted icicles; but on the
  hateful beauty moving away; dropped the icicles; and resumed the
  The rooms filled; the heat became oppressive; and the mixed odors
  of flowers; scents; and perspiring humanity; sickening。  Some;
  unable to bear it; trickled out of the room; and sat all down the
  Rosa began to feel faint。  Up came a tall; sprightly girl; whose
  pertness was redeemed by a certain bonhomie; and said; 〃Mrs。
  Staines; I believe?  I am to make myself agreeable to you。  That is
  the order from headquarters。〃
  〃Miss Lucas;〃 said Staines。
  She jerked a little off…hand bow to him; and said; 〃Will you trust
  her to me for five minutes?〃
  〃Certainly。〃  But he did not much like it。
  Miss Lucas carried her off; and told Dr。 Staines; over her
  shoulder; now he could flirt to his heart's content。
  〃Thank you;〃 said he dryly。  〃I'll await your return。〃
  〃Oh; there are some much greater flirts here than I am;〃 said the
  ready Miss Lucas; and whispering something in Mrs。 Staines's ear;
  suddenly glided with her behind a curtain; pressed a sort of button
  fixed to a looking…glass door。  The door opened; and behold they
  were in a delicious place; for which I can hardly find a word;
  since it was a boudoir and a conservatory in one: a large octagon;
  the walls lined from floor to ceiling with looking…glasses of
  moderate width; at intervals; and with creepers that covered the
  intervening spaces of the wall; and were trained so as to break the
  outline of the glasses without greatly clouding the reflection。
  Ferns; in great variety; were grouped in a deep crescent; and in
  the bight of this green bay were a small table and chairs。  As
  there were no hot…house plants; the temperature was very cool;
  compared with the reeking oven they had escaped; and a little
  fountain bubbled; and fed a little meandering gutter that trickled
  away among the ferns; it ran crystal clear over little bright
  pebbles and shells。  It did not always run; you understand; but
  Miss Lucas turned a secret tap; and started it。
  〃Oh; how heavenly!〃 said Rosa; with a sigh of relief; 〃and how good
  of you to bring me here!〃
  〃Yes; by rights I ought to have waited till you fainted。  But there
  is no making acquaintance among all those people。  Mamma will ask
  such crowds; one is like a fly in a glue…pot。〃
  Miss Lucas had good nature; smartness; and animal spirits; hence
  arose a vivacity and fluency that were often amusing; and passed
  for very clever。  Reserve she had none; would talk about strangers;
  or friends; herself; her mother; her God; and the last buffoon…
  singer; in a breath。  At a hint from Rosa; she told her who the
  lady in the pink dress was; and the lady in the violet velvet; and
  so on; for each lady was defined by her dress; and; more or less;
  quizzed by this show…woman; not exactly out of malice; but because
  it is smarter and more natural to decry than to praise; and a
  little medisance is the spice to gossip; belongs to it; as mint
  sauce to lamb。  So they chatted away; and were pleased with each
  other; and made friends; and there; in cool grot; quite forgot the
  sufferings of their fellow…creatures in the adjacent Turkish bath;
  yclept society。  It was Rosa who first recollected herself。  〃Will
  not Mrs。 Lucas be angry with me; if I keep you all to myself?〃
  〃Oh no; but I'm afraid we must go into the hot…house again。  I like
  the greenhouse best; with such a nice companion。〃
  They slipped noiselessly into the throng again; and wriggled about;
  Miss Lucas presenting her new friend to several ladies and
  Presently Staines found them; and then Miss Lucas wriggled away;
  and in due course the room was thinned by many guests driving off
  home; or to balls; and other receptions; and Dr。 Staines and Mrs。
  Staines went home to the Bijou。  Here the physician prescribed bed;
  but the lady would not hear of such a thing until she had talked it
  all over。  So they compared notes; and Rosa told him how well she
  had got on with Miss Lucas; and made a friendship。  〃But for that;〃
  said she; 〃I should be sorry I went among those people; such a
  〃Dowdy!〃 said Staines。  〃Why; you stormed the town; you were the
  great success of the night; and; for all I know; of the season。〃
  The wretch delivered this with unbecoming indifference。
  〃It is too bad to mock me; Christie。  Where were your eyes?〃
  〃To the best of my recollection; they were one on each side of my
  〃Yes; but some people are eyes and no eyes。〃
  〃I scorn the imputation; try me。〃
  〃Very well。  Then did you see that lady in sky…blue silk;
  embroidered with flowers; and flounced with white velvet; and the
  corsage point lace; and oh; such emeralds?〃
  〃I did; a tall; skinny woman; with eyes resembling her jewels in
  color; though not in brightness。〃
  〃Never mind her eyes; it is her dress I am speaking of。  Exquisite;
  and what a coiffure!  Well; did you see HER in the black velvet;
  trimmed so deep with Chantilly lace; wave on wave; and her head…
  dress of crimson flowers; and such a riviere of diamonds; oh; dear!
  oh; dear!〃
  〃I did; love。  The room was an oven; but her rubicund face and
  suffocating costume made it seem a furnace。〃
  〃Stuff!  Well; did you see the lady in the corn…colored silk; and
  poppies in her hair?〃
  〃Of course I did。  Ceres in person。  She made me feel hot; too; but
  I cooled myself a bit at her pale; sickly face。〃
  〃Never mind their faces; that is not the point。〃
  〃Oh; excuse me; it is always a point with us benighted males; all
  eyes and no eyes。〃
  〃Well; then; the lady in white; with cherry…velvet bands; and a
  white tunic looped with crimson; and headdress of white illusion; a
  la vierge; I think they call it。〃
  〃It was very refreshing; and adapted to that awful atmosphere。  It
  was the nearest approach to nudity I ever saw; even amongst
  fashionable people。〃
  〃It was lovely; and then that superb figure in white illusion and
  gold; with all those narrow flounces over her slip of white silk
  glacee; and a wreath of white flowers; with gold wheat ears amongst
  them; in her hair; and oh! oh! oh! her pearls; oriental; and as big
  as almonds!〃
  〃And oh! oh! oh! her nose! reddish; and as long as a woodcock's。〃
  〃Noses! noses! stupid!  That is not what strikes you first in a
  woman dressed like an angel。〃
  〃Well; if you were to run up against that one; as I nearly did; her
  nose WOULD be the thing that would strike you first。  Nose! it was
  a rostrum! the spear…head of Goliah。〃
  〃Now; don't; Christopher。  This is no laughing matter。  Do you mean
  you were not ashamed of your wife?  I was。〃
  〃No; I was not; you had but one rival; a very young lady; wise
  before her age; a blonde; with violet eyes。  She was dressed in
  light mauve…colored silk; without a single flounce; or any other
  tomfoolery to fritter away the sheen and color of an exquisite
  material; her sunny hair was another wave of color; wreathed with a
  thin line of white jessamine flowers closely woven; that scented
  the air。  This girl was the moon of that assembly; and you were the
  〃I never even saw her。〃
  〃Eyes and no eyes。  She saw you; and said; 'Oh; what a beautiful
  creature!' for I heard her。  As for the old stagers; whom you
  admire so; their faces were all clogged with powder; the pores
  stopped up; the true texture of the skin abolished。  They looked
  downright nasty; whenever you or that young girl passed by them。
  Then it was you saw to what a frightful extent women are got up in
  our day; even young women; and respectable women。  No; Rosa; dress
  can do little for you; you have beautyreal beauty。〃
  〃Beauty!  That passes unnoticed; unless one is well dressed。〃
  〃Then what an obscure pair the Apollo Belvidere and the Venus de
  Medicis must be。〃
  〃Oh! they are dressedin marble。〃
  Christopher Staines stared first; then smiled。
  〃Well done;〃 said he; admiringly。  〃That IS a knockdown blow。  So
  now you have silenced your husband; go you to bed directly。  I
  can't afford you diamonds; so I will take care of that little
  insignificant trifle; your beauty。〃
  Mrs。 Staines and Mrs。 Lucas exchanged calls; and soon Mrs。 Staines
  could no longer complain she was out of the world。  Mrs。 Lucas
  invited her to every party; because her beauty was an instrument of
  attraction she knew how to use; and